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[谋学网首发] 北师18秋《专科英语(一)》在线考核试卷(资料)

发表于 2018-11-28 11:07:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1,This is my friend Jane.
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第2题,Hello, may I speak to Lucy?
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第3题,What can I do for you?
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第4题,Hi, Ann. Nice to see you again.
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第5题,Why not go out for a walk?
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第6题,I’d like to book two rooms.
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第7题,I think it’s time for me to check in.
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第8题,What do you think of going by train?
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第9题,Do you have a bigger size?
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第10题,It looks nice, but it’s too expensive.
A、I want to buy a skirt for my daughter.
B、Hold on for a moment. Sorry, she’s out.
C、No, it’s the only one left.
D、How do you do?
E、It’s a great idea.
F、Ok and how long will you stay here?
G、Wish you a good trip.
H、But the quality is good and it’s worth
I、your money.
J、Nice to see you too.
K、It is safer but takes more time.

第11题,--Hello. May I speak to Tom Smith?   
--Yes. _______.
A、My name’s Tom Smith
B、I’m Tom Smith
C、This is Tom Smith
D、Tom Smith’s me

第12题,--I’m sorry. I’ve broken your cup.
--          .
A、It doesn’t matter
B、Thank you
C、Not at all
D、Excuse me

第13题,--Shall we go to the zoo tomorrow?
A、It doesn’t matter.
B、That’s nothing.
C、Good idea!
D、You’re welcome.

第14题,--Will you go shopping together with us this Sunday, Jenny?   
--Yes, __________.
A、I do
B、I’d like to
C、I’d love to do
D、I’m busy

第15题,--I haven’t seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?
--________. His mother told me that he was in hospital.
A、I am afraid so
B、I hope not
C、I don’t expect
D、I am afraid not


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