Marking criteria:
50 The task set is fully realized and the ideas are relevant and well-developed. Ideas are logically organized and a wide range of vocabulary and complex structures is used effectively. Register is consistently appropriate. There would be a positive effect on the target reader.
40 There is good realization of the task set and the main ideas are relevant and developed. Ideas are logically organized and a good range of vocabulary and complex structures is used accurately. Register is, on the whole, appropriate. There would be a positive effect on the target reader.
30 There is reasonable realization of the task set and the main ideas are relevant but some may lack clarity. Ideas are generally logically organized and an adequate range of vocabulary is used but word choice may lack precision in places. There is an adequate range of structures used, although errors in grammar occur and may cause difficulty for the reader. Register may be inconsistent/ inappropriate. It would, on the whole, achieve the desired effect on the reader.
20 The attempt at the task is poor and ideas are not organized coherently. The range of vocabulary is inadequate for or unrelated to the task and the range of vocabulary is very limited. Register is inappropriate for task. There would be a very negative effect on the target reader.
0-10 The attempt achieves nothing and there is too little language for assessment or it is totally irrelevant or totally illegible.