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发表于 2022-4-23 01:13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 [0 ]9 X5 |: E. {6 r* ?试卷总分:100    得分:100
' A6 ^; F, B4 Y' S. s+ |+ S第1,Youngpeoplearenottostandandlookatworksofarttheywantarttheycanparticipatein
# T( Y* v! x% k3 D/ ]A、conservative' b, g9 f  {9 v; T& O
B、content* Z2 L# _2 c: i7 ?! @
9 x' B) n5 }4 @: GD、generous0 X2 N$ a5 r7 k( P& w+ Q
正确资料:$ o( u1 N- K) m

4 q3 ?, N4 ~& b- X/ L( z3 s2 p# ~8 v' P8 T$ y+ m, M4 r: F
第2题,Theearlypioneershadtomanyhardshipstosettleonthenewland- a, j: A& u% c
A、go along with; r; M, z7 R7 h5 X3 ?! p1 y
B、go back on
" {( _& n* i4 n( E3 _- X5 F" ?C、go through! t! @9 t7 X9 A9 t* F" ^; K
D、go into. B1 T0 L; [4 u0 n' i; `
正确资料:# U' F- ~$ \1 W) _6 s; X; M
0 p* H# d" @9 O) V5 Q, p3 H

/ }7 v/ q7 T7 p' {! l( ~第3题,Bylawwhenonemakesalargepurchaseheshouldhaveopportunitytochangehismind
1 Y( g0 P% q  c' N, s$ V3 qA、accurate* F  I, V$ ?0 u4 m$ N& P8 k: ~) P+ U
; U( `! v# |: a) q8 tC、excessive( @- n% C  g- L  d6 V. z! I
+ B8 V- l/ g' q& S3 K正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
7 \/ w0 l2 E# i1 b0 ^/ [, L4 e$ b( y$ F  [& z; Y7 t# f+ F; c0 P

. Q" S7 U( A  m: Z第4题,Inordertoshowhisbosswhatacarefulworkerhewashetooktroubleoverthefigures3 {) z8 C8 z9 V
A、extensive1 a* N0 x, w8 Z7 a
B、spare# v- V- k4 D* {. i9 m
C、extra' j$ \' E  v! J: [
D、supreme- l5 C) j4 l" h, R- e9 C
9 D6 W$ W9 {; k
, }/ X# z) N- P( {8 O: U' {& E8 }  R( k$ s# f; T9 m
2 F' m8 I$ d- m3 A/ {A、must be sent
  i1 Z) {3 n# S8 o+ Q7 y: zB、will be sent# G7 a) }  m7 r0 o
C、are sent
# y: y+ i6 O9 G/ `0 FD、be sent
0 u8 {* [, P- ?正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
$ e( L; U( [! E2 B& g# ^" ~0 S! ~; b: u; T  s$ ]7 Q# z" O1 O
2 f/ p- w8 b* b8 i
7 \, @, V+ U% r! l0 BA、look out. B5 l5 r! f  s/ w8 I# W
B、make out
" d2 o# y; M& y! u# jC、refer to' J" I' f" {% i5 l0 u3 c# W
D、go over' ^1 P8 O$ Z  M' p( L9 B
正确资料:3 ^% L9 M6 d1 n7 u, L& s8 k  \5 N
$ L/ V4 @. n& `) _0 d  \
, V) D9 G% l9 D6 _
第7题,Thegrowthofparttimeandflexibleworkingpatternsandoftrainingandretrainingschemesmorewomentotakeadvantageofemploymentopportunities! C7 r3 p! b, S) F  i- S7 ^
A、have allowed
' ?; c7 W+ u. ~) k# z! w& z) O% ]4 OB、allow
! i- B9 `" F) LC、allowing
: a9 p. B/ ~9 {& B  ID、allows4 u; f# ]6 e& {
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!" {$ I! I, j9 o
7 B' ^- ~0 y. @* _+ [

2 p& F$ v' @$ }第8题,Everybodyinthehallwheretheywerewelcomedbythesecretary
% ?; x  ?! {& v3 ^A、assembled
* I0 j) S0 Z1 t6 l+ o0 G; LB、accumulated9 e" X, I0 J( e; x8 h
C、piled. u$ s5 ]  s; K! K
D、joined8 l: v0 `. g9 o! |7 x' o8 h
4 ^+ `0 r0 \3 Z) A% x; ?  ]" V3 ?- u$ ^7 }8 C8 `+ D; H
; B' T$ K. K) P6 @& u
% ]3 P; U' l2 @& L9 i' zA、long# Z% E* V% ]2 k4 ?9 k$ F0 e' }7 k% O
B、lively/ C7 M& m! d/ O6 I% G
6 b4 J+ p: j, V5 t. cD、liberal1 o8 W3 J+ t( L6 C" m8 ^" d8 o
正确资料:: |7 a3 k: |5 y4 h3 l1 \/ e! K
; c( S7 y* r- Q: d9 A% s% T

! R$ H: y: s' H; w, c$ ?资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),sherealizeditwastoolatetogohome
% [& ~" O$ a2 j) H- i7 a+ JA、No sooner it grew dark than
/ l* z$ d5 \3 x) yB、Hardly did it grow dark that' ?( \7 v$ [7 z" E
C、Scarcely had it grown dark than+ H4 L' V7 }4 ~7 X4 B
D、It was not until dark that
, t2 C, O/ h8 j0 F6 Z: n正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
& G; _& p/ ~8 t  L
  c: r8 j. A7 N5 n# h, q7 T# I! i" l/ [5 K( y$ k( c
第11题,You will see this product  wherever you go1 R8 ]# ]% S$ O0 Q3 D
A、to be advertised
2 D% g9 d) N8 g1 a- D0 u3 qB、advertised5 R, N4 R: {) g0 [9 F  I- _
6 ?# L( r9 @2 `D、advertising
, m, v) g, L0 |$ M/ k1 V* F' t正确资料:! A  I2 K5 n8 H- V. w
# J0 A# d7 Y& N" W& q# @

5 ~  B8 P$ T- S# s+ D  S9 I资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Somediseasesarebycertainwateranimals/ T: r  N# A! y$ T
, x! K" T/ s5 C" CB、transformed
7 D  F. I/ }2 z6 sC、transported
  z  I5 J. X  P: l8 kD、transmitted. P3 `: N; V6 f) g/ J" j/ m
; Q: I! z, Y* t
9 J' q! Z) A% S% R  ]! ~: H6 _$ O& i
第13题,Idon'tmindthedecisionaslongasitisnottoolate9 G( \1 }+ t9 g* D2 J
A、you to delay making
% [5 g+ J  [0 H' s2 BB、your delaying making
" R) r! J3 ?2 c3 XC、your delaying to make, a! |' d! L0 q' l' D, e
D、you delay to make' @6 d8 V: ^) e  n1 h+ e
正确资料:+ a# C7 p( ^% h3 a, s! C
$ f. D2 |+ }, b! p/ k( D

* ]/ j- t% V9 H6 e8 O+ ?) E第14题,Beeristhemostpopulardrinkamongmaledrinkersoverallconsumptionissignificantlyhigherthanthatofwomen+ h0 V% o* P' t
- ?" a" C4 h3 u' ]2 e3 @( |7 PB、which
  W0 Y$ D) l' i! Q. m' ~" PC、that
# Q' j/ R' K) e# I" J- Z* ?D、what
' U0 P3 u- s, Y正确资料:谋学网
" p3 g# @; }, B6 n9 ?  U: |+ m/ d0 {8 p% A$ Z6 s# i

  i+ R# {9 r: T3 a( W2 }资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Aswecannolongerwaitforthedeliveryofourorderwehavetoit
& V" B0 J6 l1 }7 Y5 E* V% {2 qA、postpone) T2 Z/ z, Z9 Z+ M1 h
B、refuse5 n7 y# w6 @7 N% x$ S
C、delay$ D# @) M  t$ r. h
D、cancel, z. |4 I% p/ }/ |4 V8 S5 M7 i2 |
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!6 r3 F0 W0 L0 z( O. |  z7 s
6 O% H; F* R6 K8 }3 \% Q+ T

1 l7 D1 {! E' H9 d$ B! g第16题,Puttinginanewwindowwillcuttingawaypartoftheroof
# h/ ?! d# ]: ?, v) E$ M7 qA、include
2 @1 z3 c0 U4 C- a4 B/ L+ HB、involve
+ Q  P: r5 W. yC、contain
( k+ Z) x' Z5 jD、comprise" W6 u% t) n3 I1 }0 ?/ Z4 T  `
正确资料:$ G: N  a7 w2 M" H6 {) V
  M' u0 I0 p* f- a( Y! x

: I6 S7 ~) z& q4 p# G* X8 h6 y第17题,Althoughmanypeopleviewconflictasbadconflictissometimesusefulitforcespeopletotesttherelativemeritsoftheirattitudesandbehaviors
8 g  `- R3 w4 c  a5 ?9 s6 BA、by which* p9 [$ }4 t8 y/ |/ d! M$ \( K( B
B、to which
3 g* |+ l0 P/ r. N' m) pC、in that1 |3 l( N; h: {/ O% m/ q
D、so that
- }/ s& W0 ]1 ]" `; ?5 O正确资料:
/ V" o( G- A  q# L$ R- k# }) U- `" e/ N( ?' G. M
. \8 ^+ R: f4 v. W
% `! p3 v4 ]( Q! A1 iA、unrecorded+ a& o6 V7 g* R; a: k6 K
B、to be unrecorded
" E5 A2 g) J- [3 F4 F3 FC、unrecording
8 Y) G7 O2 @# F) c2 [D、to have been unrecorded
  j# S3 q7 M! j正确资料:谋学网+ W" C% f- v( D% X; a. L
, F) T  J  X/ u& T6 e% f6 j+ Y

; v) \9 q4 `* G第19题,"MayIspeaktoyourmanagerMrWilliamsatfiveo'clocktonight""I'msorryMrWilliamstoaconferencelongbeforethen"' s. y( N2 C3 p" b+ Y
A、will have gone
) v8 H+ f/ O. U0 CB、had gone- X: h( Z5 M" L$ {  @
C、would have gone
, J6 a6 A8 t4 B; c; @- ]D、has gone
  r$ d0 ^& u$ G正确资料:谋学网
$ o3 ]. B' ?( W( o# X' m
8 b. s9 ]0 a* v+ M  x" l, k7 W) _' m3 k! ^
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Wouldn'tyouratheryourchildtobedearly/ P& l5 Q! a8 t- ]& e1 r7 S
9 ~9 s0 `; v9 _3 v7 ^B、went
4 l  q- h. g/ |: ?9 gC、would go
# |; B/ E9 v6 K2 m" F+ sD、goes$ V. B% e$ a% e7 I. Z" w/ Q- ^
正确资料:2 Y' v% R- s+ o) W/ G, q
: J, a9 }$ y6 S; U' K5 ~
7 n9 i( j: G  B+ |7 j9 ]- Z
; C6 ~8 P+ ?/ S. K$ aA、attention
$ s7 H3 a/ D0 M4 Y8 O) ZB、attraction
, I; q! F5 y. o, @C、appointment
; p# }9 G& \: [D、arrangement. a2 R4 J7 W9 a7 o1 Z. v  e
正确资料:7 Y" H' I; E2 t. _+ ~) U4 j
' c& D3 y* i; h: c

: R! Z1 `/ i/ Z! X/ i; i第22题,Ihavenoobjectionyourstoryagain& `6 T9 x4 r5 L2 T4 ^) w! ~
A、to hear
6 C* p; ]0 s  x4 ^* x) q4 a+ zB、to hearing! m# g8 R: L1 Y
C、to having heard
% _- a* ?+ l; ?2 c. RD、to have heard* I! b0 o: y# L7 n8 D" k; ^1 u, P( |
正确资料:$ U) P1 B4 E% c2 J: _3 h

: A/ K( N/ R. b2 s1 j9 I/ K
; H3 v( p# S0 p1 ]! n* f) b第23题,Thedirectorwascriticalthewayweweredoingthework
6 `) D) s5 O1 ]2 D0 }. n- QA、at
, V6 y3 D& b+ Z$ IB、in& c* [; M- {1 P# X
C、of# [5 M: w% g  |- p, x! T
; K  F- a# r4 E正确资料:* u; j* n7 D6 M5 j0 ^) c) V! X5 L
8 p: e: J4 G3 _6 D8 [% j0 r# D

" L9 C1 X+ u7 G9 d6 d4 @0 M第24题,Thehopesgoalsfearsanddesireswidelybetweenmenandwomenbetweentherichandthepoor8 v' j8 l- n0 A8 @3 V6 L
A、alter5 U1 R6 M; I$ S
% m' q2 E- b. m. t7 N+ {. fC、transfer, X$ C2 N- `  L" N
D、vary5 O+ ^1 i! e! B! s
/ m. H' Y) k3 u9 @' ]( x5 w
  }& X: G- z5 _3 i% u
: P# l1 M& c1 z( E资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thesuggestionthatthemajortheprizeswasacceptedbyeveryone
: c% g1 ^/ y. Q' u$ f+ n, KA、would present
: f# B& X0 q; R  e! yB、present' c: C0 f7 `, c7 J
! u: I$ J1 P2 M. UD、ought to present
" v5 H0 b3 I8 }& o* h. B" D正确资料:
' V' v% }% Q& @
( w( {+ {. ]; }5 W7 A* {& p6 w7 A! M

5 Y$ E9 r# R, f$ g
. t4 V$ `( n& A' {2 F' o7 x9 e
4 D6 z$ z6 ^1 j0 L* ~. ]! b4 a' h  Q, [- h' @

" p* g5 y  q: {# b. `. W# y5 j2 D! y

! ?4 v# d0 R1 O. e4 |& o% [& Y3 I* S
; ^; B" B8 J9 D* E3 V- ]
$ |1 @5 L2 f/ [6 K1 Y3 z6 r/ p2 s
9 o  K0 ?2 N; D% l4 U% j
6 P" k: g# H( R1 ~
2 ~/ r6 F1 h( w1 H5 J, n


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