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发表于 2011-3-16 18:57:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ P8 P  w4 F) e. u' q《专业英语》第2次作业
7 i/ E( R: e; z4 g$ B单选
8 B3 \& h% c- D( K* b+ ^- t1.The main changed organ during pregnancy is ( )7 j' W9 p9 F4 A" `
A. uterus
3 W4 B3 q- c; k  Z# ~B. ovary! n4 Y2 _% N2 r$ ^3 N/ b
C. vagina
* W! O2 b3 E8 kD. breast
* H( r8 x, Y& j4 V" c资料:A
. ?+ z8 x8 X3 [- J' T1 R) o2 g& b2.Puerperium refers to( )period following childbirth6 A$ v, y% |. I4 X( P+ z
A. 4-week, Y, S4 \. o0 }8 w
B. 6-week3 B2 h$ a5 m. [! m  j
C. 8-week
9 j8 b# w7 o0 z# O+ O4 C" W( f. yD. 10-week5 g8 ?4 w) Y) T6 c! \, R" ?
资料:B' W# |* ?2 P! k9 P' f0 D
3.“Nasotracheal intubation” means intubation from( )
1 z8 i6 w$ Q3 _, H0 |A. mouth to stomach2 r5 G6 [) l5 y* d' I
B. mouth to bronchi
3 s1 G+ p( x( Y4 W9 ~5 C3 IC. nose to stomach6 ?6 ?* F1 H! k; R% K
D. nose to bronchi7 n4 ?; a5 L0 ~/ v& P
: t; K( Y6 F) _+ h( C4.Usually, which is the firstly happened organ failure following shock( )# D4 }* v; c5 \) W
A. respiratory failure
- N8 a0 N. S+ w9 l( N) pB. heart failure
! X. M# k! d. ?5 d) t. H0 ^  T$ xC. kidney faliure
! W& j' x* o* l. `0 v) O( L( mD. cerebral failure
' O" I8 C, A" J. u5.Cardiac arrest is( )
  M; a: b5 S. e1 y( @A. heart’s sudden stop
5 _: r: _& {7 s1 @5 hB. sudden loss of cardiac output
8 Z, o; c, ~6 k8 {" g8 E. ^5 AC. sudden loss of conscious/ h/ x# X. P: e/ c) k$ _1 `* s
D. sudden loss of blood supply
4 X. j: i) K9 C: {( `: X6.Preoperative medications should be given approximately( )before the scheduled time of the surgery
# [# W' L( m' x3 HA. 15 minutes
$ O" I2 P+ F! tB. 30 minutes
2 `" t3 E5 S6 k% i8 iC. 40 minutes2 J( q) j' T1 S; f& b* z4 ?& u
D. 60 minutes* H% h9 a% R/ ^9 Y  D0 ?/ J( w
7.The chief transmission mode of hepatitis A is( )transmission
/ w. Z. C3 r$ gA. airborn. ?9 w3 G3 c/ _% t9 n# @. v8 S8 S& c& R
B. oral-oral8 F7 |" h; e+ k- O, j
C. blood-blood
. B' I9 Z7 I* E4 {D. fecal –oral0 W5 k) j' }5 }& _1 ?/ `3 r6 D
8.Nurse can apply suction for no longer than seconds( )" L/ @/ H" |3 a0 ~- E4 X- ^
A. 10
# D% h6 T+ N+ t9 N0 v: {- dB. 15
7 ]* @; b" p" [5 ^C. 00 P! X% j3 x" _/ f  J
D. 25; r; p; y, N: M# G
9.Which one of the statements is right( )1 c, Q' P* g* o  P8 U# w; ^/ g
A. Drinking any type of liquids can prevent constipation.
: B! M" ?8 |! E' {B. Severe or chronic prolapse needs surgery to strengthen and tighten anal sphincter muscle.
( J$ [% [- Q' N  i- E0 K1 x6 l& UC. Regular use of enemas can prevent constipation./ d' U4 B7 ~4 I( N
D. Scientists have known the real reason why lack of exercise
* K8 W/ D7 f1 U" }1 T% `5 {9 i10.Which of the following helps to protect against pregnancy as well as STDs such as AIDS( )7 q$ e5 w$ v, g5 H
A. Contraceptive pills
  N7 E2 `2 [  ~) ^) U+ _% z' U6 U7 SB. Depo-Provera+ \; @* p/ ~0 E
C. Male condom# G- f+ F, g; U( T
D. Natural Family Planning# C" J+ F; \/ C, y
$ J4 U# m' p( X, \1.Common treatments of constipation include which of the followings( )
1 p7 E! h# I) A, S6 MA. having a good rest
% k- o7 u' D' K% A" a1 ~9 o8 rB. drinking enough water$ l8 S7 l) a  @" V3 c9 y; ~
C. eating less ice cream: v- Z3 C2 o3 l9 Z' O
D. eating more fruits and vegetables& }" z- j2 Q6 [9 C% c
E. Ignore the urge to have a bowel movement# [( L7 f0 w: c, l
2.Which one of the following statements is right( )2 U; ]9 [3 s: t3 A  r4 J% g
A. Suction decision can be made by the nurse.
/ O4 G5 ~+ F& T6 T: \B. During suctioning the patient can not breathe in oxygen
% _' G4 D% k' uC. Carefully assess the patient before you proceed with suctioning is always right% M$ G; ?& {; l% C+ t1 e* \4 a- m, ?
D. Nurse should wash her hands for infection control1 h7 `! ^  W6 d& M6 n0 P7 G3 b
E. During suction, the pa
0 G! k3 r' f( ^9 f  u2 y+ r3.Which of the following belong to sterilization( )
8 U0 V$ F9 N7 Z& h8 wA. Spermicide- ?% a" g5 r2 ~7 t& [
B. Vasectomy
9 U7 A1 K) C* }C. tubal ligation
2 m" D& a- N. z' rD. IUD
6 N+ @! _; q" Q/ J7 J5 o- J- qE. Norplant
/ y# R6 I& ^& f& X. D% o4.Which of the followings are the measures to reduce the risks from hypertension( )
& R" y2 n" w- O% J6 XA. annual physical examination4 t+ P$ c2 z# x! D9 k$ o
B. eating fatty food, d  n' z2 ~' m& T0 o* Z7 ]
C. moderation of salt intake
' ^) g6 b: c- t# E1 }D. obtaining adequate sleep and rest
  _' j$ n, J# F2 [  sE. change in life routes
3 m/ |. M* G4 C5.The common complications of constipation include( )* O7 H4 j' U8 g! r4 S1 ~, X
A. hemorrhoids
& F  B5 C$ X! A2 [& v# J, W( m- r6 TB. rectal prolapse
+ Z! I+ o- u/ TC. fever
+ J7 I9 N; l0 M" Z  fD. anal fissure5 c( W& q; ~. Y7 x
E. dyspnea, n$ d% [9 B& y$ g; V# r: ~
6.The common routes for intubation include( )
+ R8 H# [8 Z  V; H8 C& B, }8 `A. oral intubation
. V/ W7 {  Z3 A' ?# gB. stomach intubation
' a, ~3 i8 c8 w: H4 J: oC. throat intubation' {( |) s# w0 q6 M
D. nasotracheal intubation.: Y5 r# x# j) \* H
E. chest intubation: v2 ^0 C8 n6 C. Q" c# l; h2 L
7.About vitamin, which statement is not right( )( @0 k, x4 \9 L! B
A. Vitamin are generally fat soluble.
4 T0 w' W) h5 y! e& j( qB. The body cannot store vitamins
& L/ |4 _+ m$ s# U# C  _C. Vitamin cannot be manufactured by the body
' n/ ^8 o0 m( l) }, v. m# B( aD. A daily supply of fat-soluble vitamin is absolutely necessary.
* _4 n7 `. Z/ i( s+ b2 h& Q$ qE. It is greasy and insoluable in water.
+ a; i, K2 J( I* i6 h8.Nursing interventions of pain include( )
+ W3 k$ j# r9 T. F. d( l8 dA. motivating learning
. C$ l# V: m4 J; l' A; hB. understanding the behaviors associated with it
# e5 s/ a5 h2 q: `# M7 }: LC. bettering cope4 U' f4 i8 ?' m1 Z# A
D. identify the level of anxiety;) B- P( M  {* d0 A! d
E. speaking in a soft voice- w) X2 `/ z1 V$ k* y0 O0 L
9.During periods of starvation, the body depletes first its ( )
: ~/ v3 U3 B& ~A. fat$ B8 M9 q) n7 [# ?
B. protein, E& o3 v. q! [5 _
C. carbohydrate7 c8 b' m; U9 |" b5 |# A
D. Mineral5 W$ P8 v: Z$ `  Y; g
10.Supportive treatment for pneumonia includes( )
- k  _& r8 Y5 [A. proper diet
  P* D/ |4 W9 lB. adequate fluids
. N4 q1 M$ M1 v) J& j6 VC. adequate rest
" F5 J' X3 w! x+ }D. injection  ?9 W# y; o( g+ N$ |
E. supplemental oxygen! \( L5 \$ H6 Y2 L0 k2 U
11.The causes of hypovolemia include( )# y* |# x$ b2 z' v
A. cardiac failure; g3 R& O5 L" A, E! m7 s
B. bleeding from trauma
; B/ f6 a) Q( bC. bleeding of the spleen5 l/ D0 o" d7 w& x) v- S* A9 _
D. bleeding of the liver. |2 t, y! S& h! G& x4 N2 i
E. anaphylaxis
0 T; ^( U" j6 j) ]; c- K0 \) {$ q12.What is the usage of “sterile water”( )( l. c- w& v' {! u) p: E# }. L& f
A. diluting the drugs
; j5 P  w+ W* u7 ~/ ]2 UB. lubricating the catheter
. h% w2 u2 t. U' `& d" nC. lubricating the nose
( D; T" M' y5 b. `2 y2 XD. clean the nose
  E5 |& w  R6 y1 [' IE. wash face
/ k8 i) A/ M0 D13.Common signs of dehydration include: ( )
( g3 l) x9 z- [1 s: w: [2 `* jA. thirst and fatigue
7 p4 c' L* z- a: c) G) [B. more frequent urination
5 F  |! d( s7 O  e4 C* {& U& U0 ]0 y7 RC. light-headedness
; x% e+ q! y: V& W* RD. dark colored urine- f& B! M3 l2 W) f
E. dry skin: B7 D9 z* ^2 V$ \$ E& n+ H9 o* a
14.Hepatitis B can usually be transmitted by( )' L+ p/ ^! [; z0 W+ n- g
A. having dinner with someone who has the disease occasionally
- a8 E  U# O) V% H$ e! S$ i9 lB. fecal-oral route( v4 ~" \1 f! D3 k- i& j% o" w
C. having unprotected sex with someone who has the disease
0 H, Q) \" w% [; J6 J' b, v  R% vD. sharing needles with someone infected with the virus
" Y. t& C7 r/ d7 i% bE. being accidentally stuck by an infected needle.
/ [( z5 X+ i$ y* z+ F6 M7 I/ H$ ^15.During the termination of a fever, the signs include ( )9 o7 ]7 ?1 L7 S
A. diaphoresis% N- q. g3 c5 H# h3 X- }
B. polyuria
# J5 {5 R" J( m' {) C1 TC. reddening of the skin
2 g! k! W  U( I. vD. possible dehydration; T( V! ?  A0 m8 w
E. hypertension% [. w$ w& u# ^+ B1 P# |) q0 ^
16.The most common complications in intubation are( )
, q8 K! d' W4 m2 r$ ?8 N. J/ OA. hypoxia' O5 E2 t) w) T: f6 ^3 t
B. trauma" o, p: i. y- V
C. vomiting
# V5 f) X; X- J: E6 X- r! [  ^3 [7 }0 vD. reflex activity3 y  e) ^. N# }8 e, y) Z
E. lung cancer
7 M1 [4 B! n( N( W17.If blood pressure is not controlled, it can lead to( ), H+ s6 K  \3 E8 t' c
A. stroke5 W- @! m" c- y  E3 J2 ~' O% ~
B. congestive heart failure
/ \" l; A: q. C4 X. {$ w' iC. myocardial infarction6 ~6 r( W6 a3 k5 z
D. diabetes) Q& C$ I8 E% x5 ^' V8 g9 _
E. renal failure
( w9 P) X' u4 G: T18.Which of the following approaches can relieve pain( )6 D: G1 O8 o2 M- G! T
A. pharmacological approaches( n; V, k& i( `: X* k' o
B. nonpharmacological approaches
* x2 k7 j" B0 s3 [- {, m* ^C. nursing evaluation
- h' Y1 p# K+ b3 G8 Z+ }2 GD. nursing management8 ?. Y) E$ K( V0 ?
E. nursing care
  I+ j# H- B% ^2 o19.Advanced cardiac life support includes( )
. }5 Q0 x1 E* F$ |/ [" XA. BLS
( ?& [/ o0 o/ aB. ECG monitoring
% s$ t( S5 j$ h- d/ Q! DC. rhythm identification
. O* m8 |# t1 YD. respiration
6 e+ L( w' z6 U; W! G+ j* qE. restoration of hemodynamic stability
2 I: r) ~( {0 q" o20.The energy-providing nutrients are( )
4 \0 a# Z1 }$ X1 R: Y! DA. carbohydrates- W# a/ q4 k5 Z+ _
B. fats
/ A5 Q; w, B* c5 p0 t7 c3 TC. mineral; N# w+ a+ i  W- ^" n7 U
D. proteins
0 T  E7 b( P* p4 ]6 b5 zE. Vitamins  `% u( H4 g: I9 H
  \+ K; G+ M6 Z0 ?+ i1.All hypertensive individuals have an elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure, or both* R" C* \/ f/ x1 B) M
A. 错误# i5 w1 w, Y' \# i2 J! P
B. 正确
0 ]' v/ p# Z! ]3 i! a2.The contagious nature of anxiety can therefore have positive and negative effects on the therapeutic relationship.
5 }" x2 q4 F7 H8 o- }0 V5 o' UA. 错误
3 ]2 F; t6 B) V0 o" |  |% R* `5 FB. 正确: L5 E2 f( c! u
3.Diarrhea means five loose stools per day.
  I0 C! T+ S. FA. 错误
! m" p) Z5 P: V1 \2 K: ~B. 正确
2 Y( r# B3 q& ^6 \$ W& h4.Two persons feel the same degree of pain in the same way.
# X/ D- A' \8 p) p+ CA. 错误
. {0 B" T# D) T$ u$ Z7 C9 YB. 正确
1 d) H% \1 R( b" o5.Diabetes is a chronic disease. Right now, it cannot be cured and but can be controlled.
0 Q" {8 H! }& M4 e: L; o! rA. 错误8 W" p, [! |" h% a3 ?$ @, m; ~
B. 正确
8 I! E' \9 F# R3 `6 p: G4 }+ x9 t6.The internal diameter is expressed in centimeters. and the length in millimeters
4 m, z. T3 S( u+ V( @# R) |A. 错误
% }$ s2 }* R$ ZB. 正确1 U4 N5 J$ b" X4 a( b2 o; c% ?
7.The word ”perioperative” refers to preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative these three phases.
& D4 C' t! r8 `5 }/ aA. 错误
5 l% S0 M- {# ^- J0 fB. 正确3 ?' n4 q% T6 |% x& J, ~: e7 g
8.Never apply suction while you are inserting the catheter.
& X- X8 Q3 I7 y% o6 KA. 错误
2 g  o" L. X1 D4 y$ N+ eB. 正确7 z& f% W# x* W6 H. Z" a% Q
9.The drugs lower body temperature within a day or two. After temperature drops, medication can be stopped.
8 e9 H4 i; e, h8 Q' PA. 错误
: D- b# \8 s# o2 lB. 正确
4 }  x3 w8 Z; w' p" X9 s; L& y4 _10.Cardiac arrest is never reversible with prompt restoration of circulation and oxygen delivery.
# z" D; p! _! @4 f3 I# pA. 错误
' `- M$ P) i4 q+ a, `4 j- w# m, pB. 正确


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