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发表于 2012-2-9 16:27:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  An ( ) said he and many other lawyers have expected the United States to lose the case at the WTO. 一位律师说他和其他许多同行都预料美国会在世贸组织中输掉这场官司。
A. attorn
B. law
C. attorney
D. lawers
      满分:4  分
2.  Hundreds were ( ) out of work. 数以百计的人失去了工作。
A. though
B. threw
C. throw
D. thrown
      满分:4  分
3.  ( ) issues and unequal income distribution are also seriouse promblems. 养老金和收入分配不公也是严重的问题。
A. Passion
B. Pensioner
C. Pension
D. Pioneer
      满分:4  分
4.  But interest rates on such agreements are also ( ) as banks have more sufficient funding sources. 但是由于银行有了足够的资金来源,这类协议的利率也在逐渐降低。
A. slide
B. slides
C. slided
D. sliding
      满分:4  分
5.  Chinese SMEs are largely frustrated with the risk-( ) banks and the stock market. 由于银行和证券市场对风险的防范,中小型企业大多数都不能通过它们获取资金。
A. reverse
B. revamp
C. averse
D. verse
      满分:4  分
6.  A ( ) showed many firms pointed to difficulties in raising funds, lack of market information and unfamiliarity with trading business as major blocks. 一份调查表显示许多公司认为募集资金的困难、市场信息匮乏和不熟悉外贸业务是主要的障碍。
A. question
B. list
C. sheet
D. questionnaire
      满分:4  分
7.  Eight provinces and regions, including the booming areas of Guangdong Province and Shanghai, were saddled with a ( ) shortage of power when electricity consumption spiked after temperatures dropped.当温度下降电力消耗上升时,包括广东、上海这两个繁荣的地区在内的八个省份和地区,都遭受了严重的电力短缺的问题。
A. stark
B. star
C. start
D. stare
      满分:4  分
8.  It also requested ( ) of an article regarding non-market economies. 它也要求废除非市场经济的条款。
A. abolished
B. abolition
C. abuse
D. adept
      满分:4  分
9.  A ( ) for the second half of the year is to analyze the reasons for the rapid growth in loans and the associated risks. 下半年的一个优先考虑的重点是分析贷款迅速增长的原因及其相关风险。
A. prior
B. prefer
C. priority
D. point
      满分:4  分
10.  And the ( ) power shortages in some areas are likely to continue for at least two years. 并且经常性的电力短缺在某些地区至少将持续两年。
A. choice
B. sometime
C. regular
D. chronic
      满分:4  分
11.  That also means China, one of the suitors, is to win its first trade dispute under the ( ) trading system. 这也意味着作为起诉方之一的中国第一次在多边贸易体制下赢得了贸易纠纷的胜利。
A. multilateral
B. bilateral
C. dual
D. multiply
      满分:4  分
12.  Exporter take cover as insurers (). 保险商大力宣传,出口商开始投保。
A. bloom
B. boat
C. blood
D. boom
      满分:4  分
13.  Reforms is considered as banking ( ) looms. 银行业开放的最后期限日益迫近,改革正在酝酿之中。
A. last line
B. last row
C. deadline
D. dead row
      满分:4  分
14.  Japan promised to stop imports from guilty companies and hold ( ) talks with China. 日本承诺停止从有问题的公司进口并与中国进行双边协商。
A. billion
B. bilateral
C. bile
D. bilingual
      满分:4  分
15.  CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。
A. collateral
B. collect
C. collection
D. college
      满分:4  分
16.  The CIRC official dismissed the ( ). 中国保监会的官员否认了这一预测。
A. specify
B. specific
C. speculation
D. speculate
      满分:4  分
17.  Nearly 40 foreign insurance companies have set up operational ( ) in 13 Chinese cities. 将近有40家外资保险公司在中国的13个城市中建立了经营实体。
A. entry
B. entire
C. entities
D. encourage
      满分:4  分
18.  And the conditions are all ( ) place. 并且条件均已到位。
A. out
B. up
C. under
D. in
      满分:4  分
19.  It presents ( ) for those who have multiple sources of income. 它使那些有多种收入来源的人有漏洞可钻。
A. caves
B. gaps
C. loopholes
D. snare
      满分:4  分
20.  So far, 36 foreign insurance firms have set up 57 operational entities in China, including 20 ( ), 14 property insurers and two re-insurers. 至今,36家外国保险公司在中国建立了57个运营实体,包括20家人寿保险公司,14家财产保险公司和两家再保险公司。
A. life insurer
B. life insure
C. life insurers
D. lives insurer
      满分:4  分
21.  A new regulation issued recently by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) is expected to help improve management of investments and increase asset ( ). 国家经贸委颁布的新规定有望能改善投资管理机制和提高资产效率。
A. effcient
B. efficiency
C. affect
D. ratio
      满分:4  分
22.  Financial institutions are subject to fines and other ( ) if they fail reporting and other obligations or open accounts for clients with false Ids. 金融机构如果没有履行报告和其他义务或者为持假身份证件者开立账户,将遭到罚款或其他处罚。
A. rewards
B. prize
C. penalties
D. final punish
      满分:4  分
23.  ( ), only about one per cent of the country’s total exports is covered by such insurance, compared with the world average of 12 per cent. 迄今为止,与世界12%的平均水平相比,我国总共只有约1%的出口商受到此种保险的保护。
A. So far
B. So long
C. So further
D. So now
      满分:4  分
24.  Since November, some areas in East, Southeast, Central and South China have had to ( ) the electricity from time to time to prevent the grid from crashing. 从十一月以来,在我国东部、东南部、中部和南部的一些地区已经不得不一次次的切断供电以防止电网突然毁坏。
A. switch of
B. switch off
C. switch up
D. switch out
      满分:4  分
25.  A ( ) ruling was made last November. 去年十一月做出了一个初步的裁决。
A. preliminary
B. pretext
C. prepare
D. prefere
      满分:4  分

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