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大工11春《大学英语3》在线作业1 -3<专升本>

发表于 2011-6-13 18:38:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100

&#8226;        单选
&#8226;        判断题

、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 90 分。)    得分:90
1.  Mr. Carter __________ to work every day although he lives quite near the company.
A. drives
B. is driving
C. drove
D. to drive
      满分:6  分  得分:6
2.  To maintain the city’s status as the most popular tourist destination in Asia, public health inspectors visit restaurants and hotel kitchens __________.
A. definitely
B. especially
C. fortunately
D. regularly
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  3.  Public interest centers on the __________ of next week's election, so it seems no one cares about the opening of this 20-storey shopping mall.  
A. consequence
B. influence
C. outcome
D. effect
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  4.  More and more people were unhappy. A __________ change in the organization of health services was required.  
A. fundamental
B. full
C. classical
D. functionary
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  5.  The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brian's __________.  
A. money
B. pay
C. expense
D. loss
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  6.  It __________ every day so far this month.  
A. is raining
B. rained
C. rains
D. has rained
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  7.  The cottage will be cold. Make sure __________ the heater.  
A. you light
B. lighting
C. you will light
D. for lighting
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  8.  Smoking is __________ here. Could you move to the smoking zone please?  
A. forbidden
B. stopped
C. preserved
D. ceased
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  9.  In the summer, large crops of fruit may be __________ by being frozen or bottled.  
A. preserved
B. deserved
C. reserved
D. served
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  10.  You shouldn't __________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.  
A. cut
B. do
C. kill
D. kick
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  11.  If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ___________ in her diet.  
A. change
B. turn
C. run
D. go
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  12.  Did you notice the guy __________ head looked like a big potato?  
A. who
B. which
C. whose
D. whom
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  13.  When Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother __________ dinner in the kitchen.  
A. cooked
B. was cooking
C. cooks
D. has cooked
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  14.  He didn’t act like a gentleman as he made several __________ comments about his opponent with whom he would compete for the same post.  
A. discouraging
B. lucky
C. unfavorable
D. favorable
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  15.  Lead __________ as a material for sculptures since the time of the early Greeks.  
A. has been used
B. being used
C. has used
D. used
      满分:6  分  得分:6

试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100
        &#8226;        单选题  
&#8226;        判断题  

、判断题(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。)    得分:10
   1.  A person who is rigid and concrete in his or her thinking tending to have the most difficulty in adapting to changes.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  2.  Early education is as important as the education of older children and young adults and equally worthy of public support.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  3.  She's alive! She was drowning but that handsome young man was diving in and saved her just in time.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  4.  It is a clear evidence that Alan has collected more money for his campaign for presidency than he knows what to do with.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  5.  Two members of the committee are against the proposal that the discussion is postponed till next session.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2

试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100
        &#8226;        单选题  
&#8226;        判断题  

、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 90 分。)    得分:90
   1.  I still remember the sitting-room __________ my mother and I used to sit in the evenings.  
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. where
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  2.  Before the final examination, some students have shown __________ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.  
A. anxiety
B. marks
C. signs
D. remarks
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  3.  It doesn’t seem ugly to me; __________ I think it’s beautiful.  
A. rather than
B. as opposed to
C. by contrast
D. on the contrary
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  4.  Thank you for bringing this matter to our notice. Please take this ticket. It will __________ you to have a free meal in this five-star hotel.  
A. entitle
B. allow
C. invite
D. permit
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  5.  Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a __________ and disorder!  
A. mass
B. mess
C. guess
D. bus
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  6.  I feel surprised to see George at the meeting. I really didn't think he ________ here.  
A. has been
B. had been
C. would be
D. would have been
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  7.  Professor Johnson comes from either Oxford or MIT, I can’t remember __________.  
A. where
B. there
C. which
D. that
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  8.  Never get off the bus __________ it has stopped.  
A. if
B. as soon as
C. until
D. or
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  9.  The man __________ lives next to us is my English teacher.  
A. whom
B. which
C. who
D. what
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  10.  Energy is __________ makes thing work.  
A. what
B. something
C. anything
D. that
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  11.  The thief had been sentenced to a fine of $1,000. Was the judge too __________ on him?  
A. serious
B. severe
C. strict
D. strong
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  12.  As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to __________ the problem.  
A. handle
B. raise
C. face
D. pose
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  13.  Of all the students in our class, Betty writes __________.  
A. very carefully
B. most carefully
C. more carefully
D. the most careful
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  14.  Information has been put forward __________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.  
A. while
B. that
C. when
D. as
      满分:6  分  得分:6
  15.  I would rather __________ two weeks earlier.  
A. you should come here
B. you come here
C. you must come
D. you came
      满分:6  分  得分:6

试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100
        &#8226;        单选题  
&#8226;        判断题  

、判断题(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。)    得分:10
   1.  One kilo is equivalent to 1000 grams.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  2.  The house has belonged to her family for three or four generations.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  3.  By the time when he gets used to the climate there, the job will have been completed.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  4.  There are a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time for study and a time for resignation or action.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2
  5.  My parents, though in poverty, loved me dearly and did all they could to make true that I received a good education.  
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分  得分:2


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