一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. For Piaget (1971), reflective nature in constructive theories lies in the concept that humans are ____ in the process of constructing personal meanings from experience.
# t- A9 g; ~. S4 a" q- T/ gA. passive
9 H; B9 F) J" }0 c G( f# G6 cB. active
0 ~* N9 R% P5 }4 o/ [C. positive
* T+ y( B2 c0 I& f9 Y. kD. affirmative
" s! x5 K1 x2 p1 t. r% N% O 满分:3 分, {/ X! W+ u! ]# p
2. ____are designed to measure how much of a language learners have learned with respect to a particular language course or program.
: y2 k4 }3 Z! s- y3 p, Z7 `A. Proficiency tests6 ~5 p1 @+ P+ h7 Q& f; t& H8 y
B. Achievement tests. ]/ b7 w' M6 A$ K; e
C. Diagnostic tests, p: L# ]# q) L
D. Placement tests6 ^2 Q0 d9 y2 u
满分:3 分
6 ]$ v2 c# E( @/ Y" y3. Technical rationality holds that practitioners are instrumental problem solvers who select____means best suited to particular purposes.
) R$ N1 T G: P0 C2 ^" ~A. theoretical
* X' E4 s4 ]3 @, AB. systematic2 ^% [: j+ Z% e7 ]+ C9 _. w
C. practical
7 A8 r/ D3 x+ ~2 ^9 j0 k) |D. technical4 m) _+ p: S$ O* R& a" `5 l
满分:3 分
. M( Q! A9 N- f# s4. ____ is an activity done among colleagues who visit each other’s classes to observe different aspects of teaching.
; ]/ b% r3 y; p" k# C; s0 IA. A case study9 G- C$ v+ G4 ]8 i/ n
B. Action research; c. \3 f/ }, t8 m
C. Peer observation
. }3 u! U5 X) y4 ID. Description
, C3 |; r6 B/ [" ~, } 满分:3 分9 C; t& M& V5 U
5. The ______ development in language learning decides that learners should take the role to be reflective and critical.. C. q: A; k5 h4 O# l$ w( i
A. cognitive
5 ^! `1 E, m) [: nB. interpretive
$ A2 M/ G8 c( t) {* y. T, pC. instructive
& X9 R; m# r6 r9 \ TD. deductive
' R0 X6 z1 I( d! C5 t/ Y 满分:3 分) X: l; Q* N& L
6. ____are the major material that teachers and students use throughout the course.0 f( n! [0 Z" l/ _! E X7 C% U7 f
A. Textbooks% a. P9 k$ P5 ]" M
B. Realia
- U2 J( n7 w2 B9 cC. Supplementary materials
; [5 E* |" n9 i) r* j3 hD. PowerPoint
. H; F1 Z0 }$ l- h7 ~ 满分:3 分
) N D5 r8 M. ^3 P7 X! s) M7. Cohesiveness can be defined as the____relationships between classroom activities.) M2 }7 V& W B" V
A. reflective
5 w2 Y+ m8 b: F& e( L: m" X( RB. interpretive; b7 `8 H( n( V( L" d9 }
C. cooperative
% ]* R8 b+ ]% L, m4 uD. connective
8 h/ w) {( v- j$ ~8 e T- E 满分:3 分
) Q- N( c$ O/ [5 }8. The______ essence of reflection refers to the spirit of democracy and freedom of the human rights which exists in people’s critical thinking.7 t( [2 m7 ~2 Q2 n! Y7 Z3 w+ M! o
A. personal, L5 a, ?) i& l) q# b9 T1 w
B. developmental% ]) ~" `; a8 S+ x: l V1 W& G
C. political% N [) f$ s x9 f* `/ P" b
D. social
- [+ f; t. N" M" x. x& y" y 满分:3 分4 f G% d* I e4 b7 A# y
9. Technical rationality is an epistemology of practice derived from____built into the very foundations of the modern research university (Shils, 1978).9 _& ~+ |' l+ m% ?5 c
A. pessimist! w' L4 u" m' k. x. K# J* f
B. optimistic/ [6 G# V+ r7 f0 X
C. optimist
. m9 W/ ]5 g( XD. positivist
* N8 r: J4 V' E! A1 ] 满分:3 分
. q! Z' h- U- n2 M- D5 C5 @10. The real things or objects that teachers bring into the classroom or make use of students’ things or any suitable objects in the classroom are called______ .
& o0 Q7 P0 m3 j4 I4 X8 Y1 OA. Textbooks
4 D$ e" q( C( ~6 m) @/ |3 AB. Realia; [& X! l0 p& ^
C. Supplementary materials
* N6 B [& t0 C. b0 o7 Q& Y# LD. PowerPoint
, b9 X" k1 G- ]0 @6 U2 ?; x 满分:3 分
, n2 [7 G S9 s- @7 [- o4 V* F2 _5 U4 q# u
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. Experiential learning activities engage teachers in developing a habit of reflection through9 v3 }$ i! b) m9 G5 c
A. external linkage3 z8 w8 w" B) O$ e
B. intrinsic motivation
3 c) w) ?& {" b1 p. ^! Z& jC. self-directed learning9 X: a" X5 h" i0 B g
D. teachers’ instruction- X) c4 q6 `1 I' s
满分:3 分: }* u; g/ R2 F" r$ S/ v; C
2. The contents of the textbook of the knowledge type are mostly____.
) k, f% t" c0 O5 Q* \6 C s' ]A. literature works' g7 ^8 s( ?7 g: j8 W8 j# U6 ? ^
B. subjective opinions
$ i8 R) n& H' S3 t/ B' I8 nC. human emotions2 h4 j5 n5 G( z& E, I, x7 w
D. topics; v5 d& g/ Z3 U4 |; ~$ F) K7 p
满分:3 分
- d1 v8 Y3 o7 f9 e% T3. The grouping our mind among our intuitive feelings and experiences about people is a process of theorizing our .' x% n6 X w# _' E
A. attitudes
3 K* ?8 B! w% ~$ bB. hobbies
; l8 T" J: k7 i$ |. K. sC. beliefs
1 x7 J U3 W2 X+ kD. experiences.9 C+ @% m2 D1 @
满分:3 分
) W& O2 P9 X8 p7 a( {9 _& W4 s4. Formative assessment____! }6 g& W2 _) d/ m
A. does not necessarily relate immediately to what has been taught$ O5 O: _5 Z o
B. is prepared and carried out by the class teacher as a routine part of teaching and learning
4 ?, ]9 d' \, a6 J( e! q" qC. is specifically related to what has been taught, i.e. content is in harmony with what has been taught" k D* {1 V( H* a( H
D. the information from the assessment is used diagnostically; it is focused on the individual learner’s specific strengths and weaknesses, needs, etc.* A e3 A$ w8 p+ ~
满分:3 分
4 q$ ^) t5 i6 H# z$ \5. Suggestions for teaching reading include: ____
& E2 J* E% c6 L# ], y6 BA. Language input$ S1 K% `& p7 Y! L( ^
B. Don’t ignore reading for meaning# G5 t' s, `! }0 L+ A+ ]
C. Tolerance with ambiguity1 T7 o- Y* S5 R" O3 _: c; r! y
D. Use other skills in teaching U$ F: k" {, L! k; S
满分:3 分
! \4 h/ \6 c" D% F/ @" H6. According Pike and Selby (1988), the holistic paradigm has come into being because of____
$ E+ Y! W% {' R# A! @& lA. the incredibility of technical rationality
5 ~) a/ w+ z7 D/ EB. the new development of atomic physics, biology in terms of integrated organisms
& n+ Z2 i/ p; g. D. XC. the study of Eastern philosophy1 F, g7 d, R& H, T' [# Z# l! r" `
D. the study of cultural beliefs. s$ R9 p6 ?. |- S! }6 g1 L5 _2 G
满分:3 分7 C. _- U/ D' }% Z( H7 S
7. When learners use the language to express their ideas. There are two criteria: ____
: z( |+ S$ _: j# dA. accuracy
& E! x" h9 M: X, f: `; mB. appropriateness6 f$ F0 f1 B. A7 k, o7 X1 u( d
C. the number of words: C* ]2 N# G2 i
D. your handwriting
8 p: Y% g4 n7 m8 a 满分:3 分
. c! b \1 m9 Z2 @8 L2 C8. Reflection in teacher development refers to a process that involves____in testing, planning and implementing professional actions, towards the desired result of improvement in the competence of professional practice (Pollard and Tann 1987, Calderhead 1989, and Bengtsson 1995).+ ]- q0 m! i' }7 [$ |7 e6 \
A. knowledge' ~+ W. |$ L+ ]" m0 _. Q+ t8 e
B. enquiry
+ q/ K& c) q0 A! zC. analysis
$ [) Y% a n- H8 dD. interacted skills
; z/ G+ J* z3 M" l 满分:3 分; X4 B" t; X! C0 y
9. The several aspects about validity include______." w* F* C0 U/ R' g4 d
A. content validity
4 y" \$ I$ P6 k% P/ dB. criterion-related validity# {# G) t5 q8 `3 D
C. construct validity
: g# `# J& s5 e( J! AD. face validity
- j) ]& ?) g! n; ]0 A7 `* N 满分:3 分
4 c9 ^# g8 {7 j$ a' B10. The concepts of reflection have been defined from the following perspectives.
5 ]9 o }) Z7 O* K) SA. philosophical perspectives8 d/ ^9 O8 l+ T/ l8 S1 E
B. psychological perspectives5 c) S) u+ {1 I3 M
C. teacher development
% a3 x. L# j$ h6 n5 ~# K" ^D. biological perspective5 T/ o* |2 a, O: @; A; b7 l
满分:3 分
% V, H- h' i, x0 a! I* x
& |+ v7 V6 K' _ L8 Y9 ^三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1. Students’ active performance can be both verbal and non-verbal.
9 ]! U* ?/ J6 D$ J/ g M) oA. 错误; T) K u! p* z& j9 Y( \/ y+ `6 p5 a( w
B. 正确$ x* S" H: a! z6 P
满分:2 分
! U- b, B0 m- ?$ @; @1 i2. A thick textbook is surely a good book.. R4 Q; ~, n i1 H# v
A. 错误% p! Z' ?0 [7 M
B. 正确
C6 i) D4 ~$ p, B3 K; e% d# v# O# O 满分:2 分! c- h, T* a! _9 z& p9 `
3. In other words, writing assists reflection in the sense that it is a process of exploring emerging representation of experiences. By trying to explain the matters to ourselves in our writing, we meet our own responses according to rhythm and pace of our own feeling-thought. This helps to promote our insightful quality (Harrison 1983 and Walker 1985).. P" K' F, T4 W/ G3 z
A. 错误
! F: Z4 W4 U! ]0 r1 w6 ]3 o* u* @B. 正确
4 e9 t) Q* _; D! b0 S 满分:2 分- H8 M$ Z3 f: ]6 ]1 c# I/ q
4. The purpose of diagnostic tests is to find out problems and decide what to teach and how to teach next.
" W; S+ r; y4 S4 H8 ZA. 错误
% ]+ \, E% s$ lB. 正确
|7 {1 ~( Z3 Q, c" q# e 满分:2 分
6 {& e* s1 m1 W; y7 K5. Following the plans rigidly always make the teaching active and lively
2 A8 R& ]* _) rA. 错误- x0 e5 l4 J& Q
B. 正确( w7 U6 V% z/ h! V9 u$ ~3 @
满分:2 分. P( y: f) `& y, D& Y- |7 P
6. A written plan is the one that the teacher writes down what he/she is going to do for the lesson.
) x3 K! ]0 F1 s j qA. 错误! ?3 F6 L% n! `8 }9 F
B. 正确
( l, _4 P6 H* x- K: u 满分:2 分4 x* f: {# R, G" _: I
7. At the stage of practical dimension of reflection, teachers develop themselves by analyzing our performance, trying to link reasons for actions taken in order to find out what is seen as the ‘best’ possible practice.
. H7 K. b- A0 v4 A1 ]1 ^& cA. 错误- j w2 [2 |! ^/ M5 [
B. 正确
& ^' W3 w! u5 U7 ^) V9 h8 O( ^ 满分:2 分# G, U9 I. p2 O7 m% ?5 Y5 q5 @5 `
8. Because of the great achievement of science and technology in the 18th and 19th centuries, technical rationality became dominant.
1 [& w4 G3 c: W. |8 w( c" CA. 错误
$ K7 o' F% C9 o# W4 I* x# z9 SB. 正确& _1 ^7 ~5 v- D" ^; [0 {0 s9 v0 ^ Y
满分:2 分
/ r+ \, e7 {1 p9. The third dimension of reflection is that of becoming critical in terms of wider ethical, social and political issues. It concerns with crucial influence of the institutional and societal forces which may constrain the individual’s freedom of action or limit the efficiency of a teacher’s actions.
3 N3 L, r) E2 i9 J5 gA. 错误' N) f0 e( j6 H( g; g5 L
B. 正确8 Y! S; S1 H, M D$ r! Q
满分:2 分
1 S" J3 X `/ j! C y9 z! C9 l7 U. Y5 y10. The teacher should correct all writing mistakes.
7 E5 u @9 u C' DA. 错误. }( x4 l0 O2 H* @2 U: G+ v1 Y
B. 正确
) b+ o+ @+ [- o3 f4 D) |6 E9 Y 满分:2 分5 [8 K8 T1 o5 r; s& L- X" H. Q
11. Since students are human beings, social and interpersonal relationship needs effort and politics to be built up, maintained and developed positively.
8 v: j0 T! p9 I/ I+ ?+ EA. 错误* _" H7 z7 J V
B. 正确% X7 h7 L& @8 b" o
满分:2 分 H% ]8 [: {* W+ k
12. When managing pair work and group work, the teacher may lose control of the class and the students may use their native language.
6 U: r& J" d* [ EA. 错误$ E7 D7 `! K$ o# ?4 ^
B. 正确, s$ [6 G& f4 p B! b
满分:2 分5 Q( t2 ~6 f& `6 d$ B5 \5 Y+ E
13. In order to accomplish the shared goals, team members should have cooperative qualities to be aggressive but not assertive to dominate or manipulate other people.
+ N% @, w9 U0 j. [' kA. 错误4 Z% E& T& X5 \0 P% @. \# f
B. 正确7 c. K, e# \' U# ]1 A
满分:2 分. } F. \! B1 y4 E$ ~9 y. r% L0 K8 g" }
14. What is crucial of placement tests is not their purpose but their content.
9 ?; P$ n- ?7 J- ]7 q' ~A. 错误
& ~- ~7 @0 o1 bB. 正确: L5 y" K+ s* P3 @! o& ^3 f
满分:2 分% u1 z3 d! \. r. a
15. Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives.9 o" u9 [& q- n, i; ~: f
A. 错误
, J$ D% P: Y( g! GB. 正确
4 E. ^* L$ f7 \' v# i: J& k 满分:2 分
. C0 D5 {1 a8 K6 ^16. Reading starts with writing .
2 ~" I6 T( `" BA. 错误
2 n( n, b; N, x2 V* hB. 正确
+ l& r) v: z( U% m; W+ S& X 满分:2 分4 s! o# G) I; I4 e! ?( a
17. Closure of lesson plan is usually about assignments
c4 |4 B o/ U8 H, A3 q& dA. 错误
: {% O K" O" h4 U2 W5 hB. 正确) d# _6 n" s* v& ?' g
满分:2 分
3 j: J7 d: N, p! _; n18. Objective testing requires judgment on the part of the scorer.6 q% w0 f; }7 B C
A. 错误
+ @+ s# w; R* U8 S5 iB. 正确
. n3 o4 Z/ T/ E% d. D* d0 M" t# d 满分:2 分3 ~8 u) M; w2 @* m5 Z& L* M
19. In linguistics , cohesiveness means grammatical and/or lexical relationships between two elements in the discourse (Halliday and Hasan 1976).
# Q$ V0 Q3 h) @) S+ w& C+ P6 [+ FA. 错误
8 b' D; u: G d1 HB. 正确
$ ]* U4 N1 A( V, c; Z 满分:2 分
E( u3 @5 O& a7 t20. According to Penny Ur, a syllabus contains either content items or process items.
( K- s' w0 T" @4 ]6 FA. 错误" X) P2 T% D. B8 z% P3 S9 R
B. 正确$ Q4 l+ `5 Y. ^' w, y/ q7 `
满分:2 分 2 \) I. L& R" N5 F5 c. l
& @+ y; Y8 ^3 g, p/ t9 s |