一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1. 1. The objective of teaching a foreign language in a communicative syllabus is developing learner’s ______.+ k0 d7 z8 [; z. t: j
A. linguistic competence$ |* x* G% q& u: g5 K
B. Communicative competence2 x0 u" r( M) F2 H m+ O$ _
C. grammatical competence
/ L. R, G. o+ i" gD. sociolinguistic competence5 L7 F# S0 J% X; K1 }
满分:2.5 分
6 M$ U4 w+ R" O0 V' f4 ^ D2. Sodium Chloride and salt, which denote the same substance, differ in ______ of communication.$ S0 e. b5 b) V, r
A. Field5 s8 W; ?: J& h
B. Register8 m; G1 Q( k, G2 ^, |) V% F3 T
C. Mode
+ c" g) x8 I, m& uD. Tenor
, c+ x4 q ?7 q( Y0 u" l 满分:2.5 分6 ^$ C) J3 P0 E6 D- c% @9 F
3. _____ is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.
" P1 H6 S. W% M" @: ?A. Metalanguage7 A! X5 J) u6 Z% w0 z
B. Interlanguage; t' Y) X! j' F* a+ I2 U
C. Sign7 _9 }0 V e8 S8 U' w* `
D. Esperanto4 v3 }8 T R. n/ D+ X
满分:2.5 分
z/ P4 @9 F" c- L. W4. Words like pass and fail, male and female, etc. are ________ antonyms.. i# h8 A- `* U2 V
A. gradable% r+ J' `( f3 ^3 [! Q6 n5 p" C+ |
B. complementary/ f& `2 \7 N2 v4 Q
C. reversal
' N& }+ J6 e B* A% Z/ MD. relative
3 @0 Y9 O( U: c$ A. y 满分:2.5 分/ T& v4 R- } m$ g( y w/ H2 [9 a# g' J
5. ______, created by linguists in their analysis of the sound system, the lexicogrammar and the meaning of a language, makes it possible to talk about what to teach.
- ~! k% E8 T6 ~9 ~8 I! ~" WA. Pedagogic grammars
) z7 @; K9 R$ l( VB. Dictionaries H4 P) P) T+ @+ H5 w6 V! n
C. Linguistics
+ q9 Z [5 o) ?6 O" `% r5 iD. The metalanguage
/ i* L3 T7 D5 g% k7 x 满分:2.5 分* O# k s% q* N8 ?% `, ]/ E/ R8 S2 @
6. theory holds that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality." l! r. ?' C/ O: p D, D4 H
A. Semantic
' F: A( n& s' v, ] g! c9 g0 PB. Referential
. p h- r8 V" q( ?4 G2 F6 N/ WC. Representational
# e9 h D& H. t2 L& p+ ~2 H5 q; L) fD. Reflected
2 T* R. c: D' _. q 满分:2.5 分3 B- l1 i* D9 D# W' A" m
7. _________ are a fundamental unit of conversational structure. j" B* Q5 G: p- f
A. back-channel signals# _2 T' i/ g# ]5 t% b
B. adjacency pairs. t; p- F A. p
C. pre-sequences6 d: O7 k; \! ~9 m
D. insertion sequences8 W. W9 z+ A* S+ e$ Y
满分:2.5 分) o6 G" J& ~' T+ O4 N
8. British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English, etc. are all ______.
! w6 {2 v& A9 F* A- ^. ^, BA. social dialects
& b$ B: n! Z/ i" AB. geographical dialects
: l; O7 D' D& Z" |C. registers
7 ^. n6 K9 V9 g* J' I9 zD. the standard variety9 ?: w9 c4 ?. l z6 X: C/ t( m
满分:2.5 分
! X" d2 Y D! X9 t9. _____ is used between family members and very close friends.% }8 e4 v# [! R7 k/ h
A. The consultative style% `6 R; u4 h- P8 c# q
B. The casual style
+ u3 A5 T1 f" N2 g: l; ^1 M2 E2 E* i7 ~: R* HC. The intimate style
- c$ M% u& r* w( cD. The formal style9 ]$ b/ A/ D x, e
满分:2.5 分( X! G/ ^+ Q! }
10. The pioneering investigation done by William Labov in New York City in 1966 was to test ______ among different groups of speakers.
- d, o8 _+ a# a# s2 KA. sociolects
! S$ r( [# X& @6 K6 y7 JB. registers. z8 d% K: e7 u6 i( }0 @& c
C. regional dialects
+ R0 M* `% r5 s( T9 i+ T$ ND. accents. \" Y+ Z# ^- J! z
满分:2.5 分
' N/ P4 W# w3 `1 m0 Q
( i) }0 t0 `) ^; ]8 @二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1. In China, foreign language teaching is composed of activities on four levels, the first of which is evaluation.
. r0 h( u8 L9 |% u4 S+ L5 j( x, `A. 错误
. I( s4 \0 d0 jB. 正确5 ?' F% W3 i3 D9 x
满分:2.5 分
. R" V6 c" u' v2. Metalanguage is the approximate language system that the learner constructs for use in communication through the target language.
1 X/ c- W, Y5 `+ ]' C8 C# a: nA. 错误" p& ^- W j1 S( Y0 d& n' A- N5 ]
B. 正确( k' h4 `' {8 \
满分:2.5 分+ `& U3 A" u1 l1 x+ F5 [
3. The idea that the learners have a sense of achievement as long as they learn if of vital importance. This kind of motivation may be termed instrumental motivation.( E$ a3 R9 ~* J$ Z# {
A. 错误
" }6 A) }3 ?# X2 c) S9 l7 d4 _4 RB. 正确
, m3 F1 E! t7 s8 W 满分:2.5 分
. F# j. X" g/ F* y) \5 X4. “He sat alone by himself” is a statement of tautology.$ o+ u! }8 ]( O, T/ v+ M2 x4 n
A. 错误' r* W" J$ B/ i" _: r
B. 正确
3 r9 h1 v; H7 y5 v% s: n$ H q 满分:2.5 分% H6 c' c, y" j3 G/ s
5. “He sat alone by himself” is a tautology.
, T: H' T1 t5 C7 i! P8 ZA. 错误
+ w2 y5 ^: c; D: y' N- u# HB. 正确
9 H. Q6 B: e4 _; M$ c: Y 满分:2.5 分
1 G) U0 J+ g/ w- |7 s Q6. Children all undergo babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word stages of language development.
% W9 @ z$ y' F' q9 X" q6 \1 uA. 错误
, S8 b w4 ~, J. S1 R5 k$ @1 _B. 正确
7 P, m* u- w% p T2 m1 K w 满分:2.5 分! p4 Q, S3 i9 c" p4 l
7. The textual function is realized by the transitivity system of language.
) P3 I1 p. r& x+ o4 l1 |6 PA. 错误! O' s( h' g" ]; p6 j( o' u
B. 正确
( M+ ]4 u6 [* ?" Q 满分:2.5 分
4 }2 e. ?6 D9 S* D0 g8. Textual function does not belong to the language metafunctions illustrated by M.A.K. Halliday.
0 p& {7 ^5 @$ W2 d8 H" JA. 错误, u' a* X w2 a2 j) `$ F/ e" h5 _
B. 正确% K& E: N d1 e
满分:2.5 分
! O: V0 U' f' y9. Language testing is a complex activity which is guided by linguistic and psychological theories.
; Z- W/ {: h' U' t1 |: i; nA. 错误1 t2 N0 f. }4 e/ i" B. n0 g
B. 正确5 A: t8 h. C- S9 y9 w! G
满分:2.5 分
4 N9 Z& v$ t! K5 ?, D10. Speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others. Based on this observation, Leech (1983) proposes speech acts.
/ W% p( X. h `A. 错误 L0 A2 k$ Y! y y7 @/ F
B. 正确. R3 M& T3 j B/ k
满分:2.5 分9 U0 L7 x4 g# F" a3 N
11. Register is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.0 d/ ~3 v1 Y" l8 z
A. 错误
3 P, y2 f3 b6 A9 O& zB. 正确
& z! E/ u& q+ J9 Z( ^' }( p2 m! G% y& n. d 满分:2.5 分1 H% V7 V0 o- t- y
12. The transference from the source domain to the target domain is referred to by some cognitive linguists as mapping.1 ~" c* T% n* R7 i3 `
A. 错误
) n6 P! }" X1 N& N# X7 g& u9 G \B. 正确
5 P( l; S# e; G$ b8 q. H4 ^ 满分:2.5 分
2 x# r7 V% }- F" h3 u13. Tenor is a term widely used in sociolinguistics to refer to “varieties according to use.”3 G7 d! d! l! d* h" j( }( z) s
A. 错误
1 x7 c* a9 |) @9 P4 `B. 正确$ ]; }9 ^6 O9 s4 G0 n+ ^$ H
满分:2.5 分% e M% k" P# ^& W' H7 j* _
14. The lexical sense relation between flour and flower is antonymy.
1 m* T) s$ n/ E7 H4 FA. 错误
! X; V3 J( ^- w- j' D( CB. 正确5 C6 g+ K4 Q1 ^4 a
满分:2.5 分
& e, t1 _6 n3 K' h15. Functional linguistics is based on the view that language as a system, which is composed of three aspects: sound, structure and meaning.
" W* T, t: U( z% gA. 错误
2 X5 H3 h$ n, ~. T6 G! E+ SB. 正确
) R' Z+ I6 c9 [. Z( l; m6 y 满分:2.5 分
O9 t& n* E3 ?$ k, D: _ ]16. According to referential content, deixis can be put into place deixis, person deixis, time deixis and discourse deixis.' k! J0 U* W2 a2 p- L
A. 错误
' H$ ^ w! F# A3 l6 i5 _2 KB. 正确% I8 j! |7 X' }
满分:2.5 分
6 n5 a2 m& W/ D3 e& N17. Both pretty and handsome mean good-looking but they differ in affective meaning.
# m% U) u N" r7 BA. 错误
) U4 O5 @" Y' h: B: xB. 正确3 I( `$ d$ h! |) q
满分:2.5 分
: g5 `+ \. X9 i$ K4 U3 n18. The structural syllabus takes the text as the basic teaching unit.
4 O7 m3 G7 l9 Z2 s. }& QA. 错误9 A( p+ W6 r. Q6 ^( f0 Z
B. 正确
0 v2 @7 ^1 R6 e1 e6 q# C* V3 M 满分:2.5 分
& n0 ]# y8 \% Y* l, v19. The transference of the source domain to the target domain is referred to by some cognitive linguists as mapping.9 P6 ]6 t0 ]: A; y4 a4 O
A. 错误) N5 z9 z7 ^( g, |7 ~! m
B. 正确
5 H' y) }% a( t6 {* M$ Y 满分:2.5 分, d9 F& v+ [. i1 m4 D: S
20. Mode is concerned with the purpose and subject-matter of communications.2 x: c5 u: V5 b+ z
A. 错误* M7 V( J) N1 g% o& f# e/ _4 c
B. 正确
2 X0 z4 M% d! }6 d m 满分:2.5 分
; L1 I" o" o2 s3 g. J21. Motivation is not an important factor in second language acquisition except.- I+ s/ h x& X4 D
A. 错误5 [) D) M) n2 ~8 S' ] A( Q% M, {
B. 正确9 G1 L# d5 ^- a4 O( y
满分:2.5 分5 V7 W. {& D, W* K& v
22. A syllabus is an official document that authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.
) |# E- w: o* b4 W1 b- GA. 错误$ _( V+ ]3 \, I
B. 正确
) l, c! [; Q; n2 R 满分:2.5 分% g( j6 F! u2 s9 u$ J3 c: M
23. The term variety is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
" q" O2 y% q5 B1 O1 z) }/ bA. 错误
* \1 x: P0 s; T* C: R- a. SB. 正确! Y! ]6 L6 W; A" ~
满分:2.5 分
: k* ^1 U8 e( Y, e" i' f8 }- _24. Relational processes are linguistic processes that represent a relation being set up between two separate entities.+ W3 y5 B6 O w) e5 l3 J
A. 错误8 \: P+ U% X$ V0 _7 K5 `
B. 正确
( \/ j! Y; C! Q 满分:2.5 分
' ?* f' j) ?% j/ }% a, \9 X" E+ p25. A social dialect is a variety of a language spoken by people living in an area.6 X( H7 R5 W6 }& b) Z$ a0 K
A. 错误9 f! ~) G/ [1 Q
B. 正确4 S) i; a% [4 ?$ a
满分:2.5 分
" u3 m u: P. p3 Z, K26. Preferred second parts refer to having the right to speak by turns.7 a( l3 `2 P+ c, m. M0 `/ h
A. 错误5 P/ \6 X6 T6 y5 @) N4 L' B3 t/ q
B. 正确
- G1 Y2 S. o' A, {! ` 满分:2.5 分
% C- e4 ~$ m6 c27. British English and American English are social varieties of the English language.$ T$ s7 u1 }3 H+ ]9 u% s$ C7 B
A. 错误
9 \1 v" T" z B8 B7 ?3 E) sB. 正确
+ G* w0 L7 B! N" U2 y5 m 满分:2.5 分
5 ] ?; P) q G# x8 b28. The objective of teaching a foreign language in a communicative syllabus is developing learner’s linguistic competence.
3 {/ m% t7 F+ _" CA. 错误
) V5 q1 Q" O' d4 ~" v5 S! U+ ]0 b4 YB. 正确
p* I4 D/ K* h! K 满分:2.5 分
: x @9 O$ K5 s* C4 [; ]29. Words like phoenix, dragon, unicorn, and mermaid, are meaningful but they identify no entities in the real world.
: t4 p e5 y/ k1 A X9 B7 _7 HA. 错误) c4 ^ N7 ^# Z, s
B. 正确. V. E1 Z/ [* o* y; L; U
满分:2.5 分
5 M6 q! M% s' D$ e) u3 Q. j' N30. Pidgin refers to the fact that a speaker changes from one language to the other in different situations or when talking about different topics.
* u: D" d1 G, e; q2 U p7 A' _A. 错误& I1 \# T6 L; ]( I2 Z* U
B. 正确
; _+ F8 q/ ?' Z 满分:2.5 分
+ q/ j8 ]9 u7 d7 b0 X) C. i6 d- N2 [6 a8 S- V d9 N
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