一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. Output is the language that a learner _____ in his/her speaking or writing.9 Q! Y: p* e" S8 R1 ?! H6 C
A. produces
# `* Q4 A! y# N" B# nB. produce
, I$ {* J. C) p! ~C. product
, h% x. `& J8 bD. products6 S/ F5 x* c( w" s
满分:3 分
( h+ I' `4 i2 }- |6 c2. In an/a ______syllable, the vowel letter is usually pronounced with the sound of the letter name7 h3 _) j5 L+ w
A. open+ X; T: G; z% t! L3 K: ]% |+ v
B. stressed0 K- a! n* D% s! j f, _# I% S; H
C. closed: Y* f$ C% Y% d4 O0 r
D. less stressed/ `; i4 m; |- E h2 m' ~
满分:3 分; c, x( m* E2 E$ z- G2 q
3. Learning and learned rules serve as a or editor of utterances initiated by the acquired system.
! o2 `& U9 ]( K, _! p) R4 p( AA. teacher! [9 V1 |' s0 W* I" [5 n
B. mother
% _3 m8 ^. h* g. YC. leader F- `1 g+ @ m3 `4 E
D. monitor! E4 Q, I1 I# [
满分:3 分( O0 d. Q7 B) A3 H
4. Means are various _____or suggestions.6 Z+ S# P6 D8 k6 @
A. alter
& {3 R/ x' @. ?* @/ n$ K! E# eB. alternatives
5 S; `$ G% ?; h" N0 mC. alteration
/ y/ C) h9 H! ~. }D. alternate
/ ^5 l/ ^- ?1 {9 _7 m( _# Z f 满分:3 分
& ~- ]2 `' k6 R5. The Intralingual errors happen within one language, meaning a faulty _____, incomplete application and failure to learn conditions under which apply.5 B+ G% p5 G! ~) s+ S0 [
A. generate rule
" O4 y( E! M) W) G' r$ fB. generator students
A( l4 ~4 a d2 e5 V2 g. PC. generalization; rules* Z" J& d. H- ~) \ d, H
D. generating student3 r' f3 |3 b8 Y8 g6 N' S ~1 t$ j
满分:3 分1 G* O% W* Q) o O& V
6. When learners are trying to build up _____about the target language on the basis of limited language knowledge and skills, they make errors.
* H& T# [! D$ l) l$ K4 q7 i9 YA. hypothesis
& M Y" C9 M8 b. OB. thinking" L$ x3 ?! p3 \9 R5 l2 E
C. beliefs! i) o& a; y5 R7 H- x
D. believes, n9 y: w& H. I5 V' C. J V
满分:3 分
% Y: X6 ]. N9 p# k; N7. “_____” can be used in practicing sound, stress and intonation. Students either listen to the teacher or the tape to repeat or imitate.
3 s! k8 U X, a9 u+ n7 Q! G# d; y; yA. highlight stress! [3 w: v& ^3 ^/ k$ D1 \5 q+ _
B. Listen and repeat/ P8 b: o/ l" X& ]. N; O8 u6 W
C. compare and perceive: s: o) m6 ?3 w) x5 Y7 K' z0 F
D. read and compare4 |& O' |2 o. M& Y) V$ B$ [5 r
满分:3 分 k; W5 C! x+ V+ i: X) h
8. _____is to study words systematically. This is often done in teaching in a way that the teacher present vocabulary, students understand and do exercises to consolidate learning.
1 n6 M& w" A% @* K) cA. Extensive learning
7 F' x3 K" q# vB. Vocabulary knowledge
$ j; r+ {4 _0 Y% a% w' lC. Contextual meaning7 `6 h# l- W' Z" b+ n+ l4 u% y
D. Intensive learning
, t1 z/ R% u; {# c: z 满分:3 分
6 m& R7 T% s6 o9 q( r2 S9. Language teaching process is ______, in which the teacher is required to develop his/her skills and employ different means to make his/her teaching motivating, meaningful and efficient.2 K* C' W+ U, F" w+ c% A' y4 b. P
A. complicate% Y3 Z5 [' \0 E* Z. P
B. complicating
7 l& l M* W/ [- w4 JC. complicated
9 E9 q8 k7 `4 D( V8 S- u# FD. complication$ }8 u' z/ g; S1 u5 ^7 _; I
满分:3 分
: E/ o9 t0 Q0 {% @' F* j3 e10. Interference errors are also called errors which refer to the use of elements from one language while speaking the other.! P8 I. ]. O K6 {
A. transfer/ B/ U1 k: ^1 ]# h
B. transferring
: T# @3 f( i. `: S. P+ z/ @: bC. transference0 @: {* B) e8 v( v' m" |
D. transferred
% u+ Y. h6 ?! ~ 满分:3 分
I/ b& D( ^' O4 P/ f) G* T8 O7 L3 O
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1. Agenda and minutes are institutional writing.2 L1 M# d* e Z" ~
A. 错误
8 y% ?2 r! Y( g6 VB. 正确
3 P! I1 S% A( K0 E: ~) O' T 满分:2 分
+ X% z$ o: r+ c( x2. Teachers who think articulation is reading are the ones who have grasped the nature of reading comprehension.8 U* K) I" ~7 r0 H3 H! z3 j& {
A. 错误
1 H, [- [) S. {. P* R9 s% k0 a9 QB. 正确
$ c) W& o: b$ P 满分:2 分
8 K9 j9 t" k" I" }' h* T3. Means are various alternatives or suggestions; ends are the desired purposes.' D, N" j, c5 U1 j1 @7 I$ y) E
A. 错误. W, W: I d) C0 k
B. 正确
4 M" |, N. _! L' o9 }, W8 n0 g 满分:2 分, l. L' } L2 f0 }; |% B
4. Real life listening and classroom listening involves the communication of only two parties .: u! A' Z* T) ~1 ]; J% S+ \0 T
A. 错误
3 q/ u$ c' F; X0 g- y7 RB. 正确* U, R5 n# \! J" c3 |! a6 B" L
满分:2 分" m) {" o" L3 B: b" L
5. Noticing: It is the process of attending consciously to linguistic features in the input.
$ N$ M' i! G4 M7 LA. 错误* j* p4 s4 t: o n0 w+ E; G5 J& n9 j
B. 正确
8 l1 C/ P' m5 q6 V 满分:2 分
8 o9 n( E2 w' V# `0 {7 g& c6. The bottom-up processing of reading can be used as a corrective to ‘tunnel vision’ (seeing things only from our own limited point of view).
7 L( T p1 Q/ | y( PA. 错误5 @3 a8 V8 P4 t, ^/ _
B. 正确
4 L9 M- G3 E) ~) L3 x& @ 满分:2 分9 `) ^, `1 Z- T7 }& e
7. If the teachers correct too much students’ errors, some of the mistakes can be fossilized.
7 T, S6 y+ p- k7 z9 aA. 错误4 }5 n* @! K) c6 J
B. 正确
8 q5 N/ {/ s9 H; S |& k 满分:2 分
9 ~5 a: P2 `; l" u+ ^ j8. In the tuning production stage the minds generalizes production rules to other conditions; distinguishes the finer differences according to the occasion of productions being used; and autonomously conducts skills which is no longer available to consciousness.* B# j: s) ]) P
A. 错误* c8 r1 S- x; B4 v9 k3 N% ^3 N0 P
B. 正确
- u$ G: G# {" h% h8 U2 } 满分:2 分
1 k2 R3 D7 r, M4 h$ q- q5 I9. The teacher isn’t required to theorize the language experience.
" D6 B( r& h$ [! T' l! nA. 错误
6 v8 F( L3 @# o! T! B' uB. 正确: j" Y! e$ V, s, b; j, e t& j. D
满分:2 分2 T" \1 ~8 ~- Q1 f7 k. ?/ [
10. It isn‘t necessary for the teacher to try different ways to reach such purposes as motivating students, dealing with a language point or improving reading ability.! g* E- k: U! `; v
A. 错误$ }, x; ?( f1 f% c( p0 C
B. 正确
3 s* f2 n+ o- j1 l- _* o1 n) M5 R 满分:2 分2 C p0 k8 _, {' R2 ~5 q
11. Students who do not start writing from understanding instructions but hasten to come to the next stage will write an excellent article./ p* r, n! ^* ]5 N/ B
A. 错误% V: b& Z9 C& A" {7 Z, q5 Q2 d
B. 正确6 r; Q% _8 _; T% f& [
满分:2 分
. Y3 o3 ~) r2 L; U: P6 [* |12. Sing tongue twisters can be fun in teaching pronunciation.6 J+ [$ {( D2 Y5 A; d7 M
A. 错误
+ |; F, \. B1 }( UB. 正确* p+ e! M$ F5 J! f I) N* R
满分:2 分
2 h0 Z, [; J5 g2 ~13. Students who do not start writing from understanding instructions but hasten to come to the next stage will write an excellent article.
! e% S O8 k7 ]9 w8 D5 R; D$ l( ]A. 错误
' g2 {+ }# V9 r' C) x* j& w& jB. 正确
/ ?- Y9 H+ O: g# o/ h 满分:2 分8 e* b# Y) E! `4 h: o
14. Writing is only about language expression.
9 [" `1 \6 y% w% U& W3 H/ W' cA. 错误
9 T4 M5 r9 J, {. m2 WB. 正确
/ x5 k4 K) I5 Y; m" p! c9 k' a 满分:2 分
& B/ R/ ~; X' w! l7 B8 j15. By interpretative understanding, the listener tries to work out the meaning between the lines or beyond the lines.
+ C- [8 [$ Z1 p$ }A. 错误
8 q& ], I1 N; T: kB. 正确
) q& F7 T5 ]6 n/ E5 S$ C/ _2 a$ q 满分:2 分
0 U' F4 M% ~: b16. Making errors is a conspicuous part of language learning.6 ~0 M/ h# U6 }" } J
A. 错误7 X$ }( b0 R3 B7 W
B. 正确' q3 ^: Q4 R) I4 v. q. }
满分:2 分
% |/ B1 a0 \+ l6 U8 E17. Teaching listening is a demanding task as it is a totally different sounding system to our learners and it is very often a process in which learners struggle to understand and interpret .
" z" s. s- r- A, \A. 错误" |/ T, x" v' L: U9 h+ L
B. 正确
6 I v, h4 g0 s( J 满分:2 分' y) Z' U1 R* s3 h9 O4 n
18. All in all, thinking does not play a central role in improving writing.4 ^6 ]4 h) T5 z% P
A. 错误
: k) N( \3 @( \: JB. 正确+ {7 K5 q' k; Z/ u/ ]$ A3 x
满分:2 分
; J: d& m0 R$ T" P19. Teaching and learning usages is not interesting. It becomes even worse when usages of one word or phrase are crammed into students together.: } s* b) r& K' A i" _
A. 错误0 c9 Y- U9 v- @* q
B. 正确$ R- m: R( d: i; j" Q/ S! ?# `
满分:2 分
) u9 I, ^- |" z20. Attention: It means learners listen to the language with his/her heart and concentration. They do not show their interest in the language.
/ l8 o* @" k5 @1 x) @6 w8 o! B% uA. 错误
+ e. X4 \$ [0 \) {B. 正确
1 | ?2 D N# O; u9 F2 W 满分:2 分 ' i% B, p4 P" l% @
9 a8 u, H. D2 g# I" k5 v- F二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. Meaning relationships include: .
* E- z i$ z8 L! U+ LA. synonyms
; c! h# C4 f' [2 t- ?% vB. antonyms
' P- e7 c0 n; j7 V" d* w- ?C. hyponyms and co-hyponyms
. n8 G/ {) G# y" {6 |: r" ND. superordinates.
: M% h6 l# ]! E3 E7 M 满分:3 分% V) u1 e& S5 ?3 f8 Y
2. According to Grammar Translation Method, to learn a foreign language is aimed at being able to_____ .- E. S8 P0 m/ E! O1 E
A. read literature works3 @7 W' d5 M* r
B. gain benefits from mental discipline8 P( @/ m. } T4 h9 X/ U) C
C. promote intellectual development2 e6 b' C7 P" B; V5 t
D. know the importance of grammar
& O- h" g7 E+ w9 v; n: n4 I% ~/ P 满分:3 分
6 r- ]4 G* I8 f3. In the view of the Silent Way teaching, _____ are used to stimulate experiences to promote learning.
9 `. S# W8 l. UA. tokens
7 ] q* j( |5 U; i7 gB. pictures$ ~* R4 H9 A& a! z- d9 x
C. charts
1 n. p2 q- m; V8 c' Q1 h3 h6 GD. rods
9 N1 R% p( W0 F: Q' z, A! H6 m* ? 满分:3 分0 z3 B4 d, g4 B7 h, f+ P% p& a( u
4. To allocate only grammar time to teach grammar items intensively have some problems. They are_____.) X- C+ @+ Q7 B6 V) ]' u! x$ j
A. such a way takes too much time.
9 O/ k- |6 n, I) e# v& c4 \# LB. too much grammar over a period of time seems too overwhelming for students to digest./ C" W0 [& H& {- N7 U! J
C. such teaching is not interesting. There is no variety in classroom teaching.
" A8 d! d& U- |( n1 a: r+ qD. only grammar teaching deprives students’ of other skills development., ]3 v c- n3 G% z9 x' r
满分:3 分
+ Q* Y7 U1 o: F, d. M5. For both native speakers and non-native speaker, fluency includes _____
6 o, C6 K; `+ ~: MA. accuracy' H7 y. D0 z0 [
B. fluency6 y, l% h. ]6 }# K0 y( c9 F
C. appropriacy; w; ]8 A/ k# o% j1 Y
D. aesthetics.
, W* C; Y z& k5 T 满分:3 分 S% _, N) x' h; Q7 c) ^' g" E" h( t5 W
6. The following _____ are vowels letters.
: H% L+ }* D+ k. K% FA. a & e; f, g, g" n3 \% G0 L" y
B. b & g& N& w- c. J4 g
C. i/y
2 E4 O N: Q* @D. o & u
5 b" \7 O! J0 L& ?& ?! n/ V 满分:3 分1 [5 [% b& N& d/ x1 }, F6 e* `
7. The procedure of grammar teaching involves
! n( V6 k1 X2 f6 IA. presentation' N# w: Q* i2 P7 ^' k
B. translation practice
/ p6 Z& O" ?: t+ L# l1 E/ bC. study of rules
0 W4 U8 i- N4 V2 T f; ?" RD. oral communication
1 N0 u; ~5 d. E) q# O$ Q" F6 K 满分:3 分1 I4 j A9 Z4 W. n N+ W! [
8. The two approaches to “understanding” are .
4 o3 ^& b: p( p- _+ \7 yA. literal understanding7 o. U: v! }% Y9 e4 }
B. liberal understanding
# b( r6 b c. U; h" p8 TC. contextual understanding, h- ~4 C0 B% i3 A: K
D. interpretative understanding& x7 o0 ~5 {( B" D8 h4 V, X5 m, V
满分:3 分( I. d7 {3 }9 c/ C) g
9. Principles for teaching listening after class include: _____" y1 H3 r* ~- Y3 n
A. Vary pace and methods in teaching listening
/ t7 ^7 f" K1 c% ~; q: DB. Make listening process an active one s% x7 E0 V8 D$ K" |/ n
C. Develop Autonomous listening: intensive and extensive
7 P, b1 Y# X! A- P6 ^4 m. x3 pD. Encourage reading extensively and for meaning2 t' c% v! Y5 _, f" _
满分:3 分# U* Q% Y5 Y6 c$ F7 u! a: ?5 E
10. The best fluent non-native speaker is usually described as near native. Hence, we need to look at fluency in terms of second or foreign language environment. From this point fluency includes the following _____points important abilities (Richards et al. 1992:142-143):
" r8 ]* X2 P3 d. T+ A7 g, U4 rA. the ability to produce spoken language with ease; U, K2 u1 L0 t' }5 v+ r( N9 c
B. the ability to speak with a good but not necessarily perfect command of intonation, vocabulary, and grammar;
* i ^9 p8 S$ S' C; MC. the ability to communicate ideas effectively;' o. _1 t1 J3 v' h
D. the ability to produce continuous speech with causing comprehensible difficulties or a breakdown in communication.- m' @, z( n* o z: x
满分:3 分 |