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发表于 2011-9-2 17:16:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  ____means the observation of the characteristics of an individual unit — a learner, a teacher, a class, a staff room, a school or a community.( v+ ~  U! K( x0 `! C) }3 a+ G
A. A case study
0 e* x1 I' f: s9 q' I& cB. Action research
2 g; \  I) w! G2 Y7 U! ^2 OC. Peer observation# P; l7 H$ v3 S/ Q' n
D. Description
; O$ Q! u% m: Z1 W8 \      满分:3  分
# @! N9 ?) t- G4 t" X  [" `% `  [5 M$ [2.  In a______of textbook, the materials are arranged according to language structures from simple to complex.5 m2 ~$ V' @5 ]/ F2 D/ [1 o  O
A. knowledge type6 U3 V/ U& M! X
B. structure type
- I- l9 x5 v! Z# wC. function/notion type& ^) I, W* g* J
D. topic type
" v, t# d: K2 n$ r      满分:3  分! D0 r. v$ y$ s2 m" X5 s
3.  curriculum is often of ______ national and political trends.
5 D3 t3 x, l* N9 W: ~A. reflective% c' e# \: x8 ?& E
B. cognitive9 H9 A# ?7 o6 x4 Z
C. instructive
  @! g% d8 `1 L" _! fD. cooperative4 u) A9 O/ N& s( Z+ e+ J
      满分:3  分; H3 R" m6 a! [2 O  y  ]
4.  Textbooks should make students feel____.
# F9 f$ i7 b  L$ \A. hard
5 ?$ o2 a% A4 f. O5 F7 ]  DB. challenging
" a4 |/ A' O* I' @$ t/ [7 BC. familiar% B4 ]0 H  r( l$ u
D. at ease1 S7 |& a0 s# f/ C$ V
      满分:3  分
' V+ o* H8 t* V& R+ `5.  Reflection as a ____ process indicates that our thinking is not an isolated activity. Instead, it is an inward evaluation of oneself with the social environment and an outward revealing of our inner beliefs through our behavior.$ Z* C9 p  d6 V5 t; }8 Z4 c7 r
A. personal
3 M! c, q- m+ d, a8 {) F  B* LB. developmental
6 `; @- y& J* ^3 [C. political
9 v& {/ Z$ J# R. m$ ^8 uD. social
: i- O+ }" r+ Q/ u      满分:3  分( n+ \/ x2 T2 f6 Z3 r+ p
6.  Means and ends are connected by____in a thinking process by which our mind actively selects and interprets appropriate necessities in order to gain better outcomes and significant improvement in the competence of our action.
. Q0 O" X( p; U( h; i: Q; hA. reflection
4 K+ J( p# k' z, Y0 qB. knowledge/ q$ l7 }: m4 ~
C. ability
' t7 X: M8 u4 F: N" @D. recognition
3 b" |: q% y& n' o5 s. |0 D      满分:3  分
" F) E3 G* g4 |' O3 n4 ?7.  Poster, cue cards, or pictures that teachers prepare before the class are about___.
( I4 ]+ A% q, R4 m0 l# y$ i, dA. audio-cassettes
# \9 W* Y1 j1 t7 F/ w# g* I: a6 iB. visual materials$ s" C- D" a# q2 B. v( K
C. supplementary materials
- ~) s: k, W2 Z" e3 G. ^$ {D. videodiscs
0 ~+ M. J* @. ]      满分:3  分) E3 X: h" }3 V; Q- K5 E' v) d2 D
8.  Reflection is ____-oriented, social and political, which directs teachers’ social development.& v: V! N5 E4 i, z
A. motive
, f( E5 C+ o% y+ U) AB. belief9 Y, o8 m6 C7 z* E( p# a! ~( d6 D
C. action. j" k) q% e$ _: M
D. idea6 V, g+ k' J( \, [* s
      满分:3  分
, G7 U0 \5 B% f" [9.  ____ means diagnosing a problem in a specific context and attempting to solve it in that context, according to Cohen and Masion..
7 F$ E! s% P2 u; n- {' SA. Being situational
* V" a9 X- ?6 F$ R3 w' AB. Being collaborative
+ }/ m# p$ H8 KC. Being participatory
2 i9 M* a5 O) [: D2 F- L5 OD. Being self-evaluative
( }, U4 R5 ]9 c      满分:3  分$ Q& }3 A( s: g) ]: P) H; r8 f
10.  There are ____types of informal plans.1 Y7 ?# Q! W  y  h) ?( _  k
A. two
+ X: n* c/ Z9 V9 w4 [B. three
* {8 M& O% w8 YC. four
: N) b0 `$ H0 `! i' k. c/ v8 s& MD. six6 V+ ~; ]8 o1 l
      满分:3  分
- r6 D* n- p% p) Q! B' [! t- L9 R! V6 L# Y. _/ b
1.  Being well prepared of lesson plan can promote teachers’ image in students’ eyes.- S+ F7 |' w% s0 H9 Z4 O, p
A. 错误
! e0 g9 U% _% k% ~, e/ y1 Q# lB. 正确
! L7 A$ i/ ^1 _      满分:2  分( p# n; K) h. L8 ^/ S- q! a
2.  Textbooks can only belong to one type. They cannot combine with other types.
4 f9 g, U7 }1 A/ Z5 ?A. 错误( C  r" k, S" D" @. m/ E7 F  f
B. 正确  V0 \6 s3 B* D) U4 r7 ^- j0 N$ r
      满分:2  分
# ^* z* L# r0 N1 r, ], H: ^: j3.  The visual reception means obtaining a clear visual impression of the content while reading.$ h* T* R# }. B. |2 D
A. 错误
2 }5 w( |. Y* b( e) Q( WB. 正确2 A: `! V/ D) V; b1 H4 Y6 |$ U4 s' }* H
      满分:2  分
, x" D7 K% d/ j; M4.  A syllabus has implicit objectives. Such objectives are usually expressed in the introduction.
- h* I% C' T7 N3 E  @1 gA. 错误, a) j* v9 R" D8 L! d
B. 正确0 c+ @- N* u, g* z
      满分:2  分
( {& c& O4 w6 Y. U! _; w5.  Brown and Penny Ur added quality education to syllabus.
% v1 D& q  c- u% jA. 错误2 i* n9 h- Y/ @$ W5 V4 F$ M. Y# r
B. 正确
" ~9 `8 T$ w6 V      满分:2  分
. M- |9 }* M; b$ m' I, A1 y+ ?8 h6.  Peer observation is a tool to learn from others and to learn from oneself as well.0 w8 B# P; [3 c/ [: X
A. 错误
( R1 z/ J% b! p, n' m+ \B. 正确& ]7 a: B$ W4 w0 {( ~* f- ^
      满分:2  分
& \: F$ ^. C) D  f* k1 O/ V8 O. e& S7.  Awareness deprives teachers of learning and developing opportunities.
% ~5 u; z: k# E& v8 MA. 错误0 f0 F7 a2 b/ a: q2 ^
B. 正确4 e( u2 d1 u6 D8 ^' q7 O) f; Z4 v; e
      满分:2  分
- |5 R4 l7 d0 }/ H2 R1 x8.  What is crucial of placement tests is not their purpose but their content.
( ^4 T- c3 E4 j: M7 ?5 UA. 错误
! T6 J6 n' I# BB. 正确  i7 n3 e; Z! w+ R. ^( U
      满分:2  分
) L  y0 ~; ^1 V& S0 ~9.  The technical dimension of reflection involves the effective attainment of given goals. It is usually applied to initial teacher education or teachers who just enter the teaching profession without any training experience or with traditional training experience.! T$ [" K1 F) {% j; m* S* N" ~
A. 错误
4 p  G) e6 L2 p& i2 RB. 正确: Q" q1 S% X1 O" q! N' F
      满分:2  分4 r  f7 {) d) w8 P' B% p) a! N
10.  Students’ active performance can be both verbal and non-verbal." D. k8 Y0 e: `8 b6 D
A. 错误( l3 \: k1 @! w- y: x* j
B. 正确
& ^- x9 }2 `/ F" x      满分:2  分
! d1 m8 {+ P, q11.  Dewey defines reflection as a cognitive process that addresses resolving problems by systematically ordering thoughts and ideas in a linked and sustained way towards the common ends.
2 {; ^- |" s, M! G- QA. 错误2 q0 C: h. h9 ?2 T
B. 正确
0 w7 Q+ E* l4 c/ ]3 |6 I      满分:2  分' s3 V$ a' C& D$ k0 P
12.  Personal and professional lesson plans are similar to informal and formal lesson plans." M% Q8 k3 R. Q9 R# p! |) {
A. 错误
7 J" F& {4 y! m! S0 \4 V/ fB. 正确+ ]. h+ n% L' b: H4 f+ X
      满分:2  分
- E% m5 ~1 R) C: p; A13.  Learners should not live with uncertainty although they should try to work things out by thinking, sharing with others or with the help of resources.% a) q8 y3 }8 `$ Q1 R
A. 错误9 ~, I% w- \" _
B. 正确* E) H) H; t# ]
      满分:2  分
+ P5 R9 k3 L9 H14.  The process of language awareness is of little value in promoting reflective thinking for learners, teachers or anyone who goes through this process.
# X$ D5 K$ D* I5 EA. 错误& S8 |6 |6 ]* v& o
B. 正确
; ?  `. \: d3 ]9 B1 U: s9 v: ]; D      满分:2  分
* r0 R! O( B3 b% Q# P. U9 I15.  The crisis of confidence in technical rationality implies the success of the mechanical model and the need to seek for new solutions to human issues.
* _% h! Y, S" v9 }0 m. tA. 错误1 Y6 n) m7 j5 k. \
B. 正确1 n+ i6 c) q& j6 M0 y! e9 l+ ~* A
      满分:2  分: }9 k! k3 l8 G" ]
16.  Literal understanding means to know the meaning of what someone is telling us or to know the language they speak .- [) w) t( O. g! h# L) {
A. 错误* x) M/ u0 t- {* f
B. 正确; {- y; x2 H' r5 K7 w+ k1 O% U. o8 }
      满分:2  分
8 _  [: J  {) m$ r17.  comments that the professional representatives of science and technology could help to prevent or stop the war or to heal the rifts it produced.' E' H6 {3 V. T; Q/ G- d' Y) l" ~0 q
A. 错误4 ~4 o1 M- }, {! w$ a  |2 O6 {8 B
B. 正确" ^' S5 ~' X; h$ l4 I( f; s# B6 K/ L
      满分:2  分; R+ {6 Y/ y1 n5 B+ h
18.  A professional lesson plan is usually a formal one. It can also be used for administrative or managerial inspection.
$ G* o: J- R+ ]  _A. 错误4 k2 Z- `- m2 M0 `) C3 p
B. 正确, Y& o9 h% S; I! J2 U2 X  W  o
      满分:2  分
5 r! i, {5 u: ~% p6 f19.  Because of the great achievement of science and technology in the 18th and 19th centuries, technical rationality became dominant.
, A6 U) w. h+ q( I& n( fA. 错误+ O+ X* b. M+ N' D( s0 _$ f
B. 正确
# g! X1 n2 Q) z0 m" f' W      满分:2  分
7 j% S: O/ K1 A& X* L; K9 K20.  TOEFL, IELTS, PETS belong to proficiency tests.: B2 m) a, K. |$ ^1 r& a4 t& Z
A. 错误" L( [5 ^! Z# n9 N, I4 o7 T. u
B. 正确
& L/ w$ J; e5 m* ?, Q: x' J      满分:2  分 7 F" V* h1 r/ Z' _% }

+ s3 p! X' G7 b0 e( o8 F* B& ^4 t二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Qualities of quality education refer to abilities, for example, discovery learning, autonomous learning and learning strategies; working with others, solving problems, building up positive and healthy personality.: y" ?& {. U3 A/ a9 Y& e% R/ e
A. academic
: v6 n+ R' I7 @, f, C+ h2 ]B. social
; Q8 u6 k" B/ B. W# p' O% _2 M1 qC. personality( a) i) Y8 ~( H; _; x8 i+ u7 [
D. cognitive
, E' E9 p7 }" m5 k' Y! e" a* P/ e% X      满分:3  分
  d" E3 v* t. S2.  The advantages of a good test include that ____.
# Y; q' b" I" k5 X" aA. it can stimulate both teachers and students to work with clear aims and in systematic procedures.
0 H# e9 W* }1 S3 dB. it can make teachers and learners study on the right track.9 G: }. i" q# U  p  x1 }
C. itcan serve as a driving force that pushes teachers and students to work with commitment and maximize their potential actualization.3 N) B) Z1 v( l: \6 G6 q* W
D. testing results can help teachers to diagnose teaching and learning so as to make changes or adjustments for improvement.
. G, s0 S0 w( ~, k      满分:3  分
& ?1 C/ x( j2 r5 |( k8 U: S3.  Good textbooks have attractive appearance that can arouse ______ to learn.8 p' E5 {6 P2 w% k/ D
A. curiosity
. @* n$ ]6 x5 B2 c: P  H0 x$ QB. interest! V4 V- Y9 [( M0 n
C. attention+ c5 Y2 H" n2 r' O4 {% i
D. intention
$ c. W! _# B0 g3 e9 P; k      满分:3  分) m+ D/ C" y( M$ S4 [
4.  Based on Hughes (1995), tests include the following ____kinds.5 A2 v% {% j( Q# v
A. proficiency tests
2 T- A) X3 z0 b9 m& U4 n! mB. achievement tests$ }5 v: g1 Q6 b( e$ h# o
C. diagnostic tests
1 {' d5 {. L; i6 vD. placement tests& {2 e* N. N. U$ Z
      满分:3  分
. ]4 V3 q- \3 V( C  ?5.  There are many tools that can be used for formative assessment, ____are presented.# P8 j3 {! F5 d. R/ \
A. Teachers’ observation; Continuous assessment& p$ `+ P& t' h0 o! \" t: p+ a
B. Students’ written work; Students’ project work0 }& B+ F( `4 s- `$ R/ k! [  I
C. Students performance; Some records$ |. Z6 N9 V) c% q4 H  z( y
D. Using research methods; Portfolios0 f6 ^* v, P! Y/ W0 A
      满分:3  分6 n9 g: I, g8 S
6.  Managing classroom interaction includes____.
6 Z$ a+ K& N! l0 N, t6 YA. managing group work# z% a& u( y& p
B. student groupings
9 n: r; W8 ~! h9 x; [, m, n' EC. managing pair work and9 \; q# V1 [- c" x
D. rules of thumb
# D! B) c( x1 a! e% G* k7 P% ~4 x      满分:3  分7 X, l8 F9 x4 Q
7.  Writing is a process of____.
- j8 @' A9 a: `4 nA. speaking/ G' Q7 r! N  ^/ M- U
B. acquiring5 A- s% P. {6 W, C
C. learning/ {8 }$ Y+ ?: ~
D. acquisition8 M6 o. ^# D9 e& P8 w  t4 L! R
      满分:3  分
3 _% S9 y+ K& {+ x, F* ?7 w8.  According to Penny Ur, process items of a syllabus are about ____. }8 h4 t4 k$ W( H2 E# Z
A. plans! h" |/ s6 t) j+ Z; B+ [1 |9 g% O
B. ideas
+ r$ ~* v: m. P7 |1 l, @9 JC. tasks# D2 q7 l. C/ P6 l
D. methods
4 S) L  s: M# M9 g8 i      满分:3  分
* b( G- y. o! w2 j9.  The examination of reflection in terms of ____in different contexts has been studied by many researchers (Carr and Kemmis 1986, Valli 1993, and Hatton and Smith 1995).) n, o' O! m$ a/ e
A. pace# t$ A9 f1 w3 \! y) j
B. time
( ]# _2 a/ x* d. l% s# |% p( YC. contents+ c& X+ ]7 p5 S3 _# b
D. natures3 u, y7 a, K6 @- f$ @
      满分:3  分! K6 M7 X; B! G, |; r4 [
10.  Language awareness activities provide a process of continual investigation through____ (Wright and Bolitho 1993).
" V+ V8 i3 s, @  k" J7 cA. introspecting: M+ h; [$ b# Q) f3 L/ U
B. reflecting,
, T& q, Y  K! F6 [C. applying insights to ‘new’ data
$ V6 e2 A8 }- v- E7 J& A7 kD. sharing perceptions and negotiating joint responses by participants% M5 p) B& ], ^9 R7 i$ F
      满分:3  分
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