谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区
一、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. Trade credit includes___.
A. open account
B. promissory note
C. trade draft
D. divident
满分:5 分
2. Who will buy securities?
A. speculators for quick gains
B. investors for long term return
C. those who are a combination of speculators for quick gains and investors for long term return
D. those who have a lot of money
满分:5 分
3. Commercial banks can provide services in___.
A. accepting deposits
B. making loans
C. currency exchange
D. letters of credit
满分:5 分
4. The most common sources of short-term funds are___.
A. trade credit
B. bank loans
C. commercial paper
D. factoring accounts receivable
满分:5 分
5. Money has the following characteristics___.
A. portability
B. divisibility
C. stability
D. durability
满分:5 分
6. The selling process of personal selling inculd___.
A. Prospect
B. Qualify
C. Make Presentation
D. Handle Objections
满分:5 分
7. General liability policies protect policyholders against financial risks involving:
A. personal problems
B. professional problems
C. product problems
D. premises problems
满分:5 分
8. Generally, there are several types of insurance:
A. property insurance
B. liability insurance
C. health insurance
D. life insurance
满分:5 分
9. Before assuming risks, a firm must take two important factors into consideration___.
A. the amount of money involved
B. the probability of success
C. the time involved
D. the people concerned
满分:5 分
10. Tools that are commonly used for promotion are :
A. dvertising
B. sales promotion
C. personal selling
D. public relations
满分:5 分
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)V 1. Insurance works on the law of probability.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
2. term life insurance provides savings as well as protection because it has an internal build-up called cash value.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
3. M-1 includes the most liquid (spendable) forms of money: currency, demand deposits, and other “checkable” deposits.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
4. Liabilities are what a firm owes to others, and can be divided into two categories: short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
5. The major disadvantage of on-line ads is that, due to the limited screen space of computer monitors, many of them are too small .
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
6. workers’ compensation is the most widely purchased of all liability coverage.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
7. Insurance is a risk-sharing mechanism whereby many individuals contribute to a pool of money.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
8. liability insurance covers losses resulting from damage to other people or other people’s property.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
9. VISA and MasterCard are two of the most popular bank credit cards.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
10. Debt financing means obligations to pay loan lenders or bond buyers a fixed amount of interest regardless of the firm’s financial conditions.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及提供代做作业服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区 |