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发表于 2011-10-28 11:12:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1.  “John explained the theory” is a ___________ process according to Halliday.
3 A1 Z* @7 A/ T" k7 h  |4 bA. material
4 ^0 x6 T; Q6 G8 x8 S  zB. mental+ \- o" I' A9 Z5 y; Y
C. verbal0 w6 _: R8 t* H! C+ D4 E3 E
D. behavioral) j4 P& G7 \1 I( n- L* a! i
      满分:2.5  分+ F6 D7 L; [8 h0 c& g! E
2.  _____ is an expression which substitutes one which may be seen as disturbing or offensive to the addressee.
0 c; V% s* ^1 [( g$ f6 KA. Taboo
# ^% P( v5 Z+ T- x" r  u7 SB. Euphemism
4 U4 ]4 r- r: O. mC. Implicature
' B6 T! y; n! B  w6 kD. An indirect illocution' K" Z# J6 a' v. Q) b4 T: t5 [  Y5 z
      满分:2.5  分
* J5 B- T7 k  }3.  Both siren and beauty refer to a good-looking woman, but they differ in __________.
9 @* B' Q$ K) G  |7 }A. affective meaning( U  _: h# q7 ^& Q
B. style
) K# T* [9 i4 _2 U5 J  ]1 IC. collocation: T8 q: m) b6 R/ [3 Y6 v. V- }
D. register
& l7 o7 Y+ [9 d" U. O0 G* V      满分:2.5  分* n0 Y2 t3 u5 q( C( B% }( i- A# r& [
4.  In China, foreign language teaching is composed of activities on four levels, the first of which is ______.
7 n$ S5 ]$ I. [' ^A. operation in the classroom
6 p( n3 M3 h* n3 HB. preparation
' g, f' f0 y7 f7 m  k6 L* p, aC. educational planning.. _3 x, j* D( E- i/ ^- k6 K
D. evaluation/ ]  g7 y) I, ^: `; |" h3 W  F# h
      满分:2.5  分
8 t" w4 G* b- V$ H/ D: g0 z5.  Children undergo ________ stages of language development.3 v9 s0 r6 V7 {. W; t# h
A. babbling, two-word, holophrastic and the telegraphic speech
& G% w" j* g' ~( \7 o# I+ _1 fB. babbling, two-word, telegraphic speech and the holophrastic
0 S# S" P4 k" j% n, [# ZC. babbling, holophrastic, two-word, and the telegraphic speech
4 j3 m% C8 R% g0 A/ oD. babbling, holophrastic, telegraphic speech and the two-word
) L. D- [) y% [# V      满分:2.5  分
9 d' w( Q  }' q6.  Beauty and siren both refer to a good-looking woman, differing in __________., v/ g0 y0 Y1 s
A. affective meaning9 j) z! D; Y5 y
B. style& I9 c, a" C6 i/ l4 \; g7 B
C. collocation
$ u2 Z8 f3 B/ U- H# j/ \5 u8 K4 yD. register( L) _: V$ i6 T! v
      满分:2.5  分
6 M5 ]+ n5 K  H1 Q& g2 Z# M% S+ G  m7.  What maxis of the cooperative principle does the following dialogue flout? A: How do you like the film? B: Well, the music is very nice.
: q  N1 S$ M  x* }5 XA. Quality2 ]  c% r2 n- q! b3 j
B. Quantity
8 ]( l4 \* Q2 ]' o" r6 sC. Relation$ y  _: f0 {/ u. g
D. Manner2 ?6 A! o: E2 Q0 U8 w) _
      满分:2.5  分# Z) T" z0 ]6 @7 F
8.  Based on this observation that speakers consider the matter of face for themselves and others, Leech proposes _____________.
( X; ~# L$ r* r) }- PA. the cooperative principle$ q& A/ u& w% v1 N, w
B. the principle of relevance  w; C9 ]" n8 z4 m
C. the politeness principle
# F% |8 m! U2 a1 c# t; tD. speech acts- @0 [2 M0 P; M" \# f
      满分:2.5  分
+ g5 o, O* J( B4 n3 f% Q9.  Associative meaning can be further divided into meaning, social meaning, affective meaning reflected meaning and collocative meaning.4 W- U" D5 c8 {5 c1 b9 \
A. connotative7 `# z" W3 S. x' o9 r
B. connective$ l' a+ G; ~9 T. P6 P$ m
C. selective
6 {* A0 d4 g( L1 KD. productive6 d5 p1 C' }7 f
      满分:2.5  分
* @# t/ q. |- i% W" S$ I10.  1. The term ______ is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
2 U, |! {/ t, P, NA. variety" x* `4 @6 g# g' j( g, R
B. register9 k! f1 y) d( s9 Y: T* i: h
C. dialect
* M  N5 v! ^  T  mD. Creole
; ~2 U) u# ^* R5 j      满分:2.5  分
8 P& ^& L! C2 j
- F7 y" i3 @  V" q二、判断题(共 30 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.  Mode is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.
$ s7 L# d$ n- E& e1 m! LA. 错误" `1 d# P0 U" `# `% L
B. 正确6 |& V5 C1 C: K& o5 l
      满分:2.5  分% W7 ~( r, A- e  @% {, q1 T
2.  British English and American English are regional varieties of the English language.- q) h. V9 B! j" E! K
A. 错误
* D) p' y" V7 I- Z5 a$ iB. 正确2 L# d" |3 u* y6 l! c8 n9 S
      满分:2.5  分- D: j. C; H% C6 E4 q" z1 a5 ^
3.  Productivity is one of the features of language.: N) h; j* }( O) Z
A. 错误
2 G0 g  S8 y5 I* uB. 正确$ B! s) ?! T' j: ^& @5 Y! F  P
      满分:2.5  分
+ C- M& e  m0 T4 Z" V4.  British English and American English are social varieties of the English language.% w* ?+ O; `* Y5 p# c  v! M
A. 错误; B' ]- X7 M" d+ H% {* p3 B6 L
B. 正确7 ]  F" n: n6 @+ z
      满分:2.5  分) {2 t0 E' s% a" d: k6 r
5.  The term dialect is the label given to the form of a language used by any group of speakers or used in a particular field.
9 a( L% ^1 i* S/ [' p) w5 g4 \A. 错误
' p5 C- W9 t7 P8 o. j" J* T% zB. 正确
% n% C  J5 f2 ^. T) c) c      满分:2.5  分. x. l- A4 ]+ i4 F- \/ L
6.  Tenor is related to how we communicate, through speech or writing.
3 Q1 J$ v) e3 k( ?A. 错误3 E0 C, h1 ?) U+ P$ u/ Y: _+ [2 Y4 U
B. 正确$ T  O; Z# Q3 `6 G+ ?8 d/ q
      满分:2.5  分
5 N9 T. J  G! g  h5 b& x2 }7 M7.  According to M. A. K. Halliday, the three metafunctions of language are experiential metafunction, interpersonal metafunction and discourse metafunction.
' |+ ?2 f% }! B. R; o9 A& tA. 错误
+ B* y' _1 y9 f9 h# gB. 正确4 v# ^1 E9 ^$ C/ }1 C1 ^
      满分:2.5  分6 c" B; X# C9 w. L" H
8.  Mood is a syntactic constituent made up of the Subject and the Predicate.( ?/ |: Q/ a* B. ~1 i
A. 错误% |5 q" x7 g% ]/ w  x' c
B. 正确
, y4 Z, V: F) O! p      满分:2.5  分( M* I. x; w: X" F5 m5 y
9.  In China, foreign language teaching is composed of activities on four levels, the first of which is preparation.- U- N! I6 R8 j# O1 q4 q
A. 错误/ v: ?2 C& `9 ~
B. 正确
5 K0 y* W) R& x" [, }* y      满分:2.5  分
6 o# p0 ~( Q. @% E; B& @10.  The products of linguistic descriptions provide the input to material construction and syllabus design.
& w) h9 f" v8 J/ n# nA. 错误
, x/ V3 M8 w" B: d% [! W: x* s: T" TB. 正确0 |( D2 r4 v8 U3 u
      满分:2.5  分9 V( f$ O4 Y1 E5 j# i
11.  The lexical sense relation between elephant and animal is synonymy.% q, ?/ Q0 h# R4 q4 w2 y+ ^3 ^
A. 错误1 p0 G( @( `/ q' |
B. 正确
9 ~9 i9 v( f  Q0 G4 J1 `      满分:2.5  分% C7 D( n# r3 }# I2 ]1 {
12.  Both handsome and pretty mean good-looking but they differ in social meaning.( \" Z, T. b& V2 [
A. 错误: K. h& h9 q. I) Y5 W
B. 正确6 X/ R. J# m% M! i1 g
      满分:2.5  分
5 {. D+ I$ e# F$ o4 Q% T5 ~1 U13.  In a communicative syllabus, the objective of teaching a foreign language is developing learner’s linguistic competence.' X0 h4 u4 T7 q$ `
A. 错误* e# @: \; ?. F: @) e6 j
B. 正确$ r! x' [. {+ g8 @) i
      满分:2.5  分
) P! o6 k& |0 v% M1 R. G! `8 N14.  A syllabus is an official document which authoritatively determines the content and principles of teaching and learning.5 h- n& Z% B: F% j- r% e3 R; T+ g4 }
A. 错误9 j2 I# C0 C5 w; ?& o& w9 G
B. 正确- U2 I5 J6 c* L
      满分:2.5  分0 Q3 K8 D5 n+ k' x' C
15.  Analysis of intentional meaning necessarily involves the interpretation of what people do through language in a particular context.
' l" A8 r9 e8 l# ]; v0 N% vA. 错误8 J9 A/ @: G4 c- ^" p
B. 正确
9 l5 Q/ e+ j& D3 V( j      满分:2.5  分; s/ g6 [# M# |& Z
16.  Hyponymy is used to refer to a specific-general semantic relationship between lexical items.6 c4 M( T/ v8 M* D$ F
A. 错误
2 I6 A0 E* k8 _# B* A' NB. 正确6 q' L2 W' q9 D: m' R
      满分:2.5  分
- b  S) |, z  o; |, y: d17.  The experiential function (sometimes also referred to as ideational function) is realized by the transitivity system of language.
: L& d: u% w, N+ J* q# fA. 错误6 }  |& r' T/ F- O& ?5 [4 r
B. 正确
+ N0 N% D& ?  \0 h. k, I      满分:2.5  分
: F2 A  s  w/ x1 r$ Y18.  The pioneering investigation done by William Labov in New York City in 1966 was to test sociolects among different groups of speakers.8 Q0 a; W7 g7 R. P+ ^  P
A. 错误1 q: R4 P+ V( _& ?+ r
B. 正确9 P" V( e, l% O
      满分:2.5  分& b, f/ d9 b, F- q& r# |% @0 |
19.  Environmentalist and functionalist theories are those that attempt to explain acquisition on the basis of assuming an innate biological endowment that makes learning possible.
3 i" r- W$ ~7 p" OA. 错误" U$ a* B8 N' C& Y5 t/ `, S. B( @
B. 正确* _. T  Y; s4 C- \1 y% `
      满分:2.5  分
; D4 F: c- ~8 J* k% h2 }20.  In two-word stage, children use single words to represent various meanings." ]# Z( b1 n7 h* x
A. 错误% }9 B% D5 C! Z0 Q
B. 正确0 P2 ]* N: B( m9 c/ P9 [5 `6 J
      满分:2.5  分: s! _3 T/ W8 `* z/ f1 Z! {' k
21.  Metaphors can create similarities between the target domain and the source domain.
9 L2 ^( o& P6 H/ B6 H' a! GA. 错误0 z; x# V$ `; W1 n& s2 `% H7 J
B. 正确7 U+ r3 c* G" `1 l" b2 W
      满分:2.5  分) J4 A. M2 B5 |, I; y% P( U
22.  Adjacency pairs are a fundamental unit of conversational structure.$ v1 L& m. z; ~4 k
A. 错误
. h# D1 T% G2 v8 T- VB. 正确
$ Q) {1 _% ~& {  I* }      满分:2.5  分0 D4 Y4 ?; L1 Z4 j8 h- k6 V0 i
23.  Tenor depends on the relations between the participants.
3 }/ r- P1 V" L, ?& C1 \# EA. 错误! @7 N4 g1 r( m% w* D9 c
B. 正确
* M1 E: w. k/ `- q: i/ @/ W1 j9 h      满分:2.5  分
5 N- z9 ?8 c) x8 _& O& k: S$ n/ f2 d24.  Words stand not only in relation to the world but also to human mind.
; m. Y' I9 W1 _, {! J! sA. 错误9 g. N7 m" m& a% K+ ^' @
B. 正确
) f% d/ b" \( f3 T  Z3 A9 J      满分:2.5  分
) j/ y4 O' ~' ~" H9 k3 D25.  In a communicative syllabus, the objective of teaching a foreign language is developing learner’s grammatical competence.* p0 }  V+ M, ]3 H
A. 错误
# x7 @* J" a+ B7 nB. 正确
, S1 d( o$ Y$ [- G' C      满分:2.5  分! g' i5 c* W9 S
26.  The consultative style is used between family members and very close friends.# n3 S6 a+ ~, H$ a3 C
A. 错误
/ b# z3 ?1 D" m. {0 N' ]B. 正确
8 F+ X; I) T: v) c      满分:2.5  分" _7 E! T" E  G/ z2 l
27.  According to Halliday, the ideational function is the function of language that people use as medium to get along in a community.
7 }- G6 m+ _; c2 N- O* p  E3 NA. 错误- |* s' \7 \9 c8 E0 Y) U
B. 正确& ^) y" M/ Z" n$ w
      满分:2.5  分9 ]$ |- B4 ~/ b5 |
28.  The lexical sense relation between flour and flower is antonymy.
8 u- y8 J# |- R$ s5 A9 g/ Z3 @A. 错误
( w9 d5 ~# F* a) W3 VB. 正确
; \. C5 e9 K, y  f3 g0 l% f      满分:2.5  分
* c1 h% E6 Z  g% i; x9 w( r29.  Language testing is a complex activity that is guided by linguistic and psychological theories.7 b$ ~' Q4 ~- y+ [: V2 Q7 ?
A. 错误. j' ~0 W% q$ k5 O
B. 正确$ H" H1 ~- W& U
      满分:2.5  分
" ^( n+ O8 H9 w+ j9 f: R4 B  [30.  All metaphors are composed of two domains: target domain and source domain." |: N. w+ A9 [$ i0 I+ ~8 Y7 Q
A. 错误$ l# R, E+ `8 K0 }: x
B. 正确: ?9 h) |* T7 x  E0 U
      满分:2.5  分
" Q% b# O7 W6 v0 w) a& q8 W
9 q9 b& L: U+ k$ F' L! O随机作业没有固定资料,请找客服代做QQ1306998094。谢谢
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