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发表于 2011-11-2 11:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)V 1.  She went into the kitchen in search _____ a drink.
A. for
B. with
C. of
D. on
      满分:4  分
2.  You may go fishing if your work _____.
A. is done
B. will be done
C. has done
D. have done
      满分:4  分
3.  They____ good friends and often visited each other.
A. are used to
B. are used to be
C. used to be
D. used to being
      满分:4  分
4.  We accomplished the task _____ our own.
A. with
B. at
C. of
D. on
      满分:4  分
5.  She is supposed ______ in a big company.
A. to work
B. to working
C. work
D. at working
      满分:4  分
6.  _____ill she still went to school.
A. To be
B. Being
C. To do
D. Doing
      满分:4  分
7.  I saw a boy ____ in front of the building.
A. stand
B. to stand
C. standing
D. stood
      满分:4  分
8.  The world  ____. Things never stay the same.
A. was changed
B. is changing
C. were changing
D. will changing
      满分:4  分
9.  If you want to change a double room,you will have to pay ____ $25.
A. each
B. more
C. other
D. another
      满分:4  分
10.  They _____ pains to win this contest.
A. make
B. take
C. do
D. give
      满分:4  分
11.  It was ten years later____ he knew that the boy was his brother.
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. when
      满分:4  分
12.  I'll leave my bike____. I'll not need it for the time being.
A. behind
B. before
C. back
D. from
      满分:4  分
13.  I _____ TV at 12 o'clock yesterday.
A. was watching
B. watch
C. is watching
D. have watched
      满分:4  分
14.  The new policy will _____ an impact on the economy.
A. have
B. make
C. give
D. leave
      满分:4  分
15.  He _____ to surf the Internet last night.
A. is seen
B. saw
C. was seen
D. was seeing
      满分:4  分
16.  Cotton _____ nice and soft.
A. is felt
B. is feeling
C. feel
D. feels
      满分:4  分
17.  All _____ is needed is a supply of enough water.
A. the thing
B. that
C. what
D. which
      满分:4  分
18.  The woman and her husband______ in the same office.
A. works
B. working
C. work
D. has worked
      满分:4  分
19.  She is a teacher ______ a friend.
A. but
B. as well as
C. again and again
D. except for
      满分:4  分
20.  Please point_____ the mistakes I have made.
A. at
B. for
C. with
D. out
      满分:4  分

二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)V 1.  They are not only classmates but also good friends.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
2.  The holiday is drawing near.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
3.  This kind of wood feels soft and sells well.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
4.  Either of them is from Shanghai.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
5.  He filled the bottle in wine.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
6.  I'm glad to make an acquaintance,Mr Smith.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
7.  One should take pride in his national culture.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
8.  They eat away all the potatoes.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
9.  If it is sunny tomrrow,we will have a picnic.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分
10.  The patients were taken care very well.
A. 错误
B. 正确
      满分:2  分

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