一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. For traveler’s checks, the bank ___ 1 percent of the amount of the check.
A. charges
B. asks
C. pays
D. wants
2. In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to ___ the repayment arrangements.
A. abide
B. observe with
C. comply with
D. stand by
3. Still another service is ___ where you can keep important documents and jewelry.
A. repository
B. storage
C. safe-deposit boxes
D. secuity boxes
4. All advance accounts are kept under regular___.
A. check
B. valuation
C. remark
D. review
5. If an applicant is not well known to the bank, the bank may ask for ___.
A. security
B. references
C. witnesses
D. evidence
6. The largest source of income of a bank is through ___.
A. lease
B. transactions
C. exchanges
D. loans
7. A bank scrutinizes more closely ___ of whose credit standing it has no direct knowledge.
A. outside applicants
B. current applicants
C. applicants
D. non-applicants
8. The banks should keep enough currency and ___ to meet the requirement imposed on them by regulation.
A. serves
B. reservations
C. researves
D. deserves
9. When a trading bank refers to his bank’s business, it means primarily its ___.
A. credit creation
B. advance business
C. payment collection
D. money exchange
10. If advances take the form of loans, new credit ___ immediately increases advances and deposits by the full amount.
A. granted
B. given
C. offered
D. issued
11. The holders want to ___ their deposit to currency.
A. change
B. turn
C. become
D. convert
12. You’ll not be allowed to take your jewelry unless the employee at the bank is satisfied that the signature is ___.
A. true
B. real
C. clear
D. genuine
13. Thrift institutions’ participation in money creation is limited relative to ___.
A. print works
B. banks
C. vaults
D. factories
14. If you want to buy a car and may not have money on hand, you can make your ___ out of future income.
A. buy
B. purchase
C. trade
D. exchange
15. With the overdraft method, the amount of the ___ advance is noted in the customer’s account.
A. agreed
B. bargained
C. discussed
D. decided
16. If kept in your own home, your ___ might be lost or stolen.
A. values
B. valuable
C. value
D. valuables
17. If the bank has net losses it must collect ___ or sell investments.
A. lease
B. transactions
C. loans
D. exchanges
18. It may be advisable to define a bank as an ___ for financial work.
A. framework
B. machine
C. organ
D. institution
19. If figures for ___ overdrafts were available and were added to deposits, the difference would disappear.
A. intact
B. virgin
C. unexercised
D. untouched
20. With the overdraft method, interest is charged only on the daily ___.
A. credit balance
B. debit balance
C. bank balance
D. payment balance
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