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发表于 2014-10-21 14:12:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  He hasn’t got ( )cousins.
A. any
B. some
C. plenty of
D. much
2.  They found a ( )old woman( )on the ground when the door was broken open.
A. dying,lying
B. dead,laying
C. died,lying
D. death,died
3.  ( )my opinion, there should be fewer examinations once students enter university.
A. To
B. At
C. In
D. For
4.  The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ( ).
A. catching
B. being caught
C. to catch
D. caught
5.  ( )fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.
A. Except for
B. But for
C. Beside
D. Besides
6.  The World Trade Center is higher than ( ) I have ever seen during my visit.
A. any buildings
B. any other buildings
C. all the buildings
D. all of buildings
7.  I don't need ( )mineral water, but I'd like ( )tea, thanks.
A. some, any
B. any, any
C. any, some
D. many, some
8.  He keeps on learning martial arts for about ( ).
A. one and half years
B. a half and year
C. a year and half
D. half a year
9.  Sorry, I can’t solve your problems, I know ( )English.
A. few
B. a few
C. little
D. a little
10.  He was born in a rich family, but ( )he became a criminal.
A. later in his life
B. later in his living
C. later on his life
D. later at his life
11.  Grandma has no water, please( )some for her.
A. take
B. fetch
C. catch
D. bring
12.  The old man found ( )on the floor.
A. lying dead
B. lying death
C. laying dead
D. laying death
13.  A friend( )said to me the other day: "I don't mind eating these foods, but why( )to taste so awful?
A. of my;they have
B. of me; they are
C. for me; are they
D. of mine;do they have
14.  There isn’t ( ) in the office.
A. anyone
B. everyone
C. nobody
D. any people
15.  Could you give me ( )?
A. some advice
B. some advices
C. an advice
D. such an advice
16.  We students often help and learn from ( )other.
A. all
B. each
C. every
D. one
17.  He doesn’t spend much time ( )his homework.
A. on
B. in
C. with
D. to
18.  The little girl must have lain there for a long time , ( )?
A. mustn ’ t she
B. hasn ’ t she
C. wasn ’ t she
D. didn ’ t she
19.  ( ), the children went to the park.
A. It was a fine day
B. Being a fine day
C. It being a fine day
D. Because the fine day
20.  John is ( )of the two students.
A. the cleverer
B. clever
C. cleverer
D. the cleverest
21.  From here, we can see the bridge ( )construction.
A. below
B. by
C. under
D. with
22.  Polly goes to a gym twice ( ) week with her friends.
A. a
B. the
C. an
D. /
23.  We have five typewriters in our office, but ( )of them are in good order.
A. none
B. not
C. neither
D. no
24.  There are thirty students in our class. ( )of them are league members.
A. No one
B. Either
C. All
D. Both
25.  The cat in the bag made ( )sound.
A. ones
B. no
C. the other
D. any



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