一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Setting high expectations does not mean ____ them so high that they are unreachable
A. setting
B. to set
C. being set
满分:5 分
2. meek
A. humble
B. meal
满分:5 分
3. She was __up in the garage.
A. cutted
B. cut
C. cutting
满分:5 分
4. quirky
A. strange
B. quick
满分:5 分
5. indicative
A. directive
B. illustrative
满分:5 分
6. We can only know she was in a room ___ putty-colored walls.
A. with
B. of
C. in
满分:5 分
7. It is ____ what people working together can do.
A. amazing
B. amazed
满分:5 分
8. intern
A. inter
B. doctor under training
满分:5 分
9. run-down
A. in poor condition
B. running
满分:5 分
10. budge
A. move lightly
B. target
满分:5 分
11. prolific
A. political
B. productive
满分:5 分
12. This is __you find the up-and-comers.
A. where
B. that
C. to
D. the place
满分:5 分
13. litigation
A. lawsuit
B. negation
满分:5 分
14. celebrated
A. famous
B. party
满分:5 分
15. Only through doing things together ____ break down racial barriers.
A. people will
B. will people
C. people shall
满分:5 分
16. Invisibility has ____ rewards.
A. their
B. his
C. its
满分:5 分
17. The movement is a long way ___ achieving critical mass.
A. from
B. to
C. after
D. off
满分:5 分
18. appalling
A. shocking
B. pose
满分:5 分
19. Yet people of different races choose to live their lives ___.
A. part
B. partly
C. in part
D. apart
满分:5 分
20. The city was now less than a mile _____.
A. distant
B. distance
满分:5 分
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