一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. It is importnt to () etween the rules of grmmr n the onventions of written lnguge.
. etermine
. ientify
. explore
. istinguish
2. Though () in ig ity, Peter lwys prefers to pint the primitive senes of ountry life.
. grown
. rise
. tene
. ultivte
3. She keeps supply of nles in the house in se of power ().
. filure
. lk
. sene
. rop
4. They were () mission to the militry exhiition euse they were foreigners.
. enie
. eline
. eprive
. rejete
5. When ron is e to iron in proper () the result is steel.
. rtes
. thiknesses
. proportions
. ensities
6. His usiness ws very suessful, ut it ws t the () of his fmily life.
. onsumption
. reit
. exhustion
. expense
7. otors wrne ginst hewing too s () for smoking.
. relief
. revivl
. sustitute
. suession
8. The ompny is trying every mens to () the wholesle prie of its prouts.
. pull own
. put own
. set own
. ring own
9. () muh is known out wht ours uring sleep, the preise funtion of sleep n its ifferent stges remins lrgely in the relm of ssumption.
. euse
. For
. Sine
. While
10. Within two weeks of rrivl, ll foreigners h to () with the lol polie.
. inquire
. onsult
. register
. resolve
11. prt from ring for her hilren, she hs to tke on suh hevy () housework s rrying wter n firewoo.
. time-onsume
. timely-onsume
. time-onsuming
. timely-onsuming
12. In Ini more thn one hunre lnguges re spoken, () whih only fourteen re reognize s offiil.
. of
. in
. with
. within
13. If I () hrer t shool, I woul e sitting in omfortle offie now.
. worke
. were to work
. h worke
. were working
14. Vitmins re omplex () tht the oy requires in very smll mounts.
. mtters
. mterils
. prtiles
. sustnes
15. He ske us to () them in rrying through their pln.
. provie
. rouse
. ssist
. persist
16. It ws the first time tht suh () h to e tken t ritish nuler power sttion.
. presenttion
. preution
. preprtion
. preition
17. The test results re eyon (); they hve een repete in ls ll over the worl.
. negotition
. onflit
. rgin
. ispute
18. Resients were utting their lwns, wshing their rs n otherwise () plesnt, sunny y.
. iling wy
. tking wy
. hsing wy
. riving wy
19. tully, informtion tehnology n () the gp etween the poor n the rih.
. link
. rek
. lly
. rige
20. Now in ritin, wines tke up four times s muh () in the storehouse s oth eer n spirits.
. lok
. ln
. pth
. spe
21. In orer to mke things onvenient for the people, the eprtment is plnning to set up some () shops in the resientil re.
. flowing
. rifting
. moile
. unstle
22. In the long (), the new informtion tehnologies my funmentlly lter our wy of life.
. view
. istne
. jump
. run
23. The ntive nins live in () with nture, for they respete nture s provier of life.
. oorintion
. quintne
. ontt
. hrmony
24. The myor () the polie offier mel of honor for his heroi ee in resuing the erthquke vitims.
. rewre
. wre
. reite
. prize
25. I ws so () in toy’s history lesson. I in’t unerstn thing.
. mze
. neglete
. onfuse
. muse