一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Tehniques for () sleep woul involve lerning to ontrol oth min n oy so tht sleep n our.
. ultivting
. promoting
. pushing
. strengthening
2. In orer to mke things onvenient for the people, the eprtment is plnning to set up some () shops in the resientil re.
. flowing
. rifting
. moile
. unstle
3. ll humn eings hve omfortle zone regulting the () they keep from someone they tlk with.
. istne
. sope
. rnge
. ounry
4. The ntive nins live in () with nture, for they respete nture s provier of life.
. oorintion
. quintne
. ontt
. hrmony
5. rriving home, the oy tol his prents out ll the () whih ourre in his ormitory.
. osions
. mtters
. inients
. issues
6. The otor h lmost lost hope t one point, ut the ptient finlly ().
. pulle out
. pulle through
. pulle up
. pulle over
7. omputer power now llows utomti serhes of fingerprint files to mth print t rime ().
. stge
. sene
. lotion
. osion
8. The opening etween the roks ws very nrrow, ut the oys mnge to () through.
. press
. squeeze
. streth
. lep
9. The news hs just () tht the presient is going to visit hin next month.
. ome own
. ome up
. ome out
. ome out
10. If I () hrer t shool, I woul e sitting in omfortle offie now.
. worke
. were to work
. h worke
. were working
11. euse of his exellent ministrtion, people live in pee n () n ll previously neglete mtters were tken re of.
. onvition
. ontest
. onsent
. ontent
12. The test results re eyon (); they hve een repete in ls ll over the worl.
. negotition
. onflit
. rgin
. ispute
13. ll her energies re () upon her hilren n she seems to hve little time for nything else.
. guie
. ime
. irete
. fouse
14. For professionl thletes, () to the Olympis mens tht they hve hne to enter the history ooks.
. ess
. tthment
. ppel
. pproh
15. Mr. Smith sys: “The mei re very goo t sensing moo n then () it.”
. overtking
. enlrging
. wiening
. exggerting
16. The () tht exists mong ntions oul ertinly e lessene if misunerstning n mistrust were remove.
. tension
. strin
. stress
. intensity
17. She keeps supply of nles in the house in se of power ().
. filure
. lk
. sene
. rop
18. You shoul try to () your mition n e more relisti.
. reserve
. restrin
. retin
. reple
19. () muh is known out wht ours uring sleep, the preise funtion of sleep n its ifferent stges remins lrgely in the relm of ssumption.
. euse
. For
. Sine
. While
20. Plese () itionries when you re not sure of wor spelling or mening.
. seek
. inquire
. serh
. onsult
21. First pulishe in 1927, the hrts remin n () soure for reserhers.
. ientil
. inispensle
. intelligent
. inevitle
22. They were () mission to the militry exhiition euse they were foreigners.
. enie
. eline
. eprive
. rejete
23. Though she egn her () y singing in lol pop group, she is now fmous Hollywoo movie str.
. employment
. reer
. ouption
. profession
24. We hve plnne n exiting puliity () with our vertisers.
. struggle
. mpign
. ttle
. onflit
25. ompnies re struggling to fin the right () etween supply n emn, ut it is no esy tsk.
. eqution
. formul
. lne
. pttern