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发表于 2015-9-24 10:19:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  He thought tht _________.
. the effort oing the jo ws not worth
. the effort ws not worth in oing the jo
. it ws not worth the effort oing the jo
. it ws not worth the effort y oing the jo
2.  Over  hunre people expresse their worries, ut ________were willing to help.
. some
. mny
. few
. little
3.  ______ of reing, he put own the ook n stoppe ______.
. Tire; to wth TV
. Tiring; to wth TV
. Tire; wthing TV
. Tiring; wthing TV
4.  First rw  line _________the mile of the pge. Then write  wor in the spe ove the line.
. ross
. over
. etween
. within
5.  We         the lst us n in’t hve ny money for txi, so we h to wlk home.
. rehe
. lost
. misse
. ught
6.  If I h rememere _________ the oor, the things woul not hve een stolen.
. to lok
. loking
. to hve loke
. hving loke
7.  Mrk often ttempts to espe _________ whenever he reks trffi regultions.
. hving een fine
. to hve een fine
. to e fine
. eing fine
8.  Mike in’t ply footll yestery euse he h ______his leg.
. mge
. hurt
. hit
. struk
9.  Your fther ______ e in his offie now, euse he phones me from your home just now.
. mustn’t
. neen’t
. n’t
. shouln’t
10.  It ______ John n Kte who helpe me the other y.
. e
. ws
. re
. were
11.  ______he hs limite tehnil knowlege, the ol worker hs  lot of experiene.
. Sine
. Unless
. s
. lthough
12.  The young sientist ________ to hve isovere  new plnet.
. suggests
. lims
. pursues
. els
13.  ━Wht hppene to the roses I gve you?━The roses ______ well, ut I in’t wter them.
. woul grow
. woul hve grown
. might grow
. neen’t hve grown
14.  When we re going mountin-liming, we shoul e reful n voi ________.
. tking ple
. tking effet
. tking prt
. tking risks
15.  I’ll ll you k s soon s I _______.
. rrive
. is rriving
. will rrive
. rrive
16.  There re  numer of wors in the English lnguge whih were Frenh in ________.
. suess
. origin
. onlusion
. ttitue
17.  If I n help         , I on’t like working lte into the night.
. so
. tht
. it
. them
18.  We ______________your terms refully ut______to sy tht we nnot ept them.
. re stuying/regret
. hve stuie/re regretting
. hve stuie/regret
. hve een stuying/will regret
19.  I enjoy listening to Miss White, my English teher; _________I n only unerstn out hlf of wht she sys.
. when
. use
. if
. though
20.  My wife si in her letter tht she woul ppreite _________ from you sometime.
. to hve her
. to her
. for hering
. hering


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发表于 2015-10-8 14:57:30 | 显示全部楼层

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