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发表于 2015-9-26 14:39:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
单选 判断题

一、单选题(共 12 道试题,共 60 分。)
1.  Sfety or uffer inventory referre to inventory tht is hel in ition to yle stok to gur ginst _____________ emn n/or le time.
. unertinty
. future
. ustomer
. mrket
2.  People ten to ______logistis ____the flow of goos, yes , it is prtly right, ut logistis is muh more thn tht.
. refer s
. prefer to
. view with
. viewing s
3.  istriution enters emphsize the ____________movement of prouts through  fility.
. slow
. rpi
. lrge
. short- istne
4.  Wrehousing n e efine s the prt of logistis systems tht store prouts (rw mterils, prts, goos-in-proess, finishe goos…) t n etween points of ______to points of____________.
. strt en
. mrket mnufture
. origin onsumption
. here there
5.  euse e inventory inreses inventory rrying ost, reues inventory turnover n tkes up spe in wrehousing fility, ompnies shoul __________the size of e inventory.
. reue
. inrese
. mximize
. minimize
6.  The inrese of trnsit time for these inventories woul le to n_________ in the size of the trnsit inventory.
. erese
. nee
. inrese
. reution
7.  Ro trnsporttion is wiely use in ______elivery of goos.
. inln
. inshore
. inwr
. internl
8.  Ro trnsporttion is ple of proviing ______________ servie without ny rek in the journey to hnge from one vehile to nother.
. .port to port
. en to en
. long istne
. oor to oor
9.  Logistis is the proess of plnning, implementing n ontrolling the effiient, effetive flow n storge of goos, servies n relte informtion from point of origin to point of onsumption for the purpose of ____________ustomer requirements.
. meet
. fulfill
. meeting
. stisfy
10.  To _________potentil misunerstning out the mening of logistis, this ook opt the efinition provie y the SMP.
. ret
. voi
. use
. get
11.  Min purpose of istriution enters is to mximize _____________.
. ost
. profit
. storge
. throughput
12.  ________________________is one of the most energy effiient moes of ln trnsport.
. ro trnsport
. wter trnsport
. ril trnsport
. ir trnsport
单选题 判断题

二、判断题(共 8 道试题,共 40 分。)
1.  There re  vriety of efinition out the term “logistis”, eh hve slightly ifferent mening.
. 错误
. 正确
2.  Puli wrehouses offer more flexiility for the users sine it require no pitl investment on the user’s prt, so mnuftories shoul use puli wrehouses inste of owning their privte wrehouses.
. 错误
. 正确
3.  Goos tht hve een shippe out n on their wy to  ompny’s wrehouse is not ounte s inventory.
. 错误
. 正确
4.  The strength of wterwy trnsport oes not rest on its spee, ut on its pity n ontinuity of its trffi.
. 错误
. 正确
5.  istriution enters emphsizes the storge of prout n their primry purpose is to mximize usge of ville storge spe.
. 错误
. 正确
6.  Ril trnsport is wiely use in inln elivery of goos. It is ple of proviing oor to oor servie without ny rek in the journey to hnge from one vehile to nother.
. 错误
. 正确
7.  Logistis involves the flow n storge of “goos, servies, n relte informtion”.
. 错误
. 正确
8.  Le time is the time etween pling  purhse orer n tully reeiving the goos orere.
. 错误
. 正确


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发表于 2015-10-20 19:31:09 | 显示全部楼层

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