一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. It’s __________ winy y. Let’s sty inoors.
. suh
. suh
. so
. so
2. Mike is ____________ Johnson.
. s suessful mnger s
. s suessful mnger
. s mnger suessful s
. s suessful mnger s
3. – Woul you like to go shopping with me? – _________________
. ll right.
. Tht's ll right.
. No, I won't.
. I’ like to.
4. ______ the pssge, wht oes the uthor relly wnt to inform us?
. oring to
. ue to
. se to
. In light of
5. The mjority of smokers sy tht they woul like to ____________ the hit.
. sweep
. fltter
. quit
. relese
6. ---Woul you like to go for pini with us tomorrow? --- Of ourse, I ____________.
. woul
. woul like
. woul like to
. wouln’t like
7. – Hven’t seen you for ges. How’s it going? –( )
. Hven’t seen you for ges.
. Yes, long time no see.
. How re you?
. Everything is ll right.
8. Goo ommunitive skills re ______ importne to goo leer.
. with
. t
. of
. y
9. The polie insist tht Mihel i not follow the orret ______ in pplying for vis.
. proess
. progress
. progrm
. proeure
10. The numer of eths from hert isese will e reue gretly if people ____________ to et more fruit n vegetles.
. persue
. will persue
. e persue
. re persue
11. __________ Shngril Hotel is just __________ fifteen-minute wlk from __________ university mpus.
. The, ,
. /, , /
. /, , the
. The, , the
12. – How o you think out the result? – _________________
. It’s hr to sy, tully.
. No, I on’t know.
. of ourse not.
. I never think of it.
13. When we lern foreign lnguge, we shoul hol tht no ulture is inferior _____ the others.
. for
. to
. s
. uner
14. It took hours of stuy efore the solution finlly __________ him.
. wne on
. relie on
. tken on
. impresse on
15. ell never llowe himself to o nything tht went ______ his priniples.
. ginst
. for
. with
. long
16. – How is life? –( )
. Sme s ever.
. Thnks. n you?
. I hope ll goes well with you.
. It is nie meeting you!
17. Women ____________ going out without veil.
. re forien from
. re fore from
. re forien to
. re fore to
18. – I m worrie out my son’s eyesight so muh. –( )
. He lwys tkes ooks so lose to his eyes.
. You think too muh.
. There’s nothing speil.
. Mye you n tke him to hve hek.
19. __________ hppy fmily is __________ Heven on __________ Erth.
. , /, /
. , , the
. The, , /
. The, the, the
20. – You will ome here on time, won’t you? –( ).
. ertinly, I will.
. Yes, it’s true.
. Yes, it is no out.
. Yes, I o.
21. In the next five yers, we will see some ______ reovery.
. eonomy
. eonomi
. eonomil
. eonomize
22. – My I hve your nme, plese? –( )
. Yes.
. Thnk you.
. Hello.
. I’m Nny rook.
23. — ____________________________. — ut you just got here. n't you sty little longer?
. It’s een most plesnt sty.
. I relly must e going now.
. I h very goo time this evening. Thnk you for inviting me.
. It’s een lovely seeing you.
24. – So wht shoul we o next? –( )
. Let’s hve up of te, n then isuss the pln.
. I m not ler.
. No hurry.
. I’m too usy to o nything.
25. n you turn own the _____ of the rio? I hve hehe n wnt to hve sleep.
. voie
. noise
. volume
. mount
26. Srh looke slener-wiste, ____________ n very eutiful.
. frgility
. to e frgile
. frgile
. wekly
27. —Thnk you for inviting me. — ____________________________.
. i you hve goo time toy?
. You’re welome.
. Plese keep in touh.
. It ws plesure hving you. Plese ome gin.
28. The stuents’ preferene ______ lerning online urge the tehers to lern more out omputer n network.
. with
. to
. in
. for
29. Workers in ig firms reeive ____________ prt of their py in the form of onuses n overtime.
. enough
. sustntil
. lot
. mount
30. He oes not lk money, I’m fri he ____________ your generosity.
. is tking vntge of
. is fille with
. ppels to
. is se on
31. – Will they go for pini toy? – _________________
. Yes, perfetly.
. Yes, it is.
. Well, it epens.
. Not t ll.
32. —It’s getting lte. I’ etter e going now. — ____________________________
. Tke it esy.
. Goo night.
. Must you go so soon?
. Oh, I unerstn.
33. — ____________________________ — Won't you hve nother offee?
. Thnk you very muh for wonerful prty
. I’m gl to hve met you.
. Thnks for ll your hospitlity.
. Sorry, it's time I left now.
34. In ft, the pni is __________. s the mp shows, the rought hs een onfine to the south n est of ritin.
. overher
. overhrge
. overone
. overtime
35. Mr. White ____________ t :0 for the meeting, ut he in’t turn up.
. shoul hve rrive
. shoul rrive
. shoul hve h rrive
. shoul e rriving
36. __________ Jpn n __________ Unite Sttes re seprte y __________ Pifi Oen.
. the, the, the
. /, /, the
. /, the, /
. /, the, the
37. – Long time no see. How re you? –( )
. Yes, how re you?
. Thnk you.
. Fine, thnk you.
. I’m gl to see you.
38. – How out going to see film tonight? –( )
. Oh, it ouln’t e etter.
. Yes, I will go.
. Of ourse.
. Yes, I think so.
39. Shumher ____________ effortlessly to his new surrounings.
. opte
. pte
. epte
. otine
40. With her hilren living ro, she hs her house ______ every eemer.
. pinte
. pint
. e pinte
. to e pinte