一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Th surgon i tht only sussful oprtion oul ____ th ptint ____.
. ring up
. ring own
. ring out
. ring through
2. ______________ sh rliz it ws too lt to go hom.
. No soonr it grw rk thn
. Hrly i it grow rk tht
. Srly h it grown rk thn
. It ws not until rk tht
3. Som womn ______________ goo slry in jo inst of stying hom, ut thy i not to work for th sk of th fmily.
. must mk
. shoul hv m
. woul mk
. oul hv m
4. _______ riving finnil support from fmily, ommunity or th govrnmnt is llow, it is nvr mir.
. s
. On
. lthough
. Lst
5. In ritin popl _____________ four million tons of pottos vry yr.
. swllow
. ispos
. onsum
. xhust
6. I suggst h shoul _______ himslf to his nw onitions.
. pt
. opt
. rgult
. suit
7. Th shop ______ us with ll w n.
. ffors
. quips
. supposs
. supplis
8. Th omputr rvolution my wll hng soity s _____________ s i th Inustril Rvolution.
. rtinly
. insignifintly
. funmntlly
. omprtivly
9. vrything w t n rink ontins som slt; w n mt th oy’s n for it from nturl sours without turning _______ th slt ottl.
. up
. to
. on
. ovr
10. Without propr lssons, you oul _______ lot of hits whn plying th pino.
. kp up
. pik up
. rw up
. th up
11. H is quit sur tht it’s ________ impossil for him to fulfill th tsk within two ys.
. solutly
. xlusivly
. fully
. roughly
12. o wnt to th post offi to sn lttr. ____ Lily ws prpring lunh t hom.
. Whil
. Mnwhil
. Whn
. Thn
13. Th first tim th thr xplin th prolm, only fw stunts _____.
. ught up with
. ught t
. ught on
. ught hol of
14. nlltion of th flight _______ mny pssngrs to spn th night t th irport.
. rsult
. olig
. mn
. rommn
15. It is importnt tht th hotl rptionist _______ tht gusts r rgistr orrtly.
. hs m sur
. m sur
. must mk sur
. mk sur
16. Th rtil suggsts tht whn prson ________ unr unusul strss h shoul spilly rful to hv wll-ln it.
. is
. wr
. ws
17. Sh ook th mt for long tim so s to mk it _____________ nough to t.
. mil
. slight
. light
. tnr
18. W spnt vry _______ vning tlking out ol tims.
. njoy
. njoyl
. njoy
. njoymnt
19. Th lwyr vis him to rop th ________, sin h stns littl hn to win.
. vnt
. inint
. s
. ffir
20. I’ _____________ his rputtion with othr frmrs n usinss popl in th ommunity, n thn mk ision out whthr or not to pprov lon.
. tk into ount
. ount for
. mk up for
. mk out
21. o you know ____ th popultion of hin is?
. how mny
. how muh
. whih
. wht
22. Mny popl wnt to uy it us, ____, th pri is rsonl; ____, it‘s rthr url.
. on on si, on th othr si
. for on thing, for nothr
. on th on hn, on th othr hn
. in on prt, in th othr prt
23. Somtims hilrn hv troul ________ ft from fition n my liv tht suh things tully xist.
. to sprt
. sprting
. for sprting
. of sprting
24. ut for your hlp, w ____ th work s shul.
. oul not finish
. woul not hv finish
. woul hv finish
. oul hv finish
25. You _____ n importnt til in your rport of th int.
. lft si
. lft lon
. lft off
. lft out