一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. It is your t on th rising lor osts in ijing tht gv vi th i of ___ our unprofitl oprtion thr.
. phsing out
. phsing in
. phrsing out
. phrsing in
2. Th tim vlu of n option is th ___ twn th prmium on option n its intrinsi vlu.
. iffrn
. istintion
. ontrst
. vrity
3. With th option,th ustomr hs n insurn-lik prout to ___ itslf ginst ownsi risk.
. ovr
. inlu
. shltr
. voi
4. In lw, th wor rl, s it rlts to proprty, mns ___ s istinguish from prsonl proprty.
. longings
. sustn
. houss
. ln
5. Lt’s ___ of $ 150,000.
. i
. put in i
. put i
. put i
6. In orr to voi ny loss u to th fll in xhng rts, th ompny will ___ option.
. rry
. xris
. prti
. prform
7. ll goos livr for us within th ountry r ovr y ___ insurn poliy.
. rpt
. lnkt
. skt
. omplt
8. Th ownr my ountr i n w my ___ for somthing twn $160,000 n $170, 000.
. i
. trmin
. sty
. sttl
9. It’s ___ ln, ut its lotion is prft.
. unxprss
. unxplor
. unimprov
. unxpos
10. Th pri t whih th surity my xris is ll th xpirtion t or th ___t.
. finl
. n
. xlusion
. mturity
11. It is ___ for th sllr n th purhsr to ntr into ontrt, t whih tim th purhsr mks posit on ount of th purhs pri.
. hitul
. usul
. ustomry
. rgulr
12. Th prty grnting th right to uy or sll n sst is ll th option sllr or ___ of th option.
. uyr
. writr
. lr
. ustomr
13. lot of privt invstors r ___ ln roun hr.
. uying for
. uying out
. uying off
. uying up
14. Why on’t you ring m ___ on this pi of ln you wnt m to hk out.
. up-to-t
. up-to-th-t
. to t
. on t
15. With th ___, th ustomr kills off th ownsi risk n kps th upsi possiility.
. shrs
. option
. stoks
. futurs
16. n option must lwys sll for t lst its ___ vlu or thr will ritrg opportunitis.
. intrinsi
. xtrinsi
. inhrnt
. orn
17. I’m rommning fility of out 200,000 squr ft, whih will mor thn oul our prsnt ___.
. pity
. pility
. ility
. omotion
18. With th vlopmnt of th urrny options mrkt in trsury srvis provi y nks, th forwr rt mrkt is oming nyhow ___, isn’t it?
. insignifint
. importnt
. vros
. runnt
19. Th trm "option" in "urrny option" suggsts th hoi of th ___ to us or not to us.
. ustomr
. lr
. nk
. sllr
20. Th tim vlu is th sllr’s ___ for th possiility tht th option will worth mor t th n of its lif thn if xris immitly.
. ompnny
. rpy
. rwr
. ompnstion