一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. 第二次作业问题5
. In Nw York.
. In oston.
. In Nwport.
. In Wshington.
2. 第二次作业问题9
. Th mn in't wnt th womn to hv hr hir ut.
. Th womn follow th mn's vi.
. Th womn is wring long hir now.
. Th mn in't r if th womn h hr hir ut or not.
3. 第二次作业问题8
. H's ttr.
. H's fling wors.
. H's sik in .
. H hs rovr.
4. 第二次作业问题10
. H will rturn from Pris in two wks.
. H is stuying Frnh in Pris.
. H is hving vtion in Pris.
. H is plnning to go k to Pris in yr.
5. 第二次作业问题2
. H lft his nots t hom.
. H osn’t know whr his nots r.
. H osn’t wnt to ln his nots to th womn.
. H grs to ln hr his nots.
6. 第二次作业问题4
. hk th timtl.
. Go to th rilwy sttion rlir.
. Trvl on ltr trin.
. nl th trip rlir.
7. 第二次作业问题16
. Thr r mny visitors thr.
. Thr r mny stunts thr.
. Thr r mny ol strts thr.
. Thr r mny iyls thr.
8. 第二次作业问题3
. H will go in spit of th ol wthr.
. H won’t go sin h is not fling wll.
. H will go whn h fls ttr.
. H won’t go s h hsn’t finish his work.
9. 第二次作业问题11
. Thy hvn’t rh ision yt.
. Thy hv i to go hunting rs.
. Thy wnt to go mping.
. Thy wnt to go xploring in th ountry.
10. 第二次作业问题20
. His fthr pull him out in tim.
. H sty in n iox.
. H lft th r for th rthquk.
. Thir hous sp th rthquk.
11. 第二次作业问题17
. H thinks th ity is too row.
. H liks th pl vry muh.
. H thinks th strts r too nrrow.
. H mirs th omfortl lif of th stunts thr.
12. 第二次作业问题13
. Thy hs th r wy.
. Thy sty outsi th rnt n i nothing.
. Thy lim up tr.
. Thy put som hony outsi for th r to t.
13. 第二次作业问题7
. gust n rptionist.
. pssngr n n ir hostss.
. ustomr n shop ssistnt.
. gust n witrss.
14. 第二次作业问题15
. Wthing tritionl plys.
. Visiting th mgnifint lirris.
. oting on th rivr.
. yling in nrrow strts.
15. 第二次作业问题19
. out four ys.
. roun ight ys.
. y n hlf.
. Mor thn six ys.
16. 第二次作业问题12
. Susi.
. Tom.
. Th spkr.
. Th spkr’s husn.
17. 第二次作业问题18
. H lost onsiousnss.
. H ws slightly woun.
. H ws sriously injur.
. H ws uri unr n iox.
18. 第二次作业问题6
. lrk t th irport informtion sk.
. lrk t th rilwy sttion informtion sk.
. polimn.
. txi-rivr.
19. 第二次作业问题1
. On wk.
. Twi wk.
. Thr tims wk.
. Four tims wk.
20. 第二次作业问题14
. H t th hony.
. H rnk th r.
. H hs th popl wy.
. H turn things upsi own.