一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. "Two ros ivrg in yllow woo n sorry I oul not trvl oth ..."In th ov two lins of Rort Frost's Th Ro Not Tkn, th pot, y implition, ws rfrring to _______.
. trvl xprin
. mrrig ision
. mil-g risis
. on's ours of lif
2. Grt Gtsy, writtn y Fitzgrl in 1925, is story out ______ who ws stroy y th influn of th wlthy, plsur-sking popl roun him.
. vgon
. n ilist
. n ntri
. n opportunist
3. Whih of th following sttmnts out writrs in 1920s is tru?
. Mrk Twin pulish his lst n most importnt novl.
. F. Sott Fitzgrl riv th Nol Priz.
. Fruin psyhology influn mny morn writrs.
. Most writrs wr politilly ril.
4. Rort Frost won___ Plitzr pris.
. two
. thr
. four
. fiv
5. In mrin litrtur, sping from th soity n rturning to ntur is ommon sujt. Th following titls r ll rlt, in on wy or nothr, to th sujt xpt _______.
. Mrk Twin's Th vnturs of Huklrry Finn
. risr's Sistr rri
. oppr's Lthr-Stoking Tls
. Thoru's Wln
6. oring to Hwthorn, th srlt lttr "" whih originlly stoo for "_______" finlly otin th mning of "l" or "ngl" through Hstr's fforts.
. ultry
. rrogn
. omplishmnt
. gony
7. O ptin, My pin is writtn y___
. Rort urns
. Rort Frost
. Wlt Whitmn
. John Kts
8. In Fitzgrl's Th Grt Gtsy, thr r til sriptions of ig prtis. Th purpos of suh sriptions is so show _______.
. mptinss of lif
. th orruption of th uppr lss
. ontrst of th rih n th poor
. th hppy ys of th Jzz g
9. Wht's th nm of Hstr n immsl 's ughtr?
. my
. Prl
. Nin
. rry
10. In ll his novls Thoor risr sts himslf to projt th ______ mrin vlus. For xmpl, in Sistr rri, thr is not on hrtr whos sttus is not trmin onomilly.
. Puritn
. mtrilisti
. psyhologil
. rligious
11. Th pn nm Mrk Twin mns___
. wtr
. sf wtr
. rivr
. lr wtr
12. Whih of th following is not writtn y Rort Frost?
. To utumn
. Stopping y Woos on Snowy vning
. Mning Wll
. oy's Will
13. mrin writrs of th first postwr r who wr voi of fith n lint from th iviliztion wr ommonly ll "______."
. sons of lirty
. fthrlss hilrn
. t gnrtion
. lost gnrtion
14. oring to Mrk Twin, in rivr towns up n own th Mississippi, it ws vry oy's rm to som y grow up to ______.
. Mthoist prhr
. justi of th p
. rivrot pilot
. pirt on th Inin on
15. Whih ook mrk th turning point of Hwthornw' rr n his prsonl lif?
. Twi-Tol Tls
. Fnshw
. Th Srlt Lttr
. Mosss from n Ol Mns
16. risr's Trilogy of sir inlus thr novls. Thy r Th Finnir, Th Titn n _______ .
. Th Gnius
. Th Tyoon
. Th Stoi
. Th Gint
17. Th pom Stopping y Woos on Snowy vning is slt from____
. Witnss Tr
. Stpl ush
. Nw Hmpshir
. Furthr Rng
18. Whih of th following sttmnts out Th Srlt Lttr is NOT tru?
. It xplors mn's nvr-ning srh for th stisftion of mtrilisti sirs.
. It rlts th onflits twn th soity n th iniviul.
. It is out th fft of sin on th popl involv n th soity s whol.
. It prsnts p
19. Rort Frost omin tritionl vrs forms - th sonnt, rhyming ouplts, lnk vrs - with lr mrin lol sph rhythm, th sph of _______ frmrs with its iiosynrti ition n syntx.
. Southrn
. Wstrn
. Nw Hmpshir
. Nw ngln
20. Th story of th Srlt Lttr is st in___
. Nw York
. ngln
. oston
. Slt lk ity