一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. _______ t his ppr ovr th wkn, Nil in’t finish it.
. shworkhr
. Hrshwork
. Howhworkhr
. Howhrhwork
2. Most hilrn r rought up in th ____________ in ig itis.
. nursry
. prk
. grn
. nurs
3. lln _______ ny goo jo sin h m to Nw York ity two yrs go.
. hsn’tfoun
. in’tfin
. osn’tfin
. hn’tfoun
4. It is not sy to lrn nglish wll, ut if you _____ ,you will su in th n.
. hng up
. hng out
. hng on
. hng onto
5. .Som ol popl on’t lik pop songs us thy n’t _____so muh nois
. onrn
. tolrt
. unrtk
. Ignor
6. My fthr ______ you lift, vn if h in’t pln to tk tht wy.
. musthvgivn
. mighthvgivn
. shoulhvgivn
. n’thvgivn
7. Tht ws _______ mttr tht I h no hoi ut to tlk it ovr with my prnts.
. suhsrious
. sosrious
. suhsrious
. sosrious
8. My you hv trvll to mny prts of th worl, ut nowhr ls _____ striking ttrtions.
. younssomny
. nyoussuhmny
. younssuhmny
. nyousmnysuh
9. ____________ to th otor right wy, h might hv n liv toy.
. If h wnt
. H h gon
. Wr h gon
. Shoul h hv gon
10. In th lst sntn of th son prgrph, th pronoun "it "rfrs to "_____
. fitting our tions to thos of othr popl ppropritly
. intifition of othr popl's sttuss
. slting on's own sttuss
. slting on's own sttuss
11. H is tlking so muh out mri s if h _____ thr.
. hn
. hsn
. ws
. hsgon
12. It is importnt tht nough mony ______ to fun th projt.
. ollt
. must ollt
. ws ollt
. n ollt
13. —os Jim hv _______ rulr? —Ys,h hs _______ .
. n som
ny on
14. Th prsint m ______ sph t th opning rmony of th sports mting ,whih nourg th sportsmn grtly.
. forml
. with
. to
. for
15. Th oys spnt th whol morning _______ possil nswrs to th qustion.
. isuss
. nisussing
. isussing
. nisuss
16. ftr th_________ riing, w hv ovr_____ of th whol istn.
. four-hour,thr-fourths
. four-hours,thr-fourth
. four-hours,thr-fourths
. four-hours,thr-fourths
17. ftr th r stts won inpnn, grt mphsis ws li on xpning ution, with girls s wll s oys _____ to go to shool.
. to nourg
. n nourg
. ing nourg
. nourg
18. _________ will you hiv suss unlss you vot yourslf to th sujt hrt n soul.
. y no mns
. No mttr how
. In no osion
. y ll mns
19. —Wht grt ook your sistr is! —Yh! W ______ nvr hv nough of hr ookis.
. my
. must
. shoul
. n
20. You mntion ____________ him in th hospitl lst wk.
. hving sn
. hv sn
. to s
. sw