一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. No one oul tell nything zout the ___ strnger.
. mysterious
. mystery
. mysteriously
. mysterying
2. If you h not gone out lst night, _______.
. you woul meet Mr Yng lrey
. you won’t hve met Mr. Yng
. you will hve met Mr. Yng
. you woul hve met Mr. Yng
3. “Hve you seen Lo Wu reently?” “It looks ___ he woul return home tomorrow.”
. like
. s
. s if
. tht
4. You must tke goo re ____ your y.
. out
. fter
. of
. on
5. 10 In some ountries people fvor _____ together even though there is muh more spe.
. to sty
. sty
. stying
. of stying
6. 阅读理解 Srthy throts, stuffy noses n oy hes ll spell misery, ut eing le to tell if the use is ol or flu(流感)my mke ifferene in how long the misery lsts. The merin Lung ssoition (L) hs issue new guielines on omting ols n the flu, n one of the keys is eing le to tell the two prt. Tht’s euse the presription rugs ville for the flu nee to e tken soon fter the illness sets in. s for ols, the sooner person strts tking over-the-ounter remey, the sooner relief will ome. The ommon ol n the flu re oth use y viruses. More thn 200 viruses n use ol symptoms, while the flu is use y three viruses—flu , n . There is no ure for either illness, ut the flu n e prevente y the flu vine(疫苗), whih is, for most people, the est wy to fight the flu, oring to L. ut if the flu oes strike, quik tion n help. lthough the flu n the ommon ol hve mny similrities, there re some ovious signs to look for. ol symptoms suh s stuffy nose, runny nose n srthy throt typilly evelop grully, n ults n teens often o not get fever. On the other hn, fever is one of the hrteristi fetures of the flu for ll ges. n in generl, flu symptoms inluing fever n hills, sore throt n oy hes ome on suenly n re more severe thn ol symptoms. The L notes tht it my e prtiulrly iffiult to tell when infnts n preshool ge hilren hve the flu. It vises prents to ll the otor if their smll hilren hve flu-like symptoms. oth ol n flu symptoms n e ese with over-the-ounter meitions s well. However, hilren n teens with ol or flu shoul not tke spirin for pin relief euse of the risk of Reye synrome(综合症), rre ut serious onition of the liver n entrl nervous system. There is, of ourse, no vine for the ommon ol. ut frequent hn wshing n voiing lose ontt with people who hve ols n reue the likelihoo of thing one. 21. oring to the uthor, knowing the use of the misery will help __________.
. ) shorten the urtion of the illness
. ) the ptient uy meiine over the ounter
. ) the ptient otin heper presription rugs
. ) prevent people from thing ols n the flu
7. --- Look t the rinow! Wht view! ---__________!
. Yes. Wht eutiful it is
. Yes. How eutiful it is
. Yes. Wht eutiful it is
. Yes. How eutiful it is
8. Her helth hs een ffete, n my ___ ltogether if the trin ontinues.
. rek own
. rek off
. rek out
. rek up
9. —I ws worrie out hemistry, ut Mr. rown gve me n ! —_________.
. on't worry out it
. ongrtultions! Tht's iffiult ourse
. Mr. rown is very goo
. Goo luk to you
10. We hve ome to ritil moment. You must tke immeite ___.
. t
. tion
. tivity
. oings
11. we will fin lot of time n wys to go over your reing in lss efore the ___ time.
. ue
. preise
. ext
. orret
12. iffiulties n hrships hve_____ the est qulities of the young geologist.
. rought up
. rought out
. rought out
. rought forth
13. 1. Sine we hve finishe isussing the first question, we h etter_____ on to the next one.
. to pss
. psse
. pss
. pssing
14. 6 I nee hoy, I’ve eie ______ golf.
. to egin
. to strt up
. to ommene
. to tke up
15. Nny isn‘t here. It‘s my mistke. I forgot ll out____ her.
. telephoning
. to telephone
. to telephone to
. the telephone to
16. This test ___ numer of multiple -hoie questions.
. ompose of
. omposes in
. onsists of
. onsists in
17. e sure to ________ your work t the en of the exm.
. look over
. hng up
. set sie
. th sight of
18. 10 They ___ t me when I tol them out the gol I h foun.
. grspe
. gze
. stre
. glre
19. They took the injure stright to the hospitl. Otherwise some of them___.
. might hve ie
. might ie
. woul ie
. oul ie
20. So mny otors _____ , the or meeting h to e put off.
. were sent
. een sent
. h een sent
. eing sent
21. 13 griulture ws step in humn progress ___ whih susequently there ws not nything omprle until our own mhine ge.
. to
. in
. for
. from
22. Without my glsses I n hrly _______ wht hs een written in the letter.
. mke for
. mke up
. mke out
. mke over
23. You will e given tiket if you ______ the spee limit.
. proee
. exee
. suee
. preee
24. The pint is still wet.(_)!
. e not sure to touh it
. e sure not to touh it
. e sure to not touh it
. on‘t e sure to touh it
25. She is suh ngging womn . I woner how you n ______ her.
. put up with
. get long
. live up to
. keep up with
26. This new lue _______ the poliemen n they were more onfuse y the murer.
. puzzle
. surprise
. trppe
. isourge
27. 2. Let us see how itionries re me n how the eitors _____ efinitions.
. le to
. rrive t
. reh for
. pproh to
28. When he ppere t the exit , I ______ his ht first inste of his fe in the rowe.
. ientifie
. inite
. interprete
. inherite
29. I hve got 300 yun ,ut tht will not e_____ enough for our journey.
. lmost
. mostly
. too
. nerly
30. Silk _______ y hinese for thousns of yers now.
. hs use
. hs een use
. ws use
. is use
31. It _____ roun 9 o’lok when I rove k home euse it ws lrey rk .
. h to e
. ws to e
. must hve een
. must e
32. 18 Whih of the following is true oring to the pssge?
. When ptent eomes out of effet, it n e re-ptente or extene if neessry.
. It is neessry for n inventor to pply for ptent efore he mkes his invention puli.
. ptent holer must puliize the etils of his invention when its legl perio is over.
. One n get ll the etils of ptente invention from lirry tthe to the ptent offie.
33. We‘ll meet gin ___.
. sometime
. sometimes
. t times
. ll the time
34. 7 It’s the thir time I _____ this prtiulr spet of grmmr.
. explin
. expline
. hve expline
. will explin
35. Silk _______ y hinese for thousns of yers now.
. hs use
. hs een use
. ws use
. is use
36. 11 She ws so ___ in her jo tht she in‘t her nyoy knoking t the oor.
. ttrte
. sore
. rwn
. onerne
37. Toy, housework hs een me muh esier y eletril _______ .
. filities
. instruments
. pplines
. equipment
38. Whenever she sks____help , he is lwys rey to help.
. with
. for
. in
. to
39. The irplne rrive one hour ehin ________.
. timetle
. pln
. te
. sheule
40. The ro uilers' lim for 10 perent py rise hs een uner____ y the government.
. onsiertion
. inquiry
. regr
. pplition
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. She ___ tht iffiult ook with no troule t ll.
. thought through
. rought out
. ught up with
. reeze through
2. 2 When he trie to mke ___, he foun tht the hotel tht he wnte ws ompletely fille euse of onvenntion.
. omplint
. lim
. reservtion
. eision
3. 16 The wor "plgirize" most proly mens "___".
. stel n use
. give regr to
. mke puli
. tke n hnge
4. There re mny sheep____their frm.
. t
. in
. on
. within
5. etty move from the ormitory (_) the noise.
. euse of
. euse
. in spite of
. use y
6. 一、单项选择题 1 People were surprise to fin tht he h the ility to ___ everything he ws involve in.
. preee
. ominnte
. effet
. instrut
7. Neither of his two friens _______tol him the truth.
. hve
. re
. hs
. is
8. Owning n utomoile ___ greter expense thn he h expete.
. entile
. renere
. thrust
. ontriute
9. 25. If hilren hve flu-like symptoms, their prents __________.
. re vise not to give them spirin
. shoul wth out for signs of Reye synrome
. re enourge to tke them to hospitl for vintion
. shoul prevent them from mixing with people running fever
10. His nme is on the _______ of my tongue, ut I just ouln't rememer it.
. ege
. point
. top
. tip
11. 20 His rgument oes not suggest tht mnkin n ___ to e wsteful in the utiliztion of these resoures.
. resort
. grnt
. ffor
. entitle
12. 16 The ptient‘s helth file to suh n extent tht he ws put into __ re.
. tense
. rigi
. intensive
. tight
13. Either Mr. Lee or the stuents______ to len the lkor.
. h
. hs
. hve
. hving
14. This lrge ompny hs ___ mny smll ones.
. tken wy
. tken k
. tken over
. tken up
15. --- I’m sorry. o’s not in his offie. --- _________.
. n you tke messge for me
. re you sure for tht
. Woul you like to leve messge
. n you phone me
16. 11 He ____ ll night.
. stye in
. stye up
. stye upon
. stye on
17. 12 mein footll n sell re eoming known to the ritish puli through televise ___ from the Unite Sttes.
. eliveries
. trnsmissions
. trnsfer
. trnsfer
18. 18 Without proper lessons, you oul __ lot of hits when plying the pino.
. keep up
. pik up
. rw up
. th up
19. You shoul mke _______ your house or flt is seure.
. sure
. ertin
. unerstning
. knowlege
20. 5 The Olympi Gmes first elerte in thens in1896, ____ every four yers so fr this entury, exept uring the two Worl Wrs.
. re hel
. were hel
. h een hel
. hve een hel
21. I hven’t eie whih hotel _________
. to sty
. is to sty t
. to sty t
. is for stying
22. The polie looke ___ the pst reor of the suspet.
. in
. fter
. into
. up to
23. Wht kin of events re you goo ____?
. t
. to
. in
. fter
24. We ll know knowlege egins ___ prtie.
. t
. from
. in
. with
25. --- Who hs one your hir, Susn? ---__________.
. My hir hs een one
. The hir stylist
. My hirstyle is ool
. efore nother one
26. In his_____he set up his first ompny.
. thirtieth
. thirty
. thirty‘s
. thirties
27. 3. In orer to fin out the hits of these ____ men, the sientists hve live with them in the forest for lmost hlf yer.
. rw
. rue
. rough
. primitive
28. 10 oth sies ____ these terms.
. gree on
. gree with
. gree to
. gree
29. We shoul ________ those who re poor.
. look own
. look own on
. not look own upon
. not look own
30. They lim tht _ 1,000 ftories lose own uring eonomi risis.
. suffiiently
. pproximtely
. onsierly
. properly
31. Re lou ___ ll the stuents in the lssroom n her you lerly.
. sine
. euse
. for
. so tht
32. ___ Thursy evening t seven, r. Stnley will give leture in iley Hll on Three ys in hin.
. In
. On
. t
. From
33. 8 Severl villges hve een isolte ___ their fmilies y the floo.
. to
. out
. from
. for
34. 14 If you fil three times, you re not ___ to try ny more.
. vote
. insure
. entitle
. equippe
35. I hve never ________ him sine he left.
. her
. her of
. her from
. her out
36. 7 The trffi ient ___ lrge row.
. hrme
. hrme
. lle
. ttrte
37. Whenever she sks____help , he is lwys rey to help.
. with
. for
. in
. to
38. Henry tlks to his og s if it ___ him.
. unerstns
. unerstoo
. unerstn
. woul unerstn
39. When he ppere t the exit , I ______ his ht first inste of his fe in the rowe.
. ientifie
. inite
. interprete
. inherite
40. If you hve me eision, plese stik _______ wht you wnt.
. to
. up
. of
. for
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. If you work hr_______ , you won't hve to sit up ll night efore the exm.
. sometimes
. some time
. t other times
. t times
2. 13 n eger frmer is lwys looking for new ___ whet.
. vrieties of
. vriety of
. vriety
. vrious
3. He _____ me o the work.
. gve
. helpe
. mine
. re
4. Mother insiste tht _ .
. they re to e k efore nine in the evening
. they ought to e k efore nine in the evening
. they e k efore nine in the evening
. they h to e k efore nine in the evening
5. 20.The olletion of pitures is his ___ lon to the puli gllery.
. lent
. lo
. len
. lon
6. ________ you re free, why not go skting with us?
. euse
. Sine
. s
. For
7. 15 It is ____ for him to ome lte.
. osure
. glring
. trivil
. rre
8. —Plese help yourself to the fish. —_______.
. Thnks, ut I on't like fish
. Sorry, I n't help
. Well, fish on't suit me
. No, I n't
9. He’s etermine to finish the jo ___________-long it tkes.
. no mtter
. however
. wherever
. whtever
10. In ritin, the est seson of the yer is proly _____ spring.
. lter
. lst
. ltter
. lte
11. 5 Over the lst fifteen yers, running hs eome populr ___ for 30 miliion prtiipnts of ll ges.
. fntsy
. pstime
. symposium
. penlty
12. If I ____you, I woul go y plne. Flying is muh fster.
. e
. ws
. were
. m
13. ______ is the rihest mn in this town?
. Whom o you think
. Who o you think
. o you think who
. Who you think
14. ieters shoul try to reh n _ resonle weight.
. ontin
. seure
. reserve
. mintin
15. Our movement is ___ in the herts of the people.
. to root
. to e roote
. roote
. rooting
16. 英语(下)第一次在线测试题 一 选择题 1. I m sure I n ___ him into letting us sty in the hotel for the night.
. spek
. sy
. tlk
. tell
17. His tone ___________ his rel feelings more truly thn his wors.
. rought
. onveye
. hne
. fethe
18. —Woul you plese give him the pper the moment he ______? —No prolem.
. rrives
. will rrive
. rrive
. is rriving
19. The hil is still ______ with his hopstiks.
. fmilir
. wkwr
. skilful
. quinte
20. He in’t know ________or sty t home.
. to go
. if tht he shoul go
. if to go
. whether to go
21. 6 There hs een grul ___ of workers wy from mnufturing towrs the servie inustries.
. shift
. move
. lift
. gift
22. 4.--Exuse me. I on‘t wnt to interrupt you ut... --______.
. n I help you?
. ertinly, how re you
. It‘s quite ll right
. Yes, you i
23. 4. The elephnts re relly (n) ______ in the zoo.
. unertinty
. interest
. ttrtion
. suspiion
24. 2. Let us see how itionries re me n how the eitors _____ efinitions.
. le to
. rrive t
. reh for
. pproh to
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