一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. 第四次作业问题16
. She ws sent ll week owing to sikness.
. She ws seriously injure in r ient.
. She lle to sy tht her husn h een hospitlize.
. She h to e wy from shool to tten to her husn.
2. 第四次作业问题12
. The mn is fon of trveling.
. The womn is photogrpher.
. The womn took lot of pitures t the ontest.
. The mn mires the womn's tlent in writing.
3. 第四次作业问题22
. emn ompenstion from the hotel.
. sk for n itionl isount.
. omplin to the hotel mnger.
. Fin heper room in nother hotel.
4. 第四次作业问题13
. The mn regrets eing sent-mine.
. The womn sve the mn some troule.
. The mn ple the reing list on esk.
. The womn emptie the wste pper sket.
5. 第四次作业问题28
. She ws fon of living n isolte life.
. She ws fsinte y merin ulture.
. She ws very generous in offering help.
. She ws highly evote to her fmily.
6. 第四次作业问题19
. The hotel lerk h put his reservtion uner nother nme.
. The hotel lerk insiste tht he in't mke ny reservtion.
. The hotel lerk trie to tke vntge of his inexperiene.
. The hotel lerk ouln't fin his reservtion for tht night.
7. 第四次作业问题17
. The spekers wnt to rent the Smiths' ol house.
. The mn lives two loks wy from the Smiths.
. The womn is not sure if she is on the right street.
. The Smiths' new house is not fr from their ol one.
8. 第四次作业问题20
. grn weing ws eing hel in the hotel.
. There ws onferene going on in the ity.
. The hotel ws unergoing mjor repirs.
. It ws usy seson for holiy-mkers.
9. 第四次作业问题14
. He quit tehing in June.
. He hs left the rmy reently.
. He opene resturnt ner the shool.
. He hs tken over his rother's usiness.
10. 第四次作业问题23
. n employee in the ity ounil t irminghm.
. ssistnt iretor of the missions Offie
. He of the Overses Stuents Offie.
. Seretry of irminghm Meil Shool.