1. 第三次作业问题18
. He turne suenly n rn into tree.
. He ws hit y fllen ox from truk.
. He rove too fst n rshe into truk.
. He ws trying to overtke the truk he of him
2. 第三次作业问题21
. It’s most eutiful in summer
. It hs mny historil uilings.
. It ws gretly expne in the 18th entury.
. It’s the only Frenh-speking ity in n.
3. 第三次作业问题16
. He hs strnge personlity.
. He’s got emotionl prolems.
. His illness is eyon ure.
. His ehvior is hr to explin.
4. 第三次作业问题12
. She’ll hve some hoolte ke.
. She’ll tke look t the menu.
. She’ll go without essert.
. She’ll prepre the inner.
5. 第三次作业问题23
. She knows how to write est-selling novels.
. She n ern lot of money y writing for ults.
. She is le to win enough support from pulishers.
. She n mke living y oing wht she likes.
6. 第三次作业问题26
. Monitor stuents’ sleep ptterns.
. Help stuents onentrte in lss.
. Reor stuents’ weekly performne.
. sk stuents to omplete sleep report.
7. 第三次作业问题20
. Stuy the mp of Quee Provine
. Fin more out Quee Provine
. rush up on her Frenh
. Lern more out the lol ustoms
8. 第三次作业问题15
. She isn’t sure when Professor loom will e k
. The mn shouln’t e lte for his lss.
. The mn n ome k sometime lter.
. She n pss on the messge for the mn.
9. 第三次作业问题11
. Pln his uget refully
. Give her more informtion.
. sk someone else for vie.
. uy gift for his girlfrien.
10. 第三次作业问题13
. The mn n spek foreign lnguge.
. The womn hopes to improve her English.
. The womn knows mny ifferent lnguges.
. The mn wishes to visit mny more ountries.