一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. O ptin, My pin is written y___
. Roert urns
. Roert Frost
. Wlt Whitmn
. John Kets
2. The pen nme Mrk Twin mens___
. wter
. sfe wter
. river
. ler wter
3. Roert Frost won___ Plitzer pries.
. two
. three
. four
. five
4. The story of the Srlet Letter is set in___
. New York
. Engln
. oston
. Slt lke ity
5. oring to Hwthorne, the srlet letter "" whih originlly stoo for "_______" finlly otine the mening of "le" or "ngel" through Hester's efforts.
. ultery
. rrogne
. omplishment
. gony
6. When we sy tht poor young mn from the West trie to mke his fortune in the Est ut ws isillusione in the quest of n ielize rem, we re proly isussing out ______'s themti onern in his fition writing.
. Henry Jmes
. Sott Fitzgerl
. Ernest Hemingwy
. Willim Fulkner
7. oring to Mrk Twin, in river towns up n own the Mississippi, it ws every oy's rem to some y grow up to e ______.
. Methoist preher
. justie of the pee
. riverot pilot
. pirte on the Inin oen
8. Whih ook mrke the turning point of Hwthornw' reer n his personl life?
. Twie-Tol Tles
. Fnshwe
. The Srlet Letter
. Mosess from n Ol Mnse
9. Whih of the following sttements out The Srlet Letter is NOT true?
. It explores mn's never-ening serh for the stisftion of mterilisti esires.
. It reltes the onflits etween the soiety n the iniviul.
. It is out the effet of sin on the people involve n the soiety s whole.
. It presents p
10. Roert Frost omine tritionl verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming ouplets, lnk verse - with ler merin lol speeh rhythm, the speeh of _______ frmers with its iiosynrti ition n syntx.
. Southern
. Western
. New Hmpshire
. New Engln
11. Whih of the following is not written y Roert Frost?
. To utumn
. Stopping y Woos on Snowy Evening
. Mening Wll
. oy's Will
12. In Sister rrie, Hurstwoo, extremely hopeless n totlly evstte, ens his life y turning on the gs, while t the sme time rrie is roking omfortly in her luxurious hotel room efore she ors ship for _______.
. New York
. Lonon
. Pris
. Genev
13. Wht's the nme of Hester n immesle 's ughter?
. my
. Perl
. Nin
. erry
14. s nturlist writer, Theoore reiser ws gretly influene y _______.
. Nthniel Hwthorne
. hrles rwin
. Henry Jmes
. Rlph Wlo Emerson
15. In ll his novels Theoore reiser sets himself to projet the ______ merin vlues. For exmple, in Sister rrie, there is not one hrter whose sttus is not etermine eonomilly.
. Puritn
. mterilisti
. psyhologil
. religious
16. reiser's Trilogy of esire inlues three novels. They re The Finnier, The Titn n _______ .
. The Genius
. The Tyoon
. The Stoi
. The Gint
17. Roert Frost is regionl poet in the sense tht his poems re minly onerne out the _______.
. life in New York
. ountry life in New Engln
. se ventures
. life on the Mississippi
18. Whih of the following sttements out writers in 1920s is true?
. Mrk Twin pulishe his lst n most importnt novel.
. F. Sott Fitzgerl reeive the Noel Prize.
. Freuin psyhology influene mny moern writers.
. Most writers were politilly ril.
19. Mrk Twin, one of the gretest 19th entury merin writers, is well known for his ____.
. interntionl theme
. wste-ln imgery
. lol olor
. symolism
20. The poem Stopping y Woos on Snowy Evening is selete from____
. Witness Tree
. Steeple ush
. New Hmpshire
. Further Rnge