一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. _____ you like to hve wlk with us this evening?
. i
. Woul
. Shoul
. n
2. She ws so ngry t ll ________ he ws oing _________ she stye up ll night.
. tht; tht
. tht; whih
. wht; tht
. wht; s
3. She __________in this shool ________the pst ten yers.
. ws tehing, sine
. h een tehing, sine
. woul teh, for
. hs een tehing, for
4. _______ for mny yers, the writer suenly eme fmous.
. Hving ignore him
. To e ignore
. To hve een ignore
. Hving een ignore
5. The first thing I wnt to o is __________.
. visit to him
. to visit him
. visiting him
. visite him
6. Mrs. Wu tol me tht her sister___________.
. left out two hours efore
. woul leve out two hours efore
. hs left out two hours go
. h left out two hours efore
7. _______ with the size of the whole erth, the highest mountin oes not seem high t ll.
. When ompre
. ompre
. While ompring
. ompring
8. _______ with the piture, Mry tore it to piees.
. isstisfying thoroughly
. eing thoroughly isstisfie
. To isstisfy thoroughly
. To e thoroughly isstisfie
9. i you see Xio Li t the prty? No, ______y the time I rrive.
. she’ left
. she's left
. She ws left
. she must leve
10. _______ s it ws t suh time, his work ttrte muh ttention.
. eing pulishe
. Pulishe
. Pulishing
. To e pulishe
11. _______ in this wy,the sitution oesn't seem so isppointing.
. To look t
. Looking t
. Looke t
. To e looke t
12. She' like to offer money to ________ nees it to ontinue his or her stuy.
. who
. whom
. whoever
. whomever
13. Where is my pssport? I rememer _______ it here. You shouln't hve left it here. Rememer _______ it with you ll the time.
. to put;to tke
. putting;tking
. putting;to tke
. to put;tking
14. No mtter how frequently _______, the works of eethoven lwys ttrt lrge uienes.
. performing
. performe
. to e performe
. eing performe
15. When I rehe home, my prents __________their supper.
. re hving
. hve lrey h
. hve h
. h lrey h
16. I’m fri they woul not llow him ________ here.
. to smoke
. smoking
. smokes
. smoke
17. No one enjoys _______ t.
. lughing
. to lugh
. eing lughe
. to e lughe
18. Tht is the y ______I'll never forget.
. whih
. on whih
. in whih
. when
19. It _____ e she tht tol him out it; it _____ e you, euse only you n I know it.
. mustn’t; must
. ouln’t; must
. mustn’t; might
. ouln’t; might
20. _______ the erth to e flt, mny people fere tht olumus woul fll off the ege of the erth.
. Hving elieve
. elieve
. elieving
. eing elieve
21. The house ws very quiet, _______ s it ws on the sie of mountin.
. isolte
. eing isolte
. isolting
. hving een isolte
22. This is one of the est films _______.
. tht hve een shown this yer
. tht hve shown
. tht hs een shown this yer
. tht you tlke
23. I _________to help you ut ouln’t get here in time.
. wnt
. h wnte
. hve wnte
. ws wnting
24. Nowys onsumers eome more n more prtil n uy only _______ they nee.
. where
. whih
. when
. wht
25. Mggie rn k to the kithen, eggs _______ refully in her hns.
. were hel
. to e hel
. hel
. holing