一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. I‘m lte. I ws ______ y the trffie.
. hel off
. hel on
. hel up
. hel out
2. o trie in vin to trik his little rother_____ some money from their mother‘s purse.
. to stel
. to steling
. into steling
. into stel
3. Though Jne me to work toy, she ws sent for week. She _____ sik.
. must hve een
. my e
. oul e
. might e
4. You _____ to town to see the film yestery. It will e on TV tonight.
. neen‘t go
. shoul not go
. h etter not go
. neen‘t hve gone
5. Mn must stop_____ the erth‘s tmosphere.
. filling
. emitting
. wsting
. polluting
6. No one hs yet sueee in explning the _____ of how life egn.
. prolem
. puzzle
. use
. logi
7. The three hours I spent in the shool lirry_____ my ol pssion for reing.
. rought out
. rought over
. rought forth
. rough k
8. The ol ouple eie to move out of town to quiet_____, where they h spent severl yesrs immeitely fter their mrrige.
. neighorhoo
. spe
. re
. suur
9. _____ it is you‘ve foun, you must give it k to the person it elongs to.
. Whtever
. Tht
. Wht
. Howerver
10. I suenly relize tht he ws trying to _____ qurrelling with me.
. onsier
. enjoy
. voi
. prevent
11. He in‘t _____ n so he file the exmintion.
. work enough hr
. work hr enough
. hr work enough
. hr enough work
12. Lin woul rther hve never een orn thn _____ this y of shme.
. to see
. see
. hving seen
. hve seen
13. The tem rlly looks goo tonight euse the oh h them_____ every night this week.
. prtie
. to prtie
. prtie
. prtiing
14. s fuel pries rose, us ompnies rise their fres n_____.
. so i the irlines
. nor i the irlines
. so the irlines i
. nor the irlines i
15. I hope tht the prel_____ in time.
. me
. woul ome
. omes
. shoul ome
16. Susn wnts to know whether the mesures hve een gree______.
. to
. upon
. ginst
. over
17. Let‘s hng up some pintings on these _____ wlls.
. empty
. re
. vnt
. lnk
18. s gesture of protest ginst the inrese in tuition fees, the stuents eie______ the Presient‘s offie.
. to sit on in
. to sit t
. to sit on t
. to sit in t
19. The oys re sweting ll over. They _____.
. must e working
. must work
. my e working
. must hve een working
20. Now suenly the ol womn egn to so, holing herself in s if weeping _____ isgre.
. is
. ws to e
. woul e
. were
21. Unfortuntely, very few sheep______ the severe winter lst yer.
. survive
. enure
. spent
. remine live
22. Thousns of people_____ to see the pre.
. turne off
. turne out
. turne up
. turne over
23. t the onferene he expresse some personl views whih lter rought him into_____ with the Prty leership.
. onflit
. tion
. power
. risis
24. Here re some toys. You n_____ one or two for your little son s irthy gift from me.
. single out
. pik out
. tke out
. work out
25. The ptin pologize _____ to tell us more out the ient.
. for to e unle
. to e unle
. tht he ws le
. for eing unle