一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. It ws ( )hot tht we h to open ll the offie winows.
. 不填
. too
. so
. suh
2. -Wht y is it toy? -( ).
. Toy is Mrh 25th
. Toy is Stury
. Toy is fine
. Toy is ol
3. Toxi hemil must ( )sfely.
. trnsporte
. e trnsporte
. e trnsport
. to e trnsporte
4. The Goi esert is ( )thn ritin.
. seven times igger
. igger seven times
. seven igger times
. seven times ig
5. He hs spent five yers ( )the novel.
. t writing
. to writing
. in writing
. write
6. -My I use your ike to go shopping? -( ).
. Yes, I give it to you
. ertinly. There it is
. Yes, I' love to
. I'm not sure
7. -o you min telling me where you're from? -( ).
. ertinly. I'm from Lonon
. Sure. I ws orn in Lonon
. ertinly not. I'm from Lonon
. Not relly, you n o it
8. They isusse the prolem three or four times, ut oul ome to no ( ).
. en
. result
. onlusion
. jugement
9. She promise to ( )me off t the sttion tomorrow.
. see
. get
. meet
. rry
10. He ouln't ( )the trip euse he h no money.
. mke
. tke
. go
. get
11. -Goo night n thnk you gin. -( ).
. You n't sy tht
. No, no. It's wht I n o
. How n you sy tht
. Goo night
12. -Will you go on pini with us tomorrow? -( )
. Yes, ut I'll hve English lsses.
. Sorry, I hve n ppointment with r. rown.
. I'm fri I hve no ie.
. I won't. It's kin of you.
13. -oul I use your itionry for moment -( ).
. It's well
. It oesn't mtter
. y ll mens
. I hve no ie
14. They h sueee ( )the tsk in time.
. t ompleting
. to omplete
. in ompleting
. omplete
15. This is very importnt. You ( )rememer to shut own your omputer every evening.
. shoul
. must
. ought
. nee
16. y 2050 the level of inustril pollution ( )ngerous levels in mny ities.
. will hve reh
. will hs rehe
. will hve rehe
. will reh
17. She is ( )of snkes.
. fri
. fering
. terror
. horrile
18. -We re going to hve ning prty tonight. Woul you like to join us? -( ).
. I'm fri not. euse I hve n ppointment with my entist tonight
. Of ourse not. I hve no ie.
. No, I n't
. Tht's ll set
19. ( )you finish your homework, you n't wth TV.
. If
. Therefore
. However
. Unless
20. -How often o you go to the inem? -( ).
. I like inems
. Lst week n the week efore
. I've never een to the inem
. one yer
21. -I've got two tikets for the mth. Shll we go n wth it together? -( )
. The tikets must e expensive.
. The mth must e exiting.
. Why not? Let's go.
. The ple is too fr wy.
22. Jk is goo, hr working n intelligent. ( ). I n't spek too highly of him.
. s result
. y the wy
. On the ontrry
. In wor
23. Kte works s( )s her sister.
. more hr
. hrly
. hrer
. hr
24. Tom hs to work ( )his lssmtes sine he is less lever.
. twie s hr s
. twie s hrly s
. twie hr thn
. twie s hrer s
25. Woul you min telling me ( ).
. where re you from
. where you were from
. where you re from
. you re from where