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发表于 2017-4-26 09:02:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 50 道试题,共 50 分。)  V 1. —Why not go out for a walk before breakfast? —Oh,yes. () is my favorite time of day.
A. In the early morning
B. Early morning
C. The early of morning
D. The early morning that

2.  -My mathematics is very poor. -Dont worry. Ill help you () I can.
A. as far as
B. as soon as
C. as quickly as
D. as possible as

3.  It will be quite a long time () she is back again, so dont be too cross with her.
A. that
B. since
C. before
D. until

4.  -When () you return the dictionary to me?-Only when I () you next Sunday.
A. will;see
B. do;will see
C. will;will see
D. do;see

5.  -How can I use this washing machine? -Well, just refer to the ().
A. explanations
B. expressions
C. introductions
D. directions

6.  Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had () went wrong again.
A. it repaired
B. to be repaired
C. to repair
D. repaired

7.  In the 16-19 age group,32 of women smoke () 28 of men.
A. comparing to
B. comparing with
C. compared to
D. compare with

8.  If you keep on, youll succeed (). Wish you success in the examinations.
A. in time
B. at one time
C. for the same time
D. sometimes

9.  -Are there any English Story books for us students in the library?  -There are only a few, ().
A. if any
B. if there
C. if some
D. if has

10.  -Id rather have some wine, if you dont mind.  -().
A. No, you'd better not
B. Not at all, anything you want
C. Thank you all the same
D. Yes, but not good

11.  Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed (), for which his classmates spoke () of him.
A. high; high
B. highly; highly
C. highly; high
D. high; highly

12.  It was the very place () the soldiers fought over sixty years ago.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. there

13.  -I expect everything will turn out as you wish.-().
A. The same to you
B. All right
C. I'd like to
D. Certainly

14.  () she is not so healthy () she used to be?
A. It was why; that's what
B. Is it why that; as
C. Why is it that; as
D. Why it is that; that

15.  -Mary, would you like to come to my birthday party? - ().
A. Of course, you could
B. Sure. Go ahead
C. Sorry, you may not
D. No, you mustn't

16.  -Do you think we can get there on time? -Yes,() the truck doesnt break down.
A. even if
B. unless
C. until
D. so long as

17.  The headmaster hurried to the concert hall only () the speaker().
A. to find; left
B. to find; gone
C. finding; left
D. finding; gone

18.  -Wouldnt be () wonderful world, if all nations live in () peace with one another?   -What () pleasure to live in () world!
A. the; the; the; such
B. the; a; /; such
C. a; /; a; such a
D. a; a; /; such a

19.  - You couldnt have chosen any gift better for me. - ().
A. Oh,I'd choose a better one for you next time
B. You've had a gift for music,haven't you
C. I'm glad that you like it so much
D. Sorry,but don't blame me,dear

20.  () Sunday, rather than () at home, I preferred ().
A. It being; stay; to travel
B. Being; to stay; to travel
C. shavings been; stay; travel
D. It was; to stay; travelling

21.  -() I tell the head teacher all that has happened? -No, you ()! Mr. Xin would be terribly angry.
A. Will; needn't
B. Would; can
C. Should; mustn't
D. Must; don't have to

22.  It was five oclock in the afternoon () they climbed up to the top of the mountain.
A. since
B. when
C. That
D. until

23.  - I heard Back Street would sing at the New Theater.- Where did you ()?
A. pick that up
B. put that up
C. make that up
D. take that up

24.  ---Can you finish the writing on time? ---().
A. Never mind
B. With pleasure
C. No problem
D. All right

25.  () all the inventions have in common is () they have succeeded.
A. What; wha
B. That; what
C. What; that
D. That; that

26.  Exercise is () as any other to lose unwanted weight.
A. so useful a way
B. as a useful way
C. as useful a way
D. such useful way

27.  Good food,not (),thats how one gets fat.
A. enough exercises
B. exercises enough
C. enough exercise
D. exercise enough

28.  How pleasant the picture is to ()!
A. be looked
B. for looking at
C. looking at
D. look at

29.  Bettys English is () than () in the class.
A. much better; anyone else
B. far better; anyone else's
C. a lot better; anyone's else
D. a great deal better; anyone's else's

30.  I () to take a holiday this summer, but I had to change my plan .
A. would hope
B. was hoping
C. had been hoped
D. had hoped

31.  How pleased the detective was () what his customer told him!
A. hearing
B. heard
C. to hearing
D. to hear

32.  Jack () yet last night, otherwise he () me.
A. mustn't have arrived; must have phoned
B. can't have arrived; would have phoned
C. may have arrived; need have phoned
D. shouldn't have arrived; can have phoned

33.  -Thank you very much. -You are welcome. I was () glad to help.
A. too much
B. only too
C. not so
D. very much

34.  It is too early in the () to expect many visitors to the city.
A. time
B. hour
C. season
D. term

35.  --When () we meet again?--() it any time you like.
A. will; Do
B. will; Make
C. shall; Do
D. shall; Make

36.  Ill give the prize to () finishes the work first.
A. whomever
B. whoever
C. who
D. anyone

37.  --Shall we meet right now?--Sorry. Im too busy to () for the moment.
A. get through
B. get away
C. get off
D. get together

38.  Computer cannot remember who (); it simply does what ().
A. has used it; it is told
B. will used it; it was told
C. uses it; it has told
D. has used it; it told

39.  —I failed again. I wish I () harder. —But you ().
A. had worked; hadn't
B. worked; don't
C. had worked; didn't
D. worked; didn't

40.  Its what he did () what he said that moved us.
A. except for
B. but so
C. instead
D. rather than

41.  Well continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must () learn how to study in the school now.
A. in all
B. after all
C. above all
D. at all

42.  -You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling. --(),but Im afraid I cant do well because my Japanese is poor.
A. Never mind
B. Well,I ought to
C. I don't know yet
D. Certainly not

43.  Is there a cinema around () I can see a movie?
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. what

44.  You can go out () you promise to be back before 11 oclock.
A. so that
B. as far as
C. so long as
D. in case

45.  Is it Shakespeare Theatre () you are going to watch the play The Merchant of Venice?
A. where
B. that
C. which
D. as

46.  -Everyone says you are a good student. You are never late for school,are you? -().
A. No,sometimes
B. Yes,sometime
C. Yes,I did
D. No,I do

47.  Dont () to correct me if I made a mistake.
A. pause
B. stop
C. mind
D. hesitate

48.  Dont be joking. Its time to () your business.
A. set out
B. take up
C. go on
D. get down

49.  Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often () or better than an actual performance.
A. as good as
B. as good
C. as well as
D. good as

50.  () a mobile phone can you ring () you want to talk with anywhere .
A. Using; whoever
B. Only on; whomever
C. By; whomever
D. With; whoever


二、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 50 分。)  V 1. -What did you think of () president?-I didnt care for him at first,but after () time I get to like him.
A. the
B. the
C. the;the
D. /;a

2.  ——What about () job? ——Its too difficult () job for me.
A. the; a
B. the; the
C. a; the
D. a; a

3.  I am glad that the Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in China, () ?
A. shall we
B. aren't I
C. won't it
D. won't they

4.  The new machine,if () properly,will work at least ten years.
A. use
B. using
C. being used
D. used

5.  () was known to them all that Bob had broken his promise () he would give them a rise.
A. As; which
C. What; that
D. It; that
E. It; which

6.  -Are you pleased with what he has done? -Not in the least. It couldnt be ().
A. so bad
B. much better
C. any worse
D. the best

7.  -Whats the old man standing there? -He is (), a new comer.
A. Mr. White
B. an engineer
C. Joe
D. Joe's brother

8.  He () me to keep away from cigarette and take more exercise.
A. Agreed
B. suggested
C. promised
D. hoped

9.  -We want someone to design the new art museum for us. -() the young fellow have a try?
A. May
B. Shall
C. Will
D. Need

10.  The sun was shining brightly, () everything there () more beautiful.
A. making; look
B. to make; looked
C. and made; looking
D. and making; be looked

11.  Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem () none of us worked out.
A. that
B. as
C. so that
D. which

12.  Look! There are lots of () birds flying over the trees.
A. funny red little
B. funny little red
C. little funny red
D. little red funny

13.  Let us hope we can settle the matter without () more trouble.
A. any
B. a little
C. some
D. little

14.  I need some red ink badly, but theres () at hand
A. nothing
B. a little
C. none
D. not

15.  -What do you think of the book? -Oh, excellent. It is worth () second time.
A. to read a
B. to read the
C. reading a
D. being read the

16.  His best known work that is () all praise can be seen in the museum.
A. With
B. beyond
C. without
D. within

17.  -What shall we have for dinner tonight?  -Oh,I dont care. (). Its your job to come up with the menu,so get on with it.
A. Anything will do
B. I won't have lessons tomorrow
C. I needn't to talk about it with someone
D. What a nice meal

18.  -If you have time tonight,Id like to invite you to a ball. -Thats very nice of you,but are you ()?
A. Free
B. careful
C. serious
D. #true

19.  They couldnt eat in a restaurant because () of them had () money on them.
A. all; no
B. any; no
C. none; any
D. no one; any

20.  If you carry on working like this, you will () sooner or later.
A. give off
B. get down
C. break down
D. hold on

21.  The stone on the river bank rolled under her feet; she was ()into the river,and she called out for help.
A. being jumped
B. jumped
C. pulled
D. being pulled

22.  There are forty five students in our class, and they are () interested in football.
A. most
B. almost
C. nearly
D. mostly

23.  The Browns held () they called"family day"once each year.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. when

24.  -Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no idea; he () it this morning.
A. was doing
B. had been doing
C. has done
D. did

25.  -When are you leaving? -My plane () at six.
A. took off
B. is about to take off
C. takes off
D. will take off

26.  What do you do yesterday afternoon? -I went to the bookstore,() some books and visited my uncle.
A. to buy
B. bought
C. Buy
D. buying

27.  Charles did what he could () the servant, although he himself was in danger.
A. rescue
B. rescued
C. to rescue
D. rescuing

28.  I will give the book to () wants to read it.
A. whoever
B. whomever
C. who
D. whom

29.  Henry cant attend the party () at Toms house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party () at Maries house tomorrow.
A. held; being held
B. to be held; to be held
C. to be held; held
D. being held; to be held

30.  -You must call them every week. - Yes, I ().
A. must
B. should
C. have to
D. will

31.  Mr. Green drove slowly on the way home until he reached the high way, () the speed limit was 60 miles per hour.
A. because
B. which
C. where
D. that

32.  -The girls in blue are our new classmates. -I know ().
A. these
B. so
C. such
D. that

33.  Mr. Green left () suddenly () he came.
A. so; that
B. so; as
C. as; that
D. as; as

34.  We used to work in the same office and we () have coffee together.
A. would
B. should
C. which
D. might

35.  The Beatles,() many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool.
A. for
B. though
C. as
D. since

36.  Have you seen () watch? I left it here this morning. -I think I saw one somewhere. Is it () new one?
A. a;/
B. a;th
C. the;a
D. a;a

37.  Historically, () main material for making tables has been wood, but () metal and stone have also been used
A. the; /
B. B. /; /
C. the; the# /; the

38.  It was not until liberation that () to his hometown.
A. did he return
B. was he returned
C. he did return
D. he returned

39.  -Did your uncle fly to Paris directly? -No,he travelled from Hong Kong () London.
A. Through
B. by way of
C. across
D. on way of

40.  () is known to all,good friends () happiness and value to life.
A. It; add
B. As; add
C. It; add up
D. As; add to

41.  I hate () their complains all day. one of these days Ill tell them what I really think.
A. paying attention to
B. to talk abou
C. listening to
D. to have heard

42.  —Id like a pen which () well.—Will this one ()?
A. writes; do
B. writes; work
C. is written; do
D. is written;work

43.  () we know, hurricane is () to come.
A. As soon as; possible
B. As long as; probable
C. As far as; likely
D. As well as; perhaps

44.  -Have you got your test result? -Not yet. The papers ().
A. are still being corrected
B. are not correcting
C. have already been corrected
D. have not corrected

45.  If () the same treatment again, hes sure to get well.
A. Giving
B. give
C. given
D. being given

46.  Canada,Australia and New Zealand are all () countries.
A. Spoken English
B. English spoken
C. speaking English
D. English speaking

47.  So far, several ships have been reported missing () the coast of Bermuda Island.
A. off
B. along
C. on
D. around

48.  () we call the First Aid Centre, the doctors () by and by.
A. No sooner; would come
B. Soon after; would come
C. Shortly; are coming
D. Immediately; will come

49.  -Are you satisfied with her answer?-Not at all. It couldnt have been ().
A. worse
B. so bad
C. better
D. the worse

50.  When he was a little boy,he () on the farm.
A. used to working
B. used to work
C. got used to work
D. was used to work


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