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发表于 2017-5-2 09:07:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. We must begin testing the instrument, no matter( )difficult it is.
A. what
B. how
C. when
D. where

2.  Not until the game had begun ________ at the sports ground.
A. had he arrived
B. would he have arrived
C. did he arrive
D. should he have arrived

3.  I still remember the year( )I first came to this beautiful city.
A. which
B. in which
C. that
D. for which

4.  The number of students who failed the chemistry examination ( )to fifteen.
A. have increased
B. has increased
C. is increased
D. are increasing

5.  I don’t mind ________ the decision as long as it is not too late.
A. you to delay making
B. your delaying making
C. your delaying to make
D. you delay to make

6.  A: I like documentaries on TV. B: ( ).
A. So am I.
B. So do I.
C. So have I
D. So did I

7.  Everybody ________ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.
A. assembled
B. accumulated
C. piled
D. joined

8.  Charles is fond ______ driving, so I’m happy just to be a passenger.
A. in
B. on
C. to
D. of

9.  Our company decided to ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. cancel
B. resist
C. assume
D. destroy

10.  After talking for nearly ten hours, he( )to the government’s pressure at last.
A. expressed
B. yielded
C. decreased
D. approved

11.  He doesn’t spend much time ( )his homework.
A. on
B. in
C. with
D. to

12.  Shopping will be( )cheaper if in holidays.
A. much even
B. very
C. quite
D. even

13.  May I stay with you( )going back to my parents’ home tonight?
A. because of
B. so as to
C. in spite of
D. instead of

14.  What do you think( )it?
A. that
B. of
C. which
D. to

15.  A: Sorry, I forgot to post the books for you. B: Never mind. ( )it myself tonight.
A. I’ going to post
B. I’d better to post
C. I’ll post
D. I’d rather post

16.  There is a(n) ______ lack of water in the northern part of the country, because there has been almost no rain since last February.
A. accurate
B. cute
C. intense
D. acute

17.  I think I was at school, ________ I was staying with a friends during the vacation when I heard the news.
A. or else
B. and then
C. or so
D. even so

18.  ( )books you borrow from the library should be returned in two weeks' time.
A. Whatever
B. Which
C. No matter who
D. What

19.  China is a( )country while the U.S is a( )country.
A. developed…developed
B. developing … developing
C. developed…developing
D. developing … developed

20.  He talks to his best friends to find an ______ for his anger.
A. outlet
B. entrance
C. exit
D. door

21.  While crossing the street, he knocked( )our car.
A. at
B. into
C. off
D. out

22.  The girl found it difficult to ______ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.
A. adapt
B. adopt
C. change
D. shift

23.  This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ________ comfortably.
A. is worn
B. wears
C. wearing
D. are worn

24.  Only if you follow the notes( )operate the machine.
A. we can
B. will we
C. we do
D. we will

25.  Children should be taught how to get on well with ( ).
A. another
B. not
C. each other
D. no

26.  These surveys indicate that many crimes go ________ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them.
A. unrecorded
B. to be unrecorded
C. unrecording
D. to have been unrecorded

27.  Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ________27%.
A. by
B. for
C. to
D. in

28.  As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ________ it.
A. postpone
B. refuse
C. delay
D. cancel

29.  It is generally agreed that we may use this substance ( )soap.
A. in the place of
B. in place of
C. in place
D. out of place

30.  It’s very kind( )say so.
A. from you to
B. of you to
C. by you to
D. that you

31.  The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes, ________ more women to take advantage of employment opportunities. A. have allowed B. allow C. allowing D. allows
A. have allowed
B. allow
C. allowing
D. allows

32.  By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ________ opportunity to change his mind.
A. accurate
B. urgent
C. excessive
D. adequate

33.  A: “May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o’clock tonight?” B:“I’m sorry. Mr. Williams ________ to a conference long before then.”
A. will have gone
B. had gone
C. would have gone
D. has gone

34.  We are looking ( )to hearing from you soon.
A. at
B. forward
C. for
D. up

35.  Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ________ at the next town.
A. to stop
B. stopping
C. stop
D. having stopped

36.  ( ) a wrong address, he could not find his friend’s flat.
A. Giving
B. To be given
C. Having given
D. Having been given

37.  I prefer writing a term paper ( )taking an examination.
A. than
B. to
C. for
D. rather than

38.  This year’s weather isn’t as it was last year, ( )?
A. wasn’t it
B. was it
C. isn’t it
D. is it

39.  A good teacher always tries to( )students to ask question.
A. encourage
B. obey
C. recall
D. spread

40.  Teacher told Tom( )late for school.
A. not to
B. not be
C. not to be
D. did not be

41.  I don’t trust him at all. His smiles always make me ( ).
A. feeling sick
B. be sick
C. being sick
D. sick

42.  I only bought these shoes last week, and they’re falling ______ already.
A. down
B. away
C. out
D. apart

43.  The city has a population of over ( ).
A. five hundred million
B. five hundred millions
C. five hundreds million
D. five hundred millions people

44.  There are thirty students in our class. ( )of them are league members.
A. No one
B. Either
C. All
D. Both

45.  There are signs ________ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.
A. that
B. which
C. in which
D. whose

46.  Don't put the medicine ______ children’s reach. The medicine can be very dangerous.
A. within
B. beyond
C. without
D. for

47.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ________ will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this

48.  There isn’t ( ) in the office.
A. anyone
B. everyone
C. nobody
D. any people

49.  ( )an exciting city Shanghai is!
A. So
B. Very
C. How
D. What

50.  He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave ______ drink.
A. for
B. to
C. in
D. on


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