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发表于 2017-5-5 10:15:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)  V 1. At last my boss agreed to ___the deadlines of the report until the end of the week.
A. extend
B. strengthen
C. expand
D. enlarge

2.  ___ the war, Haig believed in victory at any price.
A. In addition to
B. As well as
C. In regard to
D. As far as

3.  As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to _________  the problem.
A. handle
B. raise
C. face
D. present

4.  Although this ____  sound like a simple task, great care is needed.
A. must
B. may
C. shall
D. should

5.  ______ you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.
A. As if
B. Where
C. Because
D. Even if

6.  As we know, sea mammals, like whales, must__ periodically to breathe.
A. appear
B. occur
C. show
D. emerge

7.  _____ they have taken matters into their hands, the pace of events has quickened.
A. As long as
B. Even if
C. Now that
D. Only if

8.  ___ of my sisters remembered my birthday.
A. Not
B. No
C. None
D. No one

9.  Bob talks as if he __ rich but we all know that he has been jobless for months.
A. is
B. has been
C. were
D. would be

10.  A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days  ___.
A. or more
B. instead
C. at most
D. only

11.  At the conference the representatives from all parts of the country will discuss the ____ plan.
A. five years
B. five-years
C. five-year
D. five year

12.  ____ I know, there isn’t such a word in English.
A. As much as
B. So far as
C. As long as
D. As soon as

13.  Bill’s design was good, but the manager thought there was still __ room for improvement.
A. much
B. many
C. a few
D. little

14.  Edwards addressed the envelope but has not __ it.
A. signed
B. sighted
C. stamped
D. selected

15.  ( ),I couldn't persuade him to change his mind.
A. Hard although I tried
B. However I tried hard
C. No matter hard I tried
D. However hard I tried

16.  Alice's parents died in the war, but she ____.
A. served
B. spoilt
C. survived
D. solved

17.  Between 1974 and 1997,the number of overseas visitors expanded ______ 27%.
A. by
B. for
C. to
D. in

18.  Eugene is ill and can not receive you__ .
A. at hand
B. on the other hand
C. at least
D. at present

19.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _____ will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this

20.  __ that it would rain tomorrow, the explores decided to start immediately.
A. Learning
B. To learn
C. They learned
D. They had been learned

21.  __ the new technology into the factory was not an easy job.
A. Introducing
B. Introduce
C. Having introduced
D. To have introduced

22.  Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ______ in Cuba.
A. being cultivated
B. been cultivated
C. having cultivated
D. cultivating

23.  Ava was__ to believe that some things in the world cannot be bought.
A. brought up
B. brought along
C. brought about
D. bring up

24.  ______ she realized it was too late to go home.
A. No sooner it grew dark than
B. Hardly did it grow dark that
C. Scarcely had it grown dark than
D. It was not until dark that

25.  ___ increase food production to feed the ever-increasing world population.
A. In this way only can we
B. Only in this way can we
C. Only in this way we can
D. In this way can we only

26.  By the time I received his letter, he ___ and put in prison.
A. had been arrested
B. had arrested
C. was arrested
D. arrested

27.  Either Sam or I ____ the classroom this morning.
A. were to clean
B. am to clean
C. are going to clean
D. is going to clean

28.  Don’t waste your breath ____ him. He won’t listen to you.
A. to try to persuade
B. trying to persuade
C. trying persuading
D. to try persuading

29.  Although they are different in background and outlook, their partnership was based on( )respect, trust and understanding.
A. normal
B. mutual
C. common
D. ordinary

30.  Beneath the streets of the modern city___ the walls and houses of the ancient town of the Ming Dynasty.
A. exist
B. does exist
C. are existed
D. existing

31.  At that time, we were very poor and we only went to the cinema on very_____ occasions.
A. rare
B. little
C. scarce
D. a few

32.  ___ you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train.
A. Even after
B. Even if
C. Now that
D. Ever since

33.  __ a cold shower every day will do you a lot of good. It is worth a try.
A. Took
B. Taken
C. Take
D. Taking

34.  ____  the  houses were knocked down in the earthquake.
A. The number of
B. A great many of
C. A great deal of
D. A great many

35.  Bob stood at the door, ___ newcomers with a smile.
A. welcoming
B. being welcoming
C. welcomes
D. to welcome

36.  ____ Joe first heard of the man referred to as a distinguished artist.
A. It was Steven that
B. It was Steven who
C. It was from Steven that
D. That was from Steven

37.  ___ she has no car, Nancy can’t get to that small town easily.
A. Though
B. As
C. Where
D. After

38.  Facing dangers, he always( )calm.
A. looks
B. seems
C. remains
D. appears

39.  Alice had a hard time ___ with that drunken husband of hers.
A. lived
B. living
C. to live
D. live

40.  Diana ___ the house near the park and said, "That’s where the Smiths live."
A. pointed to
B. signed up
C. picked up
D. pooled up

41.  Don’t you think this western restaurant is ___ to the one we went to last week? The food is delicious and the service is good.
A. superior
B. better
C. advantageous
D. greater

42.  Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____  able to make a phone call.
A. still
B. even
C. also
D. ever

43.  After going to school, little Susan is__ than ever before.
A. excited
B. much excited
C. far much excited
D. far more excited

44.  ___ you can not answer the question, perhaps we'd better ask someone else.
A. When
B. Though
C. Since
D. After

45.  Fighting between these two countries continues, as neither side would give way to( ).
A. the other
B. other
C. another
D. each other

46.  ___ I’d like to welcome you to the conference.
A. All first
B. First of all
C. Of all the first
D. All of the first

47.  Because O type blood can be given successfully to almost any person, persons with blood type O are called universal ___.
A. honors
B. donors
C. contributors
D. distributors

48.  ___ at Harvard, she was active in the dramatic society.
A. Unless
B. Although
C. While
D. Until

49.  ( )speaking, Britain is a poor European country.
A. Relatively
B. Carefully
C. Promptly
D. Officially

50.  _ _, the chairman will not give up what he has decided to do.
A. As you may object
B. Object as you may
C. Object though you may
D. Object if you may


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