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[谋学网首发] 18秋北大36081003-大学英语3-第三组作业

发表于 2018-10-10 10:27:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100    得分:100
第1,[组合题]Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budget is the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle - is all part of fun.
Cheap, good??-value hostels are aimed at all types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don't have to be young or single to use them. Britain's independent hostels and backpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary, especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than a bunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable - almost like bargain hotels.
Youth Hotels
Founded many years ago to "help all, especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside", the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong in the 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway for exploring Britain's towns and countryside.
The B&B (bed and breakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room in somebody's house, and small B&Bs may only have one guest room, so you'll really feel like part of the family. Larger B&Bs may have four or five rooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome.
In country areas your B&B might be in a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflect facilities: and usually run from around £12 to £20 per person. City B&Bs charge about £25 to £30 per person, although they're often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.
Pubs & Inns
As well as selling drinks and meals, Britain's pubs and inns sometimes offer B&B, particularly in country areas. Staying a night or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.
Rates range from around £15 to £25 per person. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.


第2题,[组合题]It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in". Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 pm, college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can't wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.
Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they're a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960's, it was uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.
Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people's lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.


第3题,[组合题]When John and Victoria Falls arrived in New York City for one-year stay, they did not bring very many things with them. They had planned either to live in a furnished apartment or to buy used furniture. But they soon learned about a new system that more and more people are using. The renting of home furnishings (bed, tables, dishes, and so on) has become one of America's fastest growing businesses.
What kinds of people rent their home furnishings instead of buying them? People who are international business or government officials, foreign students, airline workers, young married couples - people whose job or business may force them to move frequently from one city to another. They save a lot of trouble and the cost of moving their furniture each time. They simply rent new furniture when they reach their new homes. Young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. They prefer to wait until they have enough money to buy furniture they really like. Meanwhile, they find they can rent better quality furniture than they could afford to buy.
One family, who now have a large, beautiful home of their own, liked their rented furniture so much that they decided to keep renting it instead of buying new things. But usually people don't like to tell others about it. The idea of renting home furnishings is still quite new, and they are not sure what their neighbors might think.


第4题,[组合题]By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most for the benefits of others - they are people against whom we measure others. They are men and women recognized for shaping our nation's consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us - an artifact of the past. Some maintain, that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace, our age is essentially an unheroic one. Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy, and advances continue to be made in medical science.  
Cultural icons are hard to define, but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to go beyond celebrity (明星), who are legendary, who somehow mange to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That's hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death - such as Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.


第5题,[组合题]Today the official language of the United States and most of Canada is English. However, French almost became the official language because of a war.
The French and Indian War was fought between 1754 and 1763. The name of this war is not accurate because the war was actually between England and France. The Indians fought on the side of the French.
France and England were trying to gain control of North America. France held Canada, and England held part of what is now the United States. However, France tried to expand its land by moving southward into New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Virginia. When the French built a fort(堡垒)on the Ohio River, the residents in Virginia sent George Washington to attack the fort in 1752. However, the French defeated Washington.
The French, aided by the Indians, outsmarted(比…..聪明) the English and won many early battles. Later, the British began to do well against the French. In the final battle in Quebec, Canada, General Wolfe of England faced General Montcalm from France. Both generals died in this battle, but the English outlasted(比…..持久)the French and won the battle. Thus, most of North America today has the English culture and language.


第6题,[组合题]Herman had worked for the bank of Ruritania for ten years and was still only a clerk. He was not satisfied with the position and wanted to find something better. Yet he did not want to lose his position in bank before he had got another one, so he prepared a letter about himself, with the words "HELP! I AM A PRISONER OF THE BANK OF RURITANIA!" in big letters across the top. Then he sent it to several other banks, asking them for a job.
A few days later, one of these letters came into the hands of Herman's boss at the bank; someone had given it to him at a party. The next morning, Herman's boss asked him to come into his room and said, "Herman, I have some very good news for you. The bank of Ruritania is setting you free!"


第7题,[组合题]Every child has a dream of what they want to be, right? When Renee Butts was little, her dream was to become a volunteer firefighter because her father was one. Sadly, when she was 14, her father died and she was never able to volunteer with him. Renee's story doesn't end there, however, which is why I think of her as a true hero. She was strong-minded and never gave up, which makes her a good firefighter.
  Some days she must be ready to deal with any emergency, like fighting a fire, dealing with a car accident or helping someone who's sick. Other days she is in the driver's seat. Sometimes Renee works nine to eleven days a month on 24-hour shifts. She also has a family to take care of. Her husband is a firefighter, too.
Renee remembers the first time she fought a fire. She was awoken early in the morning by the alarm. She said she was very nervous but did what she had to do.
When I asked Renee what the best part of her job is, she replied, "Helping people and saving their lives." I think that shows signs of being a true hero. She's always glad to do anything for anyone in need. With 140 people in her station, Renee is one of the only three women.
I think she's great. We could never live without people like her who is glad to help others. Renee's deed helps me believe that I can do anything. I hope someday to be just like her: to wake up and help people every day.


第8题,[组合题] In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 pm. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes it's a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures that treat time differently. Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible. In the U.S. no one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour, it would be too impolite. A person, who is 5 minutes late, will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.

第9题,[组合题]After I had been waiting there for more than ten minutes, I felt certain I must have missed the bus. There was only one thing I could do about that: I should just have to walk home. Of course it was entirely my own fault. Jane had told me the last bus always   21   at Stutton at ten thirty and it was now ten to eleven.
It would   22   me at least an hour and a half and maybe more to walk to my room in Forest End. But there was a   23   moon in the sky and I was quite used to walking much   24   than that. Perhaps I   25   better not take the short cut through the woods, I might easily   26   my way in the darkness.
I was halfway home when I heard a car moving slowly behind me. Could it be my imagination   27   was it actually following me down the hill? Why ever should it be making such slow progress? I decided to   28   what was the matter, so I stood still   29   I were waiting for it to pass me. It stopped just near me, the door opened and a man got out, who said anxiously, "Have you any idea where we can get petrol at this time of night? We've just   30   out completely."


第10题,[组合题] Americans have always had great faith in education. They believe that all citizens must have some   21   in order to understand economic and political matters and   22   wisely. They also believe that education is essential to progress and prosperity, and that every person is entitled to as much education as he can   23  .
The public schools of the United States are not controlled by the national government but by the   24   communities, with state laws setting educational standards and ruling on compulsory attendance.
  Among the most active in establishing free public education were the labor unions. From the 1830's on, public school   25   developed and they have been growing rapidly ever since. In addition, there are also various private and religious schools.
Today they have a great variety of types of colleges and universities,   26   the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Besides, there are many kinds of commercial and   27   training. Students are allowed a choice of subjects. There are   28   public schools for the handicapped, too. American schools are equipped with a large variety of up-to-date learning aids such as closed-circuit television, audio-visual equipment etc. State governments, special foundations and the colleges themselves grant many scholarships to students with special   29  . The goal is to make higher education   30   to everyone who is willing and capable.


第11题,[组合题]Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular   21   of transportation in all the United States. It has completely replaced the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for   22   90 per cent of all personal travel.
Most Americans are able to   23   cars. The average price of a recently-made car was $2,500 in 1950, $2740 in 1960 and up to $4750   24   1975. during this period American car manufacturers set about improving their products and work efficiently. As a result, the yearly income of the   25   family increased from 1950 to 1975 faster than the price of cars. For this reason   26   a new car takes a smaller part of a family's total earnings today.
In 1951   27   it took 8.1 months of an average family's income to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car   28   8.3 months of a family's annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 months' income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically   29   to models from previous years.
The influence of the automobile extends throughout the economy   30   the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money keeping their car running than on any other item.


第12题,[组合题]An old woman suddenly went blind. She gave a doctor a lot of money if he could make her  21   again. "If you fail," she said, "You will get   22  ." The doctor agreed.
The doctor soon discovered   23   was wrong with her eyes, but he decided not to cure her right away,  24    each time he visited, he secretly took some of her things. When he had taken everything, he was going to cure her blindness and set a large bill.
Now when the old woman could see again, she noticed that all her things had gone and she   25   to pay the bill, so the doctor took her to a judge.
"  26   the doctor says is true," she said to the judge, "but I am not well   27   because I still   28    any of the things in my house."
The old woman   29   the case and the doctor went angry unhappily   30   getting his pay.


第13题,[组合题]American inventor Thomas Edison's manufacturing facilities in New Jersey were heavily   21   by fire one night in December 1914. Edison lost almost $1-million worth of equipment   22   the record of much of his work.
The next morning, talking about the charred embers(灰烬) of his hopes and dreams, the   23   man said: "There is value in disaster. All our mistakes are   24  . Now we can start anew."
Edison understood a great   25   of living: almost any situation-good or bad-is   26   by the attitude we bring to it. Tough-minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy(哲学) and emerge stronger   27   tragedies(悲剧). Indeed, recent studies suggest that optimistic people earn more money, do   28   in school, are healthier and perhaps even live longer than pessimists.
As a psychotherapist(心理治疗专家), I've studied   29   motivates(激励) optimists, analyzing the lives of several hundred people over the years. While many suffered terrible setbacks, all learned techniques for defeating dejection(沮丧) and keeping their enthusiasm high during difficult periods. I believe that if you, too,   30   these time-tested ideas, you will get more from life.


第14题,[组合题] Art is not limited to literature. It   21   as building designing, as music, and certainly as paintings, water colors, oils, and other   22  . The pictures on the following pages, as well as the art collections, throughout the text, are meant to help you realize that certain things are   23   to all art forms. Once he has decided whether he will write, build or paint,   24   must choose material, shape it, and aim it to   25   his artistic purpose.
   You will find, too, that Man's strong wish or hope to picture his surroundings, his thoughts, and his feelings is not   26   to any age or culture. The   27   of art passed down from their great grandfathers' grandfathers is used as a supply to which artists may turn for   28   common to all men. Suppose you wanted to paint a picture that would, somehow, suggest a folk-tale. Would your characters be modern or would they be simple? Careful   29 _ of art works in Part Six of the book will help you to answer these questions, and to see how the   30   of one art form, literature, can be changed to those of another art form, paintings.



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