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19春 北外 跨文化交际 作业01(第1-4单元) (资料)

发表于 2019-4-29 13:08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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跨文化交际 作业01(第1-4单元)

The total marks for this assignment are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this assignment is 1 hour (60 minutes). PLEASE WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Please note: 1. In this new assignment, you are encouraged to apply your cross-cultural knowledge to cross-cultural case analysis. 2. The marking criteria for this assignment are different from what you used before. 3. The focus of assignment marking will not only be on your language appropriateness but also be on your ability to apply cross-cultural knowledge to cross-cultural problem solving. 4. A “three-step approach” to case analysis is recommended in this course. You may follow the three steps below when analyzing cross-cultural cases. Step 1: Normative-level analysis At this step, these questions need to be addressed: what cultural differences made the involved parties behave in this way? What normative cultural attributes caused the cross-cultural clash? Step 2: Behavioral-level analysis At this step, this question needs to be addressed: what behaviors of each party caused the clash? Step 3: Giving behavioral-level suggestions At this step, these questions need to be addressed: what should have been done by each party to avoid the clash? What might be done by each party to save the situation? Please refer to the “marking criteria” file for sample case analysis!


Instructions: The following is a case of cross-cultural communication. In this case there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding. You may organize your analysis in accordance with the following procedure: why did the people involved behave so from the cultural perspective? What behaviors caused the misunderstanding in the case? What corrective behaviors do you suggest to each party in the case?

Jack, a rather boisterous but well-liked British student, shared an apartment in an international residence hall with a Chinese student, Gao Yang. They seemed to get on fairly well and Jack remarked to one of his British friends how easy Gao Yang was to live with compared with some of his previous housemates, as they seemed to have similar routines and interests. However, halfway through the semester Gao Yang suddenly announced he had asked for an apartment transfer and would be moving out next week. Jack was quite upset and puzzled and asked Gao Yang why. At first he was reticent about saying anything, but after persistent questioning he told Jack that he could not tolerate Jack’s habits -- he was always playing loud music, had friends visiting at all hours, and was very untidy. Jack asked him why he had not told him before as he had not realized he was disturbing him in any way. Gao Yang said nothing.


Instructions: The following is a case of cross-cultural communication. Answer the question why the people involved behave so from the cultural perspective?

John Wood got engaged with a Chinese girl named Li Mei and then the semi son-in-law was going to pay a visit to the father-in-law. Li Mei taught him a lot in how to address different relatives, but he still felt confused about “叔叔” and “舅舅”. Then when he was introduced to Li Mei’s father’s sister’s daughter, he was totally lost and called her “堂妹”,which resulted great embarrassment. Why did John feel so hard to distinguish between the different terms indicating the relationship in the Chinese family?

Marking Criteria
answer sheet
说明:在作业提交时间截止日期前,作业可以多次提交,但只保留最后一次提交的作业为正式作业,请下载answer sheet将作业答在答题纸上再上传。

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