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发表于 2020-3-26 10:08:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

考试科目:《大学英语(二)》第 章至第 章(总分100分)                    
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一 阅读理解 (共2题 ,总分值20分 )
1. Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
        King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the Lincoln Memorial. The "dream" is a dream of brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later.
        Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever. (10 分)
(1). Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(2). Martin Luther King was a black minister only. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(3). Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(4). The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could be replaced by "gave". (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(5). The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law". (2 分)
A. T         B. F
2. It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in". Between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4:30 pm, college television lounges are filled with soap opera fans who can't wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.
Actually, soaps are more than a college favorite; they're a youth favorite. When school is out, high-school students are in front of their TV sets. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. During the 1960's, it was uncommon for young people to watch soap operas. The mood of the sixties was very different from now. It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.
       Now, seriousness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap opera, which is known for showing trouble in people's lives. But soap opera is enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap opera gives young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems. (10 分)
(1). What is soap opera? (2 分)
A. Plays based on science fiction stories.
B. Plays based on non-fiction stories.
C. The daytime serial dramas on TV.
D. Popular documentary films on TV.
(2). What can be the best title of the passage? (2 分)
A. College student viewers.         B. Favorite TV serials.
C. Soap opera fans.         D. College-age viewers.
(3). Which is NOT the reason why the soap opera has suddenly become "in" among American young people ? (2 分)
A. Because the viewers want to be happy and to enjoy themselves.
B. Because the soap opera makes young people feel close to their people.
C. Because the viewers can find themselves in the soap opera characters.
D. Because the young people have to bear the responsibilities for their troubles.
(4). What can we learn from the passage? ________________________ (2 分)
A. College students like soap operas more than any other social groups.
B. Young people of sixties liked soap operas more than people today.
C. Young viewers have turned themselves from the seriousness of sixties to enjoyment now.
D. The young as a whole are trying to look for happy love but in vain.
(5). What message does the author want to convey to us? ________________________ (2 分)
A. The people's favorites to drama works have been changed for a long time.
B. The people's favorites to drama works change along with the times.
C. The people's favorites to drama works is changed by the soap opera.
D. The people's favorites have changed the drama works.

二 词汇与语法 (共5题 ,总分值10分 )
3. The company tries to project a(n) __________________ of being innovative and progressive. (2 分)
A. picture         B. photo         C. image         D. logo
4. I have this image of you as always being cheerful and _________________________. (2 分)
A. pessimistic         B. optimistic         C. depressed         D. disabled
5. Asteroids(小行星), also known as " minor planets ", are __________________ in the outer space. (2 分)
A. numerous         B. prosperous         C. humorous         D. fabulous
6. The witness was required to give a __________________ account of what happened on the fateful night. (2 分)
A. vivid         B. imagined         C. twisted         D. detailed
7. Administrative personnel should also __________________ some technical skills. (2 分)
A. inquire         B. acquire         C. inform         D. adapt

三 交际英语 (共5题 ,总分值10分 )
8. Good morning, John . How are you doing?
- ________________________ (2 分)
A. I’m pleased.         B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?         D. How do you do?
9. This is a challenging job. Who wants it?
- ________________________ (2 分)
A. I'll take it.         B. It's a good idea.
C. You bet!         D. No sweat!
10. How do I get to the cinema?
- ________________________ (2 分)
A. It's very far.         B. Yes, there is a cinema near here.
C. It's well known.         D. Go down this street and turn left.
11. I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year!
- ________________________ (2 分)
A. You are welcome!         B. How smart you are!
C. The same to you!         D. Nice going!
12. Would you like to see a film?
- ________________________ (2 分)
A. Yes, I'd love to.         B. Do it, please.
C. No, you like it?         D. How do you do?

四 英译汉 (共6题 ,总分值30分 )
13. I knocked on his door but nobody came to answer it. (5 分)

14. Look out the window it's still raining today! (5 分)

15. I hope we can have some snow this winter. (5 分)

16. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word. (5 分)

17. He didn't need to attend the meeting. (5 分)

18. Are you fond of music? (5 分)

五 选词填空 (共1题 ,总分值15分 )
19. Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, 1 backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure.
Many of us think 2 stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us 3 pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take 4 more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to 5 our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not. (15 分)
(1). 1 (3 分)
A. of         B. under         C. accept         D. from         E. on
(2). 2 (3 分)
A. of         B. under         C. accept         D. from         E. on
(3). 3 (3 分)
A. of         B. under         C. accept         D. from         E. on
(4). 4 (3 分)
A. of         B. under         C. accept         D. from         E. on
(5). 5 (3 分)
A. of         B. under         C. accept         D. from         E. on

六 作文题 (共1题 ,总分值15分 )
20. Instructions:根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。
My Favorite Season
2.陈述喜欢这一季节的原因,可以描写这一季节的景色,或是记述在这一季节最让人难忘的经历。 (15 分)


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