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发表于 2020-12-28 09:24:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

考试科目:《大学英语(三)》第 章至第 章(总分100分)                    
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一 完形填空 (共1题 ,总分值20分 )
1. My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. Through the years I would _1_ the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought _2_ was very important to us as humans , so I said, “My ears, Mummy.” She said, “No. Many people are _3_ . But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.
Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first _4_, I had often thought over the question. So this time I told her, “Mummy, it must be our eyes.” She looked at me and said, “You are _5_ fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”
_6_ the years, mother asked me a couple more _7_ and always her response to my answers was, “No, but you are getting _8_ every year, my child.” Then last year, my Grandpa _9_. Everybody was heart-broken. Everybody was crying. My mum looked at me when it was our _10_________ to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”
       I was _11_ when she was asking me this now. I always thought this was a _12_ between her and me. She saw the _13_ on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It show that you have really _14_ your life.” I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your _15_.” I asked, “Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied , “No, it is _16_ on them a crying friend or loved one can rest their head. I only hope that you have enough _17_ and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry _18_ when you need it” Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a _19_ one. It is sympathetic to the pain of _20_. (20 分)
(1). (1 分)
A. notice         B. believe in         C. doubt         D. guess at
(2). (1 分)
A. love         B. health         C. sound         D. sight
(3). (1 分)
A. blind         B. deaf         C. invisible         D. thoughtful
(4). (1 分)
A. discovery         B. decision         C. attempt         D. suggestion
(5). (1 分)
A. learning         B. thinking         C. growing         D. changing
(6). (1 分)
A. Before         B. Till         C. Beyond         D. Over
(7). (1 分)
A. way         B. things         C. questions         D. times
(8). (1 分)
A. stronger         B. taller         C. smarter         D. nicer
(9). (1 分)
A. left         B. got ill         C. died         D. got wounded
(10). (1 分)
A. duty         B. turn         C. pity         D. chance
(11). (1 分)
A. shocked         B. satisfied         C. interested         D. excited
(12). (1 分)
A. game         B. test         C. match         D. secret
(13). (1 分)
A. worry         B. puzzlement         C. regret         D. pain
(14). (1 分)
A. enjoyed         B. found         C. disliked         D. lived
(15). (1 分)
A. shoulders         B. feet         C. hands         D. hair
(16). (1 分)
A. how         B. because         C. why         D. whether
(17). (1 分)
A. respect         B. favour         C. love         D. fun
(18). (1 分)
A. by         B. on         C. above         D. for
(19). (1 分)
A. valuable         B. useful         C. selfish         D. precious
(20). (1 分)
A. others         B. the deaf         C. Grandpa         D. the blind

二 阅读理解 (共3题 ,总分值30分 )
2.     The iMOVE database(数据库) information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic.
      All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.
Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.
To guarantee high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria (标准). All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions.
(10 分) (1). The iMOVE database is intended for persons who __________________ (2 分)
A. seek a job as a language translator .
B. are interested in the German language
C. want to be employed by German companies
D. wish to work for professional training providers
(2). The iMOVE programs are carried out by __________________. (2 分)
A. language training centers         B. German training providers
C. special service developers         D. overseas employment advisers
(3). Programmes held in Germany are taught in ________________________. (2 分)
A. German         B. English         C. French         D. Chinese
(4). Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards? (2 分)
A. Offering different language courses.
B. Providing modern training facilities.
C. Starting training courses overseas.
D. Eveloping quality standards.
(5). The purpose of the passage is to __________________. (2 分)
A. advertise the iMOVE database
B. make German companies more popular
C. hire overseas employees to work in Germany
D. encourage people to learn more foreign languages
3. An ebook(also referred to as an electronic book,eBook,or e-book)is a digital version(版本)of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an ebook, you must have an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options(计算机屏幕上的阅读选择). Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel. Some ebooks are even interactive! Best of all,when you order an ebook,there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your ebook. (10 分)
(1). From this passage,we learn that an ebook__________________________. (2 分)
A. can be found in any library
B. can be read directly from the Internet
C. can be read by any one who has a computer
D. can be read when special software is installed
(2). The Ebook Reader is used for__________________________. (2 分)
A. reading an ebook you’ve downloaded
B. turning a print book into a digital version
C. downloading an ebook from the Internet
D. copying an ebook onto a portable computer
(3). From this passage,we can learn that__________________________________. (2 分)
A. you can read an ebook on a laptop when you travel
B. you Can order an ebook using the Ebook Reader
C. the ebooks ordered have to be shipped to you
D. it takes a lot of trouble reading an ebook
(4). Which of the following statements is TRUE? (2 分)
A. An ebook is ordered in print book is.
B. The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed.
C. The downloading time is decided by the ebook’s size.
D. There is less fun reading an ebook than a print book.
(5). The passage is mainly about________________________________________. (2 分)
A. a better way to download an Ebook         B. a new kind of book—the Ebooks
C. the new version of Ebooks         D. the fun of reading Ebooks
4. Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philosopher, "As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives." A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or, as the English saying goes, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes. (10 分)
(1). The best title for this passage is Language and Culture. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(2). According to this passage, the only way to learn a foreign language is to begin by learning its body language. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(3). According to this passage, gestures are pictures in a language. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(4). To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. (2 分)
A. T         B. F
(5). Direct eye contact leads to understanding in all cultures. (2 分)
A. T         B. F

三 英译汉 (共1题 ,总分值15分 )
5. In the past, media was created from one place, normally a company. Then the company would send out the media to consumers.But with social media, many individual people in different locationscreate content. Those people don’t need very special skills. On the other hand, in traditional media, people need special skills to produce something. Another difference is that social media can be produced much faster. It takes only a few minutes to write a twitter post, for example. But it can take many months to put together a magazine, or years to make a movie. (15 分)

四 词汇与结构 (共10题 ,总分值20分 )
6. Unlike desktops, smartphones and tablets offer limited space and may __________________to a customer being less thorough about exploring the menu. (2 分)
A. explain         B. tell         C. contribute         D. cause
7. These games allow gamers to_________________________________ with each other and play with or against other gamers. (2 分)
A. interact         B. influence         C. fight         D. meet
8. Ordering food online might be________________________and faster, but it’s not great for our health. (2 分)
A. useful         B. new         C. convenient         D. waste
9. Social Media is about how you use it to _________________________________ your relationships with other people in real life. (2 分)
A. find         B. enhance         C. build         D. make
10. These types of media often involve the ________________________________ and sharing of content (writing, pictures, and video) that people make themselves, mostly through the Internet. (2 分)
A. creative         B. creating         C. creation         D. creativity
11. Most of the junk foods are_________________________ and easy to snack on foods, while they hit the bottom low with their nutritional factor. (2 分)
A. delicious         B. helpful         C. useful         D. nutritious
12. We tend to get __________________________ by their numbers game, thinking of more updates, more friends, more followers, more links, more photos, more everything. (2 分)
A. information         B. distracted         C. absorbing         D. excitement
13. So why do we order with more reckless _________________________when we're using our smartphones and laptops? (2 分)
A. food         B. drinks         C. snacks         D. abandon
14. So, social media is just any Internet ________________________that can be used to share information with others. (2 分)
A. tool         B. way         C. medium         D. trick
15. According to Wikipedia, social media has been defined to be “a group of Internet-based ________________________________________________. (2 分)
A. facilities         B. applications         C. systems         D. principles

五 作文题 (共1题 ,总分值15分 )
16. 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于100词的短文。
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone (15 分)

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