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发表于 2021-8-6 16:41:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 ~: V' I, H# W0 Z试卷总分:100    得分:100: L, ]/ o. a1 `& |0 Z: @3 X! H% q
第1题,Shecookedthemeatforalongtimesoastomakeitenoughtoeat" U1 N7 S0 b: [+ [! C, {- b
A、mild0 m1 [$ e0 V$ \- l9 W: n5 H
B、slight6 k6 @& l6 F: o
3 H* {- s5 X5 rD、tender
. g+ _" K" `, L" ]  J( k# K- O6 ^7 c正确资料
' Y$ ?, h- O7 K2 e' S4 ]* a5 e6 t) C4 M( m
0 S& s; z# l6 K5 F
# |  ~9 o2 ?# a- |A、consistent7 V. n( @7 W' j$ F; v
( l4 a6 M+ n  O8 rC、considerate+ b7 a0 H( v. m4 N
D、continual3 B8 E! V7 k( U# G) C8 m
正确资料:A' T; }+ g5 e; W
5 |9 s+ Z5 l7 V+ z

' V& r( ~' i- z$ y第3题,I’dhisreputationwithotherfarmersandbusinesspeopleinthecommunityandthenmakeadecisionaboutwhetherornottoapprovealoan
# q" e; z8 C/ M, n4 a3 p" [5 G& SA、take into account
, k: u- v1 s% Y/ O- x3 I- yB、account for
. d& u" e! C& o' @! tC、make up for
6 K1 f% a2 V* c, z' l& \/ E( t. nD、make out
& B( S0 n1 E2 k$ ~! G正确资料:A9 c0 Q# N; S- S  Z, c) k

; m: ]% `) z, p# H8 d+ `
1 }9 s, P- C1 q& \第4题,Somediseasesarebycertainwateranimals, d% e# |1 \' K! }1 N4 Y! G
3 c! _3 U7 }; g0 K: b1 BB、transformed6 i9 @( \; ^: h% k' r5 P
C、transported' A: A+ {0 H# C2 m1 O
, z5 y6 r1 l: N正确资料:
/ y1 M0 j7 f8 ]! K  }0 S$ y' ?
% D2 [3 E' w& A. q5 J
3 e7 d1 e5 |/ o1 g" k) L资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Itisessentialthattheseapplicationformsbackasearlyaspossible8 @4 B- I; Y4 R9 W# b
A、must be sent9 U$ N, f6 g' x) B& O# g" d, H
B、will be sent
: p; r* u2 |- w2 XC、are sent
9 P0 |5 A. t3 m9 I+ _1 nD、be sent
4 \/ x( C" r! R: _  K3 w正确资料:; \* a4 U% y8 c, V
% ]% `5 t* x& v" |7 d7 v6 p9 ?
6 }) t& E) L9 J# ]* s( W
第6题,ThewordsofhisoldteacherleftaimpressiononhismindHeisstillinfluencedbythem; t2 p( m8 N9 R
; a$ c! @) o2 @B、lively3 m6 f8 d! W/ i! [) [
3 W3 g# ?) p* o' {! \D、liberal
# k  |+ l7 q2 v6 K正确资料:) i0 Z  A. p4 K: N

! O* x) K' B# {" x: M5 _+ D+ a2 @* K
第7题,Youhimsocloselyyoushouldhavekeptyourdistance$ D9 |/ n. z8 j+ a" z3 G1 J) m* W+ \4 A
A、shouldn’t follow
0 w& j7 B4 u' h8 t# ?% j  `B、mustn’t follow
5 A% K+ h6 j  ZC、couldn’t’ have been following
  r8 x& u; g8 Q& S; `* pD、shouldn’t have been following
" D6 c8 b+ Z; D: K" o8 Q) D正确资料:
( F5 w' a) s/ R4 q
# H2 N8 j# t: Q9 i0 g! o% l  c+ W* J4 y3 d; @
! @2 ^! N( F1 k$ I2 i: dA、postpone4 K) W) y) t& l( e7 A
3 s, N* k) @& u1 Y, XC、delay  \! J- t& Y. e9 }
D、cancel% Z) x5 U- H; \  b; c4 A8 ^% p
正确资料:3 B0 z& b2 j7 g$ O. [/ a3 H1 Q

6 `2 t& l- e1 ^+ D+ m# T5 D$ B& |, Z& L- N# w. U
$ V# p0 A9 ?! G! N# U" gA、partial
6 X4 A6 F( `, HB、beneficial
# K4 Q' N0 _; `, c, R' _' rC、preferable+ R% r! a  l! _) V( Z- ^* @5 a; \
D、liable1 R- [, \; R* S/ r" Q
: M' r0 _8 ^& M, B$ ?, ^0 F7 K3 d' ?# [

3 P' d( J8 b0 D: a" l; z# X* d资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Mike’suncleinsistsinthishotel
) t8 W+ h1 W' z2 K; n4 zA、staying not
3 j. x5 [) f9 E# ]: vB、not to stay% v1 j  G3 \2 v% B
C、that he would not stay' `- M: K9 h0 Q8 b& W
D、that he not stay& S6 ~: X+ h: v* a& {. J" {
正确资料:+ C/ T" V. {* A" ^0 s! }! @* m

4 M* u1 Y$ n: ]0 W, \0 g
2 M# k. W2 z. h* U' q' x/ e第11题,Thesesurveysindicatethatmanycrimesgobythepolicemainlybecausenotallvictimsreportthem
9 D# _5 B# `1 G8 t3 vA、unrecorded) {" x7 ^  ^3 G7 J3 Z$ h
B、to be unrecorded
; E$ K( O4 M  _; f4 tC、unrecording* T  G) Z9 m8 q$ Y
D、to have been unrecorded0 r1 T4 ?6 t5 E( v. X
' N, z2 X% \# S, w3 p  {5 Z+ E$ ]& R8 H0 F7 P, a

7 d0 Z0 K- d+ m! `" t7 n资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Peterwhohadbeendrivingalldaysuggestedatthenexttown5 f- ]9 j0 @# z" v( @2 v8 |  t
A、to stop+ Q( @8 \) ^* T  V( v
4 U) n* w1 I- G- t5 lC、stop
! H/ y$ d; ]/ t* U) W$ P) L* ^' xD、having stopped
; N( |4 N  `) i5 @正确资料:
- H  y& U$ b, w' x' d& w  N0 H' a- Q" s

' M9 _6 V9 G. y3 Z. G) r; S4 g第13题,Bylawwhenonemakesalargepurchaseheshouldhaveopportunitytochangehismind* z: k6 j1 p7 \5 I+ D. L+ ?
A、accurate0 k/ w/ {% O6 X+ X4 Z; z4 R
) i& N% r) r3 C+ x4 RC、excessive
% \4 P: w# |$ vD、adequate
1 T' X7 B( W& x! e4 a% F正确资料:
9 Z, r, k/ k9 l& s, G8 G6 @. f* R1 g3 c% c6 r. l
* ]- w3 _! X& _+ Y* S
1 S' p" T$ l( }" w4 a0 s# ?2 GA、extensive
$ y3 Y0 L( ~: a. M, b4 pB、spare
+ C: D2 w2 K0 A8 L" E3 N6 L5 ZC、extra
# U4 y$ x- t: x; v, t3 yD、supreme0 e% p) \4 m" z" v' {
正确资料:# N6 }5 t- t  z( o$ \
9 K6 R0 R4 I) a7 o9 q6 K# h: [
8 h, H6 o0 z2 h2 {( e
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Between1974and1997thenumberofoverseasvisitorsexpanded27%8 O9 P. L2 b$ r% O4 k8 E- L
A、by! D4 N2 c; e& E4 h! j! O* F
B、for% J3 z( l; v* X6 Z  V
9 B5 Q+ H, F! ]3 KD、in7 V0 @/ ~6 X7 {
正确资料:. |6 @9 k% m4 Z

+ J; O* T8 I3 X! s" W! b
* @! q% \4 d8 b, A第16题,SometimesIwishIinadifferenttimeandadifferentplace
4 h/ q& G' i8 }" z" s, A: XA、be living2 J% b8 V5 f; N+ U3 ?9 W3 h
B、were living
8 V3 x$ q4 g$ LC、would live- T; p3 u7 t/ l2 r% E) u' W
D、would have lived
/ V4 H  C5 _3 \/ H正确资料:0 o( x% N$ u3 {: e
* z% w1 L9 ~! a9 N. V

1 F/ Q& P! }- k; _* G0 C% f/ ]9 t第17题,Beeristhemostpopulardrinkamongmaledrinkersoverallconsumptionissignificantlyhigherthanthatofwomen
9 J- Y/ Q  O7 [! M' o3 ?  LA、whose, R1 }+ f: c# c) q9 @; Y) Y! c
B、which3 I* d+ Q) @: E6 m8 `) F+ r* _* K
C、that; S4 H# v8 i% P) n, A$ Z
D、what2 j# L6 J: h- L# _# n# O
5 d6 p4 r; P- v. t; O+ M) I9 \, f( O5 j7 t
5 r5 n" \% `& `' j  n
第18题,Therearesignsrestaurantsarebecomingmorepopularwithfamilies! O. i/ T9 u/ V: B
( G+ V3 P$ C1 w7 m& E5 `2 C0 kB、which, C6 p: q' Q7 l
C、in which
) `# q7 o. {# C( t- j# jD、whose" T  @! c7 @& x* K
正确资料:% B' _6 k+ g+ _: L: I- S+ n
4 |2 {0 l* d, J* V, w9 |. i5 p

% ]2 g, o' A7 \8 U) g0 I6 u( Q第19题,Youngpeoplearenottostandandlookatworksofarttheywantarttheycanparticipatein
+ v5 @8 W0 a( ^) K5 f- Y4 v3 h+ ZA、conservative" B/ @1 U9 c* m0 r4 R$ Q  `
: o, K2 F( G# N, P- U* M# t: w6 bC、confident7 u4 m/ l! m  {- H- B
( z" j+ @% y8 S& U. G: P正确资料:! J) U; j/ n. B$ b- U% S

' A  u3 O! R# @& k. ~' @3 ]; R! Q& p8 B  H. O
7 G6 w9 G& ]# y% Q, nA、is worn
' D) |5 t, U, j+ h9 [7 ~  I$ SB、wears% w2 {; r' x2 Q
( e( e0 f$ m% l+ Q! k) U6 vD、are worn
6 Z  E' f7 e) f6 q7 }正确资料:$ ^+ g7 ]) B  t/ k
7 ]3 ^- i$ f5 c& M1 M
. j  z. \9 {  c4 T! d- n$ _
' B$ C9 E$ H6 b4 n0 a5 KA、you to delay making
2 c4 ~; {9 q. ^# v, V5 a' k) eB、your delaying making
: F3 d. B; M2 B0 ]$ t2 b1 ^C、your delaying to make5 b& G% c( w/ a' T0 m
D、you delay to make
: i  x8 @7 B  ]- y% q7 K/ {8 f5 y正确资料:, n/ Q" Y, F% N. k# c

% H" Z! R, C7 b: x' M2 Y
& D; l" d0 H! B+ _* j# N# x第22题,Thehopesgoalsfearsanddesireswidelybetweenmenandwomenbetweentherichandthepoor# K# `( O8 s4 C6 R
$ f3 l0 k; T+ R5 l% HB、shift3 U. e2 M6 N+ X
C、transfer. ?$ y5 W, h% t
* M' O- j1 [% O# y6 e/ f正确资料:0 c1 l% q, n( h; `* |% D

0 p$ W- p: B) ^4 b0 Y! _' [% R* N1 N5 T- X% r0 S& U7 m& G1 W% c
第23题,sherealizeditwastoolatetogohome* H" F2 O( Q' W3 t, B
A、No sooner it grew dark than+ r) l$ ~% c# Z$ F* Q
B、Hardly did it grow dark that
0 s/ w! d8 z1 P7 ?/ ~; j" BC、Scarcely had it grown dark than+ O* @* k* D  A7 t2 i' H
D、It was not until dark that
9 }3 Y8 n( ?( `" n正确资料:
- h- D; t2 W  \. a( o  o
4 q4 R8 Q  t  B/ i
# C5 V* O3 s+ E7 |第24题,Theearlypioneershadtomanyhardshipstosettleonthenewland; f( f; x1 o# u
A、go along with
- `- ^7 H0 ~' XB、go back on
" }3 D6 ^7 H) q: |+ eC、go through2 Q! {" u; x0 v
D、go into
- E3 }1 Z1 w0 }. x5 Z- _: h正确资料:5 g1 b% ^, T- v8 i

' K8 u/ q3 R; @  w+ O5 p, W' b" x7 B, O9 n; r7 O4 a+ u
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Theclothesapersonwearsmayexpresshisorsocialposition( e* p: K. r5 H0 l9 X& Q. T
A、curiosity+ w& y5 q# g2 ^+ S7 j7 u. M: ^  T4 b
B、status1 M3 i/ v: F7 N
C、determination  E2 E. l3 R  F. P4 a  T
8 y2 \0 G% d; k* \$ K9 U0 P正确资料:
7 X/ ~! ~4 U, H0 z+ x5 g$ r9 I4 \: e3 F; t" a
3 A& i1 r# ~7 a% l. ~+ P% r


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