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发表于 2021-12-1 01:58:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, @# ]8 G- y# ^4 V" o2 K6 V试卷总分:100    得分:100
* O7 N* i! R" J$ L- r第1,Thechairlooksveryoldbutinfactitisverycomfortableto; E8 z! o6 p4 o5 z
) S  x1 e% L- Q, B: f" s- n) qB、sit on
. \: y. Y/ @$ e" Y& H" g" ~* _C、be sat
! `3 `; R2 \- c7 HD、be sat on! ?9 ^1 G$ x5 W0 L# M
正确资料:$ n; q2 t8 {0 [

8 s+ M9 e9 u& ]
' C2 J% ]! p. d0 k第2题,Thisisoneofthebestfilms
, |8 ]: n# n) l  e5 NA、that have been shown this year- s8 _% H4 B6 T
B、that have shown
  _" ~# l2 ^* |5 EC、that has been shown this year
3 y: |% u7 Q7 J* [/ aD、that you talked9 L) r, J8 m8 E9 w
6 ?  G' ?. ~7 H+ c- f! x) l, ?! |& l, o. p5 _/ ?
8 B# u8 r- }- k& {7 q5 i' O
第3题,ThoughyoufailedinthisjobinterviewyoushouldtrustyourselfIt'ssadthatonelacksinhimself) Y. n3 ~4 r& o2 E6 F% k1 J
7 ?2 ?, I9 e! o$ f+ J" nB、patience+ R# S# @6 h- u& D, k( Y
& E6 c  s, i# X( |- e" ?D、confidence/ ~" g; ^* U) N! u2 r/ M# K# g$ s
正确资料:( @2 u. x0 q9 j# c& r9 q
; p$ t( [; Q1 [0 A! ]7 P0 L1 N6 I
3 N7 \8 y( D( Q, m2 l# e5 ]! Q
第4题,Bob'sworkprovedthanthatofothers" u7 U! m; {7 ]6 o+ S
A、not much better# m* e9 `/ j# {% j( A6 j; }8 ^. L
B、not more better* F3 l3 ]; l8 j* f) P( P/ {5 |
C、not more as good
+ _+ f, x5 B- n  ?D、not much as good4 P$ y6 y8 o2 _% z3 k
. Q/ W* ?3 U9 c, e" p5 S% k5 k4 K7 N: u- |4 c! I* E
5 Y# u& f, @2 a1 N# X0 A
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Whenthesuncomesouttheflowersbyopeningwide  m  d6 _- |" X& Q  z( ?' [
. r" |4 h& J3 m& L5 P0 _* f: xB、react
( r& e5 [3 B4 L" C. t, Q4 a8 tC、interact
) \# {4 E' a  R7 B- U* ED、active
/ ]3 Y4 g$ R) {正确资料:, [% E+ n2 y+ ?% m7 d: W+ @9 K
& e! s% W& V- `$ O, |( X% p( O

7 k, d0 [6 z. x! M7 `' ^1 k' n8 f第6题,Pupilswhopassthetestwillbetothenextgrade
! ~) ?1 J0 Y& O# V9 m; _3 C- Q2 ZA、promoted
/ u$ M3 B& K% y6 a( zB、proceeded+ V( T0 R( B8 N5 k% {3 q7 M( {: E
' ]6 M0 B" c/ R5 G% `# CD、projected
( }9 p, J$ a0 S! e正确资料:
. Q  b. ~' R7 V3 M& ^4 y  v6 C2 E) s8 j2 ~" ^! W* U/ T
. N' I5 F3 }# f' J7 A
第7题,HecanrunIdo# `6 K) e) q* N& V- V7 |6 f' U4 z
A、as faster than( Y! s3 w, w+ K
B、faster as1 w) S& P9 E( [) O, X( e9 b
C、as fast as
& w) \! d/ M3 Y! D7 S" c" XD、so fast that
1 y5 c2 X5 r; [+ d6 V4 L9 k正确资料:
9 U9 }; i9 S, J8 K  }5 Y: c) g' }8 H+ Q
6 M) D, @& [, ^& [
第8题,Ifyouwanttoseethechairmanofthedepartmentyou'dbettermakeanwithhissecretaryfirst& H0 F0 \, \, P8 {
A、admission$ k  I% s5 I2 J" l) ]! |& L
B、agreemen9 r  h0 A) \* J: ], K; X
& P, A0 }/ s9 P6 d; F$ hD、alphabet
# @* }! {7 k5 P/ p; h" w# E正确资料:
% o, m# J) G6 f6 Y. F
# o, }& _( ~9 J& q2 h/ B% D+ }) E2 z# u! m4 W8 N( M
) `( P7 v) C8 J5 l# @7 X/ vA、has broken into, has been stolen
0 F; j% u: r  N" e" WB、had broken into, had been stolen
8 z7 u+ X/ G. }2 x) u' DC、has been broken into, stolen' s  H: K, Y) ?- _/ }
D、had been broken into, stolen. D. }# |( o- T+ e
正确资料:2 t1 k$ K9 |2 I& {
5 @* X- `/ m3 h/ }# A( ^

$ [3 B4 U) F/ `$ n; `1 [资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),inEnglanAnneBradstreetbothadmiredandimitatedseveralEnglishpoets, v+ o( d$ E8 \* S5 `$ d0 I
A、Having born and educated
& G: c; d5 y* X. n- BB、To be born and educated
5 u+ l$ J7 q1 p7 GC、Since born and educated
1 k9 B3 Q2 ]" uD、Born and educated
$ E6 I. c% c6 ?, w; e) y/ L正确资料:
/ Q+ |9 N" m: C* A3 f* k3 {1 l9 a2 M; C" L( y

  l. l3 D( B  e3 T9 C+ Q- N; C第11题,Heshowedindealingwithadefeatedenemy2 k. R  T% ^" F- X1 @
A、generous8 |0 N7 i- u' d& W2 x
B、generosity& b: L" V# J: r/ ]
C、generate$ y# a7 v8 n/ V+ W/ @4 e1 W
5 Y- U' Q+ p" N+ G/ Q' l' h( ^正确资料:
/ `7 P( y1 B3 K2 ~4 _5 Q7 |8 t1 Q
( y: r; `7 v" H: y" t
1 h* ?$ z( h9 Y, d7 r* ?4 [资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Hetalkstohisbestfriendstofindanforhisanger
* r$ b4 k8 B4 \+ T# ~! KA、outlet- r9 H0 Y/ U4 v. i/ l% r
% m6 s) p# W+ D  o, `# AC、exit
: t$ j8 M& o& d$ f3 ]D、door5 q% S7 D1 g1 Q. a6 }9 R
8 t& W9 @' G: W; i; I! a9 z4 H! ^; G0 }' s0 k$ R9 x  C
8 T) g, q/ K9 E* w$ U  K
第13题,Thepenheiswritingismine; h6 V( J$ c& w/ i9 [  |
A、with which/ O, Q  D) P: P
B、in which
; d  M% W1 a- h" i+ I5 {$ ]4 AC、on which- x/ r7 G/ ~7 H  E1 x7 b# N
D、by which
) y" y# L4 Q; |! z正确资料:6 g  v% X0 j) {. H$ d

1 e5 g: S: o- J1 V2 D5 R4 \+ Z' ~7 ?$ c5 X1 H
+ w& y( u2 u2 |" p" l2 V  `A、accurate8 P& F# ~8 o" H, q9 Z4 p
- ^9 s( p8 z1 G" R' ?9 qC、intense2 C* e) @2 F2 c1 E2 q/ ?" w7 v
9 {' e8 E. c6 r$ m9 D5 z正确资料:
' ^0 S4 r: o- O8 s$ d
2 _% q% O/ j% _
. A, a* Z6 y( @* D" S资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Bicyclingisagoodexerciseitdoesn'tpollutetheair4 |$ }( l7 ^$ q( {* H* E4 D
! g' F! O1 x2 u2 c, D8 W1 mB、therefore: g: m4 t& Y# {1 @/ V3 |
C、moreover% l: r/ w5 E( G; j, r4 Q
D、though- M! h7 p5 {% H; [7 N
正确资料:$ L4 ^$ I+ S1 k+ i. I- [* a

2 b: X, S$ |' U& l
9 M. H6 ?7 n; z# T第16题,TosomeMarystilldoesnotunderstandthisunitButsheherselfdoesnotbelieveso; g' X6 q) R4 x$ u* g. Q& `+ U  O0 {
; N5 a0 A4 l8 z  n  v* D( d* w4 C8 dB、part8 t4 K/ \  y8 e
# I: e' f) I( {D、content0 d8 v9 G$ f. w, ]1 [
5 B1 M9 e& z) {" x2 j  }7 C7 L8 H: A9 N) S
- F8 l( s/ L8 d4 |( m
% S0 k( E5 |0 }) f0 h- SA、insensitive' v5 b% Y) s) I% R
B、sensitive" ^) Q# b' O& @, X6 e( w
C、sentimental; {* O! D) B2 x% D
7 s2 ^. o8 S' e正确资料:
% C. u5 Y, v2 m& _: v7 R5 l7 J: z; c8 ]5 z0 l( E, |1 e

5 L, K: j0 ~  {- v: H第18题,WhereismypassportIrememberithereYoushouldn'thaveleftithereRememberitwithyouallthetime+ W1 F1 q/ M. K/ _* e
A、to put;to take- L3 `/ |& ~' l4 X  ]/ r
% `* J$ u! s" l, ?$ }" ]5 T6 BC、putting;to take
6 l- X, _1 Q" ~D、to put;taking0 p! Y0 q1 Q) t, k. v
正确资料:, q" Q% ?) N, L* p) O

6 A: {$ S% H* I$ U
1 ?0 _% L* H. ?% y8 m+ s, h- p+ b第19题,Wewereallwaitingforyouyoufortheseasidebyyourselfwithoutleavingamessage
! c: y- ~% [$ V3 BA、mustn't leave9 P% m6 J* `( c: y6 k
B、needn't leave3 q; T0 E# N& ?9 f
C、shouldn't have left$ y* m# n- |5 S# K  }4 ]
D、couldn't have left# @8 n% A* c- |4 F0 y; N# q- D
4 M) |/ E* f. j! a% X- `  a: X9 X. s# {. |# j; k1 g% \

$ q( i2 A' L" l资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Shewassoangryatallhewasdoingshestayedupallnight
' X9 F7 n+ ]7 K' ]0 @3 lA、that; that) Q, ?( J% w% [. e/ W) K
B、that; which' w" v+ @4 ^: j  h. D
C、what; that
) |  Q0 q( J4 F% dD、what; as. U( z: y1 z  g
4 O3 r$ C% O! W; m- x; |# ?  m: U/ x, K" U9 P' i( ?; a) g

# P; @4 j; ^/ Z- n( Q# g9 Z第21题,Recenteventswillmakeasignificantimpactgovernmentpolicy
& h8 t$ P9 Y2 ?! c2 aA、to' u4 D8 N3 }3 U% ?2 `& A% j, f
B、in% ]$ f. _' l! M  M% g# S1 d( d
  g4 i0 b: ?7 m! t" ~, WD、on4 }/ O% q, N; @4 b4 }
正确资料:1 n+ M4 _; _& |7 l

4 s" A; W4 ^# u3 a0 M8 c" @4 h8 L( Q  H5 H$ l5 H- c
2 j& d! z5 P- ^; n! ?3 M6 |" ZA、Being published$ _5 X- G7 ~, B% g
B、Published( F2 a5 q+ B( l$ J1 @7 M9 R
C、Publishing* ?6 X# e+ v* B* i7 B
D、To be published, X/ ?) p# [7 Y5 M- N4 Z
/ t& L+ D( M; }5 J6 y+ a9 D5 D
, h: K' y: `( T. y+ h
) z4 g/ T& j* `/ Z2 z1 y第23题,Herantwicefromhisboardingschoolbecausehecouldn'tputupwithbeinglimitedinaninstitution) F/ B4 e  n0 W9 F3 w3 W
: L/ N/ d" u0 r0 I- S" EB、over
: |3 X% k, C, G  N" T! HC、away" [$ O5 z' O  |: g- B' @
D、down( s( g2 u* E% G! i" c8 i
! E- e' x+ F1 g) K* q  }9 C& L" J. z6 D/ U

( W  P# c4 b" v第24题,TheWorldTradeCenterwasdestroyedonSeptember112001whentookovertwolargeairplanesanddrovethemintothebuildings1 H! D% n5 O% E; t" ?
; t# G0 @& D/ g; M% GB、terrorists
+ D8 |" [$ x' d1 ~$ G- J8 _C、terrorism7 }8 a) x1 B" L5 M8 _
: ?% k& f' u. _, U, s  S+ ^正确资料:& N& O  k6 U) B, H! Z4 C; X6 n
, D) Z# ]" @2 r0 i* z

! J4 H& O3 Y1 ~& ^. A+ E资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thechildrenwenttheretowatchtheirontower
* E, I; H3 X! n. g% X0 zA、to erect# g- j. A/ t+ n3 P0 b; v  e! D
B、be erected
: l6 {! a* ~! Q' z2 \C、erecting D)being erected
) |5 X, `0 k1 s, J7 t9 t( \+ ~正确资料:
7 F8 k: @5 {7 F( ?) [' H8 v2 [" \3 \7 y
: z6 z5 a& J- q( t2 Q

4 B4 i% J3 D, s' _7 a7 `( I0 o* Y! F' K" O! D% b

1 J1 ]" P1 b! D: W" @0 A7 w! g$ A/ P; U* ~: Q& B$ j% A. K
" o5 Z, t: c) V# J5 {
; q8 q) I2 s8 l/ G2 Z
1 x2 H( _( B2 v
# L- ^/ K# E$ i

- b: e, r! [. D0 {5 n( U: H& a4 P. ?1 d
4 B  v+ P3 h8 y
% I0 r' T. u& u) j& H


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