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发表于 2022-4-22 22:00:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)英美文学选读-[福建师范大学]福师《英美文学选读》在线作业一7 Q/ j( B# ?6 ?
试卷总分:100    得分:1009 w2 p! Y3 r) T- L& U4 i' N; S; K
* c: w" ~( ?" p9 \% n; aA、scarcities; Y1 H; E3 ~/ B$ Y
3 I6 g$ G( G1 o! F" R* \2 }  yC、restraints
( K0 j9 f6 D; `$ H' F; e& S; y5 cD、barriers
7 y" K7 T  ~+ K- D3 N6 r  w! g正确资料:
3 a) }* ?/ G4 a+ b. Y1 H$ y' K4 U& _7 Q6 \) T/ |. H

5 x  _; X0 B% H1 X5 P; Z( h第2题,Thepurposeoftheofficialinquiryistothetruefactsleadingtothelossoftheshipatsea9 A) H. s; j9 ~0 t& X2 P
A、come for
" ^, n3 L: s/ ~# x3 w$ E5 NB、come at/ L& K! ]6 |: d+ G" s3 `$ o
C、come into7 j  [! Z, I! e3 ^+ j1 h3 R# n4 X
D、come over2 c" I& @$ e9 O- \8 Y5 \) K
) C6 m% N- l; q) e0 J* N! }, a! K$ W7 ~5 P* j8 j+ t
" U5 ^5 [* E  s7 M
第3题,Theofthesunalmostblindedthem# M  M- J4 f8 y
5 ~/ S9 k+ J: H' y) f# m# f* jB、flare% y4 K3 a% L4 g
C、sparks8 W/ h6 u' ^$ \, w
D、glare# i3 y; p, |# D& i4 ?1 K
3 a5 o; r: ]8 f% M6 }1 P  N4 ], j* S* n7 `4 ?# g

" }1 H) i6 l, k4 q" T+ j- d: g第4题,TheLondonMarathonisadifficultracethousandsofrunnersparticipateeveryyear
- x1 ~* T' x. S% ~A、Therefore
) R( S7 U$ z1 wB、Accordingly
6 r6 }* i9 l" e+ \! d, fC、Nevertheless! E! N- x; R3 L. b. R
$ B1 _% H0 O: Q0 b; e正确资料:
% ~- P- r3 d, n0 }9 p# N
$ `7 A6 h, @4 j$ r4 K" e/ Z; J6 S  z0 x6 @! Z, ~$ Y9 }9 u
) k, h7 j) ^, c% PA、automatic; Y, O  z7 X7 t1 G" V7 W, Y, ^- [
B、deliberate+ r2 g# i* s/ Z. p7 b, M' F
( k( u/ D+ j1 O0 i2 P4 |/ E( `# fD、customary5 {: b$ Q; ^9 i) x
/ p, a  `" O' A$ ?0 ~" N, t" P1 R5 [, J+ z1 o
; t" `( z3 H2 T8 ^4 S8 z) b2 K
4 |' u3 i& b0 ]. S0 U$ aA、nothing to speak of6 T7 \2 K/ }2 {" G
B、not to speak of! g( l- O" h' C# l. _6 }% G% `, ?
C、anything but
  K" Y+ y4 y0 d; sD、nothing but$ c, e: E& r3 H& V4 i4 T7 Q. s
正确资料:2 k' L, [! N% S7 w5 W: Z' z

. ^( \9 h4 w' O6 I  s: K' N0 n/ R9 ^6 ^( Y  t
" F! R1 y( o  P$ d, S0 v' nA、will come
8 o  U- a( k; `. W8 g: x, ZB、was coming
0 U! u3 Z* B+ x2 w* NC、had been coming
/ g2 z( ]1 h) I5 c- B  c& X  JD、came) ~1 V2 P- h* l
正确资料:9 d5 C8 H9 b( l
9 ^2 c. I% M( M  W. m
( U; O. [' V1 [; x6 a- U) v
第8题,Mystudentsfoundthebookitprovidedthemwithanabundanceofinformationonthesubject$ {8 e8 K& O$ V; i( i- U
5 H. W# P) a1 F- J6 a9 ^% B* LB、confusing. O  j) X8 r1 g* Z. y/ @; u6 t3 L) o
' t3 k2 M0 d! X* ND、amusing9 v0 E' x, s" u# _  H) a
& ?8 ^* y5 T: w
5 v0 u, b1 B4 g8 j& X5 \0 I
- a& l5 n0 `4 T) ~( B第9题,tosomepartsofSouthAmericaisstilldifficultbecausepartsofthecontinentarestillcoveredwiththickforests
' E9 m- |( ~3 q% ]5 \A、Orientation
* v. C; A% U; n4 IB、Access
9 d2 x/ v9 B1 c* J+ [# f2 eC、Procession) w2 @6 b8 l$ c6 Y
D、Voyage: ?3 n4 G% L! A1 H' d& E% p
正确资料:6 ^$ q: u8 z: `6 z3 {( J0 B9 C

6 v6 A$ A" i* j9 s6 W8 F$ U
9 M5 l/ O5 \! R资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),recentdevelopmentswedonotthinkyourschemeispractical2 e6 {; P6 ~7 C" b: p' Z, Q
A、In view of
7 s8 i* `. o9 i3 X" UB、In favor of0 B3 n- K4 a; r* `
C、In case of
+ [, R% t$ `" N, L- mD、In memory of1 k) C0 V4 f( D- |* t( j3 j4 @
正确资料:( i: C& c+ u8 ?% z

7 s; g% i9 A/ Q8 C* P. t% ^; R& }2 S. z- z7 _" i
第11题,Heknowstheregulationsandifherefusestowiththemhemusttaketheconsequence1 v7 M) T  u% G4 j* s: E
  ~# I* |* y& {  tB、assist* a3 Z6 x) v8 P. @3 ^: Y+ p- B
C、confirm2 f; P# J) o2 D4 z
# g  O) f: t3 l( w; r正确资料:/ f! n" R! p+ b6 J

  L' m2 A" y2 o+ X) k5 S
. \: c2 j& k. ?" o; L+ d资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),TheeditortoldmethatifIcouldmystoryto5000wordsthey
3 y4 {. z0 q6 k' Twouldtakeit
* R& W) L4 e  |8 f$ Q+ HA、cut off  ~) U! j1 H$ }( T0 ~
B、cut down8 b, N6 h% u+ ~9 M
C、cut across
& R5 k* }0 j* m; T) h8 m9 R0 @D、cut in% t* A/ m$ j% I" [4 G; M; I
正确资料:7 p9 G6 [  a  i5 e- b. Y! T$ o
1 p- q5 U+ t; D/ Z) e

& h; b. x5 u7 j第13题,Childrenwhostayawayfromschooldofordifferentreasons8 v3 o; ~& S, _; B* Z& e
: T) V, n$ t/ l% W8 ]/ MB、/- t: k7 O  n. ?. l
C、it6 [) X- x. ~$ w* w4 d) }, g
D、theirs/ C3 a* _0 x2 A" ]" Y
正确资料:+ d& G. Z( D. L; C
) ~9 V: q2 K( M

; A% u7 B4 ~5 m. C  H第14题,Astronomerswerehappytoknowthattheiraboutstarsintheuniversewerecorrect+ X' H! k+ H: C8 S
A、philosophy% ?* D1 h+ ~: J% Y/ ]
6 [- X5 U7 K' o# gC、descriptions+ Q% V& E- g: p- M* k; X. D" t! \
D、consumptions" o9 \8 V. @& b- a
正确资料:" d# Y9 J1 ^7 n* [' o* h

+ ~, H# {1 [0 Q4 y! Z
) H  z  Q; W; U  I* c; @, \资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thechairmanoftheboardonmetheunpleasantjobofdismissinggoodworkersthefirmcannolongeraffordtoemploy
) j: h+ s4 Z! C+ }0 N2 NA、compelled) _$ o, F. f6 `6 b, `
0 R. T0 {- j( ^8 O0 PC、pressed, N6 W; H7 f3 J; D* F& Q7 t
D、tempted8 f/ D; I' ?1 _2 p
# F4 p7 d* b( M' V6 F" ^1 J% f  D; o% {
2 v! V0 b3 K0 R& g: x4 H9 Y' U  Y3 l
# z$ [8 u6 T1 A. A3 C* z) L9 xA、treatment+ O: y7 K6 B; B6 `" F
B、transmission( G0 ^5 k  d/ S. _% v
C、departure2 s; o9 e) F( f0 s- l- ^7 Q0 Z
& m5 L) f9 [( P5 T/ a正确资料:
7 I; e% b) G* J+ n; Y5 A) M' C) I2 V" P% C- I  L' c
( A& u0 k/ w- t* R% Y
+ c+ S& m0 w7 u: e
; l5 B1 \0 }( N: {) c" s+ T& hA、vapoured$ ~! @# M1 z# I: ]% C
B、vanished' A" Q3 @2 `% n3 F7 ~+ H8 i7 T( D
' A0 ~2 [: w. t& G6 OD、reduced, t9 N4 S  i5 e
. B- j$ q/ u) l: K; }. I- p6 g+ f$ l

* c8 g1 g2 a/ M1 H2 ^/ _: `第18题,Ifyoudon'tliketoswimyouaswellstayathome3 H* X. S6 B# O' H2 Z. s( v2 E  n) ?/ W
8 Z0 P+ T& N- cB、can4 [0 `, |$ P0 @( v
+ U( d) M" _0 R  w6 C5 V& z% KD、should
  d' K( J' m. }# ^! K+ l正确资料:
0 s* Z; t; L4 M% P6 c: E- w5 D% i$ Q  W5 f, [

0 w" v5 x0 d& Q7 \% }$ k第19题,TheportionofthetotalincomeofChina'srailwayswhichcomesfromcarryingcargois80percent5 i  t  q7 u& G" M9 B
0 d( v% s1 z4 tB、roughly
+ q( s* n: \7 G* a- _$ K& J6 v; ~C、comparatively. K# R: k0 S# C4 A2 V1 r4 h" E
D、incidentally1 z5 A; ]5 u; G/ l! K  a  q$ V; C
& m; L3 \! ~: I) J6 I
# L2 c( R3 X+ {$ w2 M- j* {' I" Y5 i. s2 ?! h
6 F% _' o- m% LA、estimate
% [1 @3 k, F( `# W3 PB、terminal
3 B# w6 G* I+ I: ]C、fate; ?$ [6 {6 r. f6 ~9 h. F
D、benefit5 A7 N- j0 p# Y2 u
) ]# e: Q9 i8 u' @# N5 `- y. Q
- @8 Q9 y0 L: ~' h
$ y4 [6 q: S; l5 N/ `# L  \第21题,Itwasnothathiscarwasseennearthebankatthetimeoftherobbery5 X  s. L1 y1 W! w
9 ^- e, g  _6 n8 D, q9 o! }B、convention
% A. ]; R' ?) `" J0 A4 yC、certainty$ @( A& Z' s) N  Y
D、complication: _- I. Z+ e6 b7 L) ^* f
正确资料:+ J# f7 {2 _- k1 e. p: {, R2 B
4 q& `: T9 P6 g' F/ Z6 X

  q# w" @/ s! R" @第22题,Thepartywilltheirleaderverydeterminedly
& d$ G2 K: B- s  K+ C, nA、adhere to
$ N! h2 E5 E; A1 w8 A: ?B、coincide with' U) }9 U6 [8 C7 J! q
C、cling to- g5 r" ?& ?2 K# p
D、depend on2 i# Y3 ~% @0 b: A
正确资料:+ U$ f6 d7 Z3 N& z, B+ I
/ Z8 B3 L! ~  L) \& U  G

2 o$ V' R0 w3 T+ q1 ^1 _第23题,Herhairwaswetfromthetossedupbythehugewaves
9 V/ b+ f5 i! r/ Z# |2 p/ h" LA、surf  U# E7 I* r2 P. L) u$ v8 Q8 D
- d/ L* \# v" U2 Z& M4 GC、foam
" T4 f; `  u+ j" m% }D、spray  _$ t- w# s, a6 R0 {+ j
, e* P( A, j( ?5 y& F
& z& [0 z0 d; W; f. K4 t, m) f  N/ T. T, t
9 v  {/ B+ o3 l: [) GA、off
6 `; _& h: ^% s2 j; M& EB、aside4 E- s0 U9 f9 j: v
C、out( v' `  ^1 o! [
) Z$ Y4 C) j9 s0 q/ q* V/ L2 I正确资料:2 }4 j* H+ E1 g$ O8 |

( e  ]0 H; u; x! t1 |# O4 ^; l) R% V' h# T
& {) Y# [* _( c9 d) MA、in line with: ^4 I1 j  T* q' W/ l) A
B、in terms of
7 \# C; }4 w3 U) C, UC、in regard with/ t3 w/ E% H$ s8 k: F: j2 ?! K
D、by means of
2 c6 P& K+ P& c$ M正确资料:5 u/ J2 V# v* l5 `

+ R6 N& S$ j1 W- S; E* C; @: h
; n- i/ X* Z3 b8 V& r9 ~第26题,MrSmithhadanunusualhewasfirstanofficeclerkthenasailorandendedupasaschoolteacher  K6 n9 o) G% |7 `( [7 u
7 ?5 y3 w/ N( r4 |% ?2 J9 E1 L3 }, _B、occupation% D  M& e8 @# _& b) s( j# V
( R5 b5 ]# E, c  ^& ?( H9 YD、career3 Z% u) w. R  [% ?: _' i0 R
正确资料:/ m8 O6 @! K7 }: c4 p

% r$ u' Y, u4 z9 z: F# z' ]' |$ Q
: f" \# y" ]/ N! a, m第27题,MissJanealwaysbuyspricedclothes
, d! |$ e5 F  e8 {  i  @1 XA、highly9 M8 M/ B5 M* v
5 e9 O4 ~  c! b2 y" e6 @6 Q$ RC、high4 A$ ?* @# L- }0 L' b
D、higher; ^8 m8 v9 o2 M& L7 j
& Q0 D3 h2 g/ e) N$ ~4 N, i, k* |1 d; o4 q# l5 r9 [6 d8 G6 b

) W9 E. V( ~' R第28题,Becausefuelsuppliesarefiniteandmanypeoplearewastefulwewillhave
0 V: G/ E( n4 j9 v2 @4 Z: S8 Otoinstallsolarheatingdeviceinourhome
$ n+ ]& M' s- U9 f. Y  pA、some type of9 [: H' g# X# z5 f
B、some types of a
2 g: f$ ~& [1 l3 V+ l# q9 RC、some type of a$ V, O. ~1 B" K' q$ A. l4 N
D、some types of* T; G" g- U1 U
正确资料:& N; m" s9 \, Y! F' l7 i7 U" g6 |

5 U( Q# g( m: H/ \% z0 D: g& \! v/ I6 X  s% |' C
+ r' T: U) U: C) {; Z5 l. }A、validity
9 A" F& ^# x, Z- EB、purity# E& t6 L0 j" ]& S8 c$ v
3 v! b% D( F3 @# u$ XD、reliability, a6 \" R7 ?1 ]9 k2 V+ c  g+ F# _
* L" g. Y; v$ Q- a
: v7 f+ D8 }9 i: z4 c! S& [
! O( D' B) h5 E2 ^5 d资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Innocasewilltheywithfoldedarms
, J/ y' J3 n  L. n* d: P! |A、pass by/ f0 s" }: A! E' Z9 V& x& ^
B、look on7 J. W4 t+ y, Q' u- G
C、go by  r: G* S/ ]4 ~  U* y" ]0 L
D、hold on
$ d' L4 Z- k2 H1 o) K* A正确资料:' j7 t9 f! z, t8 j& m. R
. [7 |  b$ p9 K/ _) c* ?
! t. f3 h+ m6 r3 h9 p% f  w# i
第31题,Eachindividualisrequestedtostatetheonwhichhisjudgmentsarebased$ i! V- P! R) K# _  s# a
A、requirements  P( Y* o: a: g+ y4 }2 n+ t
B、measures+ Q  f( Z6 x2 s: w, C2 z5 A1 S5 m
9 D) y0 o1 O8 N" |( pD、criteria- V8 `7 C+ {$ A0 o! W
! w0 K& I1 A( x- w6 H7 a9 B3 R& H6 w
6 q3 W' d& M  e- W! |
; [+ O2 C7 D/ ]1 D) ~3 e$ F第32题,ThatwasnotthefirsttimeheusIthinkit'shightimewe) U9 V( G6 Q9 ~0 s. @& T
strongactionsagainsthim2 j& ~) f% p+ L: x
1 ~! D5 J) T/ `/ h( k7 S- X# p; wB、had betrayed...took$ n# Y8 k4 \' F* r! t4 Q$ E4 K
C、has betrayed...took
- w7 r7 A' j; W3 |D、has betrayed...take9 W! D8 F8 t6 {1 |3 A# a2 f# T- A- o
5 |4 n8 ~* N$ ]0 Z% Z! m$ i9 D. c! ^4 S; K5 @3 |0 ^. H

/ d" w7 l( h+ q- J0 q. i第33题,Aseriesofstrikeshavemanyofthebasicindustriesinthatcountry
2 c* y5 \; {: z3 P- _1 bA、crippled7 s, M0 K" m* h) }
B、damaged% O8 x. n# S: {. F8 m0 Q" r
C、changed+ E1 e! H1 w& j8 B9 j
& T) J8 V/ D  V: Y7 C, y2 c正确资料:* O* t) j+ T7 E! V7 }- A! E+ D1 f

! y8 i& s  ], k
7 ~8 }2 F) U; _+ F, f* _第34题,Thechairmanwasblamedforlettinghissecretarytoomuchworklastweek2 N# f- z# F9 d- @! h. q+ a9 v" e" K
A、take away9 M' r  y- l- L' H
B、take out# {0 q* c! n: |2 |" k8 s$ ?
C、take to& |" R; \3 ~( W
D、take on! C7 h/ v% g) ?
正确资料:+ A2 ^6 u' @* R  ?3 q/ X+ t

9 }3 z6 a! @0 B8 f' G8 U, G, j+ j6 e* ~, b, y- R$ R$ C) C
第35题,OurTVlicensewillnextmonthsoweshallthenneedanewone8 m" L' L$ ?5 F% k7 U
( B2 X4 c# N: d+ ]' e6 {! C2 E/ SB、amend
. t1 }: m$ I2 y# u! {2 M: V" [& P' UC、expire+ q% e8 e: k3 |' h4 N" M8 V
D、constrain3 L0 f- l9 Z6 @
正确资料:* k' o+ k5 `9 a) p
- A2 R5 W2 F. [7 u$ U. i
* v* k$ k$ Q4 J6 v
第36题,Thestudentsreadingtheirbooksdidnotobservemeentertheclassroom3 y! F- Q- p  m5 _
A、deficient in$ h/ I- ~7 P+ w2 z: O* y8 t
B、adequate for  m6 E( p0 R- j2 ?0 I+ T) e8 ]! M) r
C、short of
; n* Y0 _' h' z, h: XD、intent on
% F2 Q* {& ?5 O$ ?- A( o8 D正确资料:
  Q9 f& l3 H/ E$ b2 P- }  ?* F. W% F1 T' w, X

& R3 r) E9 J1 g  c第37题,Almosteveryoneintheauditoriumwasweepingbythetimehefinishedtellingthetale$ s8 H( f. h3 R& a, Q5 s3 S) t
, g7 }, I& i! y4 e* s. }B、patriotic
& l# G8 L! o6 n) y. k+ dC、panic
: X& W9 w+ z1 g- \D、periodic
! s4 q* y- x$ L3 Z$ e5 N% }正确资料:+ d7 P6 X" F6 j1 z; I; F  Z  v
5 M* w( j3 n+ L; M
" z( u, t% D$ n
) p7 ]% k1 u+ ~A、conforming to  ]3 H( |$ U. r# t3 O
B、consistent with
, X) s$ h, A# [C、predominant over. W7 o& C3 i% H8 T* }
D、providing for
( a  E8 \4 K3 l正确资料:
) k: ?% a& o" W; u1 W
2 I- `1 z7 j0 l1 D
* K- [$ m6 g9 Q( J第39题,Thesecausesproducedthegreatchangeinthecountrythatmodernizedtheofhighereducationfromthemid1860'stothemid1880's* L  U3 w: ^3 z7 A4 w; V6 {
/ q0 b4 x$ f- x, rB、category3 Y+ m/ l; d  u& T. e  L7 \" I
C、domain* L; |: B* M: ~# ~( S
# J$ R0 N# v& y1 o; z1 g* A: _" n正确资料:) F3 X' K+ D( E. ^9 t/ t+ M

2 ^' ^; ^8 Z* k1 n2 z1 b. c( ~- y2 F- A2 U% U6 x
/ x& R# T  S! e' }0 K1 ^$ `1 N/ j' Y. QA、precisely$ K4 E+ x6 J1 E8 V6 l/ c
B、instantly* d# }( b: E* ?# C
  c+ }8 ^" ~. n( |7 ~+ _D、exclusively5 Y3 k3 {' T& l  y  p% h+ L4 h' G+ A
正确资料:9 Y- ]5 W) ^; w5 d, M
# ]8 F8 a% U: _! h
- B7 Y6 H1 w4 ^0 |- h$ ~* O
第41题,Asquareisaflatareahavingfoursidesanyadjacenttwosidesofwhicharightangle% h$ d; a) {8 N
6 a5 \) {7 b" T8 t) Y! ^B、advocate
4 }/ m+ r' P1 p' V" IC、adjoin
* d) Q. d# y$ C1 N/ g& |8 i- I* O- GD、shape9 Y8 j; v+ Q6 J- g' w
& h! t! C( ]; J2 r1 N
$ c% X: T9 N8 U7 ~5 ~- D4 m7 k/ _2 c
# f4 k% z0 k6 I( p( v1 sA、in line with
# ]! o$ C6 C1 A% `5 F$ }# CB、in terms of  c+ Q3 E1 {5 z6 W7 Y5 t% l8 G
C、in regard with# {; @7 J1 y; w) e
D、by means of
4 L0 ?( _/ z& c2 [正确资料:' H# p6 _7 r- P; h! S4 E

( e8 C, }4 ~8 H; |6 J) T/ K& `  z6 k% {& U2 m3 ]; \$ ?- y  ~
# Q! d6 K* A; T- G. DA、simplify* ^- k7 k2 ]: Z
B、modify# x, ]' c, N% d7 w- g" _% v
6 I4 d  }9 w6 ~3 \3 H$ QD、rectify# [' P- o2 m/ L. |
( g4 k. X' o: Z* H. I
5 w+ P  ?) j  \& k- j! A) W$ l0 o) h7 K- ^) S+ ~
( C" Q' H- [  o0 S. dA、conspicuous- L7 j% d8 a& U1 S
1 c* J: w, i7 |, Z: v, t  @C、obscure
# s1 J9 s: |3 V0 O6 fD、dim% y0 l# @2 T; S/ D5 g
正确资料:" q6 k1 E! n+ ^* {  Y

3 Q. T4 o" @" k% F4 K* X5 g
  M. B3 [3 ?5 ?0 v2 p* o第45题,WiththepopularityoftheInternetbothcommercialcomputersandpersonalonesaremoretothecomputervirusesthaneverbefore
7 ?3 m' m4 ?: a$ i1 [. TA、liable
- X. V. e7 l5 H' f" c) i! Y( ]B、vulnerable
/ O" k9 n/ P2 a+ t& r% [' s+ v+ PC、subjective1 m. k  Y3 b) v& K  G* n
D、subordinate% u! G2 ^+ E" [% V6 d1 a0 g! J
0 c, o% t. g; G3 M; Y2 h$ R1 p  m" H( L( t2 `9 a" j
- ~! D, A5 x: R. @- m6 ^5 _
, m  F9 S* ^9 s7 o$ I  D. A; sA、roundabout+ _% b9 v- K4 g# l6 p
B、corresponding9 [8 s+ v: t6 q9 [0 }
C、vigilant$ D3 s3 @& p( g! f  O3 d  i/ S
D、negligent$ }" p" s. n, Y: d5 W# |" o
9 @. c+ t) w" i. C0 d
& V0 Z4 b" w$ z# l
! `& D! Q. X: K! T第47题,Tohisgreatjoyhediscoveredthathisearwasbecoming% [9 t; `  `3 r; c# c
A、sensational1 @! V* S5 v6 E4 J# @. |
B、sensitive& n* o; M* _- t' z% p! N! F( L
C、sentimental/ |5 B* Z' c9 B6 |$ S+ |0 W
" N% `- m  Z1 f" Y9 A2 Y& |( O正确资料:
4 Q. G6 u' n( |- u# ^* c/ {( e8 W7 A# k9 N4 l: G/ \0 ?/ t% |

3 X, C0 I) Y) }第48题,Thereacanalwasbeingbuilttocommercebetweenthetwocountries
% e9 {. O  o, I8 B: F$ Q1 z7 yA、allocate, c. Y) K4 i3 }
B、facilitate7 _1 Z1 ^4 i0 R/ l9 Y
C、induce7 t- P4 j( _8 T/ O
D、furnish9 i# A4 w3 ^. j" K* q
正确资料:2 K' ~, J4 C2 `+ g  t# |
# A& l8 t# N1 v& Y8 o$ E) r

& N9 }1 `9 Q3 d# e6 s第49题,Anincreasingproportionofourpopulationunabletolivewithoutadvancedmedicalwillbecomeprogressivelymorereliantonexpensivetechnology' o. \% s: R6 ^0 W* O7 J) L  s
* S1 S4 y4 _0 ?. hB、interruption
% z7 g3 {0 D9 J0 cC、intervention
8 Q- |4 L8 ~' ^/ w0 iD、interaction
, K% |, b6 y6 Z3 D' F$ |! j正确资料:
: g" Q( ?& Q2 w6 |, y$ O0 T; M+ `2 c* V9 i7 Y/ k5 A" I; l
" u4 b3 p. R/ m5 q
5 W, y, H, k- E& a! H& r; {A、impartial% \* n; [$ J# U
4 O8 B9 S8 n" _. S4 ^C、hostile  y7 a- d( ^, T, _8 d* Y
/ z) r2 E9 t- g2 V- D4 V( H# h. {正确资料:. b, q, g' D9 _8 A" k" X

5 M3 H. [: K0 K3 a8 J' c3 g
5 M4 h! u( T) j. f/ G8 n) W! K& V- r' L5 I+ b

: g% e' J+ K4 g+ |: t! l) A7 j" C; Z6 [7 M' L# k/ I

% z4 ]. l: Q6 R/ n  X' W3 U+ L/ s( X/ J

1 ?5 h( p0 m9 {7 V! Y6 ~6 d
5 z( `% f9 Q5 s3 p' k3 `2 u6 M* S! C, i; _/ {
& V! N4 h; }* C$ ]- G& j: g

2 b! g- [; b( |, E3 k9 @
  v5 F- ?2 b* G4 i: W1 Y8 Y/ G/ ^) x- m


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