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发表于 2022-4-22 22:01:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)英美文学选读-[福建师范大学]福师《英美文学选读》在线作业二: p% `2 P" c& @9 ~2 O  K7 H
试卷总分:100    得分:100
) I5 W% o4 y% W  k. y第1,BecauseBobhadstoppedreadinghistechnicaljournalshewasofnewdevelopmentinhisfield( T8 @4 z3 n$ Y, J, h
" G! t+ Q/ |- z- L* NB、subtle
9 k( g2 X0 r, [3 v* z" ]' D. k" TC、ignorant
, @; R+ `( Y/ F2 `9 R, ID、intellectual4 r, s8 r& M$ O: `( k! Q
$ ]0 E7 |& s) E$ z( [; f0 M( J7 B7 `) q+ N9 d' C  d

3 _& Y9 i5 \: F8 k! ?第2题,Apowerfailurecreatedintransportation# K* a' C' z0 V' ]5 y8 |  L
A、emergency. z/ i# B# B5 i* W$ W6 B
* w# W: G/ S! IC、extension4 R8 s- o3 D0 M* o' ~
D、excitement2 g: _! [  \& k
正确资料:3 d( D1 L2 X9 W" L( p
: H  d- N/ E, u8 _
: [1 }! O) Z# @1 y4 F
& ?" o. O" E2 H# H' k- @A、probable4 O3 a3 v' g: b7 L5 m
B、reliable, D0 m5 i( K& ~$ E' u  @
) u2 ]/ r8 R/ m! \$ p; N9 XD、feasible% a2 n& s' y( O# X% Q+ z
8 O) n$ G3 v+ F9 P- l& o- h3 q) _" v& i6 S4 m

3 ?) }* h0 x/ X" i2 `第4题,youfurtherproblemswithyourprintercontactyourdealer$ y9 Z9 u/ q8 N8 G
foradvice, J  k# n7 V" G, u- ^3 v, t6 q
A、If, had
. {/ b, \! T! ]9 B7 Q% KB、Have, had
  x/ R5 j: A$ l# `3 }C、Should, have1 w4 ^2 Y* r6 T$ j! `! c
D、In & a2 @! P2 W& e  d: j
case, had
* e4 j5 W& h& N9 M" v正确资料:
* h+ B1 @* J, h2 L  \7 Z) Q; d  ^7 D6 `0 y- C

, \5 O5 A$ n1 Q! P资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thejudgeruledthattheevidencewasinadmissibleonthegroundsthatitwastotheissueathand
5 U! l8 a9 }  N7 \3 d0 A: R% {; {* FA、irrational: _% ^+ P( E6 r" @/ F
B、unreasonable7 g# Z- k1 [. j( a. d* g" y7 r* K
$ E; X9 Z) [) O$ ]7 f( M3 T' ]D、irrelevant
# |" L1 m2 z  ^# ?0 H) S正确资料:
) E# M/ x3 f6 {+ S  c4 B8 s+ M. t& Y( u3 U

9 r1 x0 ]  o4 Z: N+ k3 \- I第6题,ThereareseveralpossibleexplanationsforthegreaterjobinJapanincontrasttothegreatjobmobilityintheUnitedStates* {8 X8 u5 V# L% `& t; d, o$ ~
( e  y8 u. Q# K( F9 g1 xB、security) i6 l0 M* }( L# D) \7 Z
C、sensitivity7 H  k: c/ f' |
7 z7 |  w' _5 L, z( ^, b" r* |3 P" _正确资料:) J6 o8 ]$ A* ?8 q; U9 ]
! T* A+ z! W; i& k5 t% T

! t9 J) O, s: D; O8 P0 E7 |第7题,Whenanumberofpeopletogetherinaconversationalknoteachindividualexpresseshispositioninthegroupbywherehestands  [7 A3 K4 K, m. g7 K: k5 Y
0 D% p/ T2 l; v5 B* _1 j3 KB、pack* b1 K* L( F4 q6 x5 f- c
: N4 r# X; ^$ @- J9 {D、cluster
2 N1 I7 Y  G/ \# k: p# X5 E$ Z4 l正确资料:
! ^/ o: f$ N9 `% {( I/ i1 x3 m1 K1 q5 a6 g/ y% n( e' p' u

3 H8 l1 A7 X' K% b. f8 `5 {4 p第8题,IamnotwithmyroommatebutIhavetosharetheroomwithherbecauseIhavenowhereelsetolive
$ V4 u0 Q; T6 T. d0 d( ?A、concerned. B% T& p: A! B1 s
8 V1 |5 G3 `4 ZC、considerate6 r2 W9 ?( ?" G% Z  h- y4 ]
D、complied. P; k$ U" Q% ~- {$ Z) B9 f
正确资料:9 i  h4 R4 x0 G% D& i  w6 }* y
- V) J% r, _  p, w/ x% o4 W7 \: H
$ M. r% q3 g; s' Y- l4 h
第9题,TheLondonMarathonisadifficultracethousandsofrunnersparticipateeveryyear  @2 [4 j7 O* R& ?/ X+ q
A、Therefore+ e; `+ N; T3 p7 U3 Z% `# w$ G
7 j" o% n' F6 k4 X' jC、Nevertheless- r4 M' s: ^0 s: }7 F- P
D、Furthermore' k& h% w8 U* N8 `  s: d/ _
( v" n2 \* E7 I! w% ~% s  [7 r2 b* ?5 U* @

5 _+ g% N9 C; j) {* A  Y* P4 Y资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Mystudentsfoundthebookitprovidedthemwithanabundanceofinformationonthesubject( v  Y$ @; w& f, A1 X5 N) V
A、enlightening# V4 Z, C) T) y/ x6 m5 @
+ O* Y: I( k) k' f5 @, ?! pC、distracting$ Y7 w+ B) x& U$ |2 U
D、amusing2 L- C3 l1 T% S* ]( S8 a# D+ w, o, B
正确资料:0 C. |3 J" D; o

! O; p7 ]' b3 A) @' f" e0 f* S3 _9 D/ J* |% P
第11题,Heisplanninganothertourabroadyethispassportwillattheendofthismonth( e: B' v" _  D5 ?
A、expire; {# I8 x0 x0 V. T$ T- |
3 U7 V# m- F: H7 R% O3 [4 QC、terminate
1 G6 e1 ^% C% L- l% FD、cease: A% {, G" S* V* V
正确资料:2 Z! q3 q( q4 F$ ^# Z& y4 z( h2 C

6 u- w7 ~) _, ?1 B5 L4 h4 v( l- W9 p0 E5 c* j' A0 X
8 r7 z& N1 \9 C" xA、pathetic
4 F% g8 _- Q" `- H% Q4 qB、patriotic
% `! K/ W( E" {( ZC、panic% j+ }" E2 k. Y
D、periodic4 L  m% D2 L: s, D) [; [8 E3 Z0 V
正确资料:0 M- o- p3 m% K; M% c2 d1 _: I9 Q
( |) j9 e* L. f- p. |7 x9 W) ~
" m" S. p4 J; F- R; c+ O' C5 n/ L
8 A7 g! a: R- s: ?8 G  K8 rA、estimate) G, }0 H/ j6 d8 w4 V9 [% V0 j/ |
B、terminal) ?3 M0 t- e6 H7 q
  T; M; t# M& T& {# zD、benefit2 {7 ~3 @2 k& G9 R3 j" i2 Z9 _: ^* i
正确资料:" ]8 s( H% [* C& h# w$ j
) K5 t( [$ `. x% ~# w6 N

) X! H/ f" S7 H3 K第14题,ForthreequartersofitsspanonEarthlifeevolvedalmostasmicroorganisms) l+ Y& ]1 Z& y* J2 K, X
* u$ h- k6 k6 E6 AB、instantly
' _7 {$ z" n- B$ _$ t2 JC、initially
( b" [! H9 Q$ p! t/ gD、exclusively& C$ J& B) ?# s* y! i) y/ y9 }& \; {
正确资料:) \2 r" `/ L/ w- w8 V$ q+ s5 }& t7 n' v' W

$ E8 n+ U" U+ L9 M
( w+ K$ V5 \+ i资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Equipmentnotofficialsafetystandardshasallbeenremovedfromtheworkshop
! ^9 C6 c% Y$ x! r3 ~2 J( |A、conforming to2 ^1 U- s  q$ `! y9 ~
B、consistent with) J, c4 a9 n  C
C、predominant over5 I- B" n, J9 b: ^; X" v2 O" P
D、providing for3 \  M7 F8 x0 M) `9 q9 c& b
正确资料:# W; v: x/ h+ P. k' a, d

/ @, `, _2 _: W# o8 y. J4 K9 h; s- g6 M( K" s0 T
第16题,Heistooyoungtobeabletobetweenrightandwrong% ^# H5 G3 ?* d
4 X: {3 V) T* Q# ^9 |B、discern
: Y% @; ^$ B7 t3 H7 Z/ w# nC、disperse
6 s  e, g! K2 z$ |3 O& qD、disregard  }$ }5 a% F& w$ m& N3 G! T
/ a* \1 z- r/ a  y' u: R- \. j' x) m  c: l/ d0 O" }
$ z$ Q* ]7 b9 X8 B; @" z# Q% M
) x4 H9 z! b2 J( r; hA、attach9 S6 l# |5 _' J7 P- ~; X5 U
- {. Y: }) Z. W7 x% O& e2 X  FC、involve
" f' q5 G3 a; ]5 r- j6 V/ ZD、enclose
1 Q, S  f6 f. Y5 a正确资料:5 a& z% b# v4 c. L! R* y, s

- c: A  p8 E5 A3 M3 F9 O2 N/ Q" Z7 [* p
第18题,Iknowhefailedhislasttestbutreallyhe'sstupid* m1 v. H6 ?6 J# C2 u
A、something but
+ A, Y+ `+ u" I6 N+ V) PB、anything but
; j' m) t0 Z: P$ O# ]! hC、nothing but
6 i0 }  G4 n/ P7 P2 r2 k2 oD、not but
6 D4 q  a! @8 p0 ~8 S: v4 h正确资料:
5 {+ N# b% R4 r$ b& Y( W( K
; J4 \+ n# ~$ f
) R' a; N+ P* k0 z& l9 V第19题,Crisiswouldbetherighttermtodescribetheinmanyanimalspecies
# z$ h1 n/ N9 Y% Y% Z% tA、minimization5 j  l1 X  c8 H& a5 c2 |
B、restriction5 C- ?( D# q- @* J9 |
& Q$ x: j7 O% v2 C# y  YD、decline
  N' G& r( x1 x0 E2 |4 t正确资料:
. j8 r1 G. f4 G0 M! I" c& X
6 k- a# {9 K7 e% `/ G2 H# l; Q0 ~& ^/ V' g* K# z! ~
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Eachindividualisrequestedtostatetheonwhichhisjudgmentsarebased* Z- _( U4 c1 @- Q9 l' A* ^* F3 J4 j5 d
A、requirements: w1 J: F' b+ f1 Q/ z% D
  }& e$ l: {: Y4 SC、legislations
  b4 f4 C1 g0 g  G' S, V. MD、criteria
+ L( e3 Z5 j/ h正确资料:4 o7 m  z! r$ ~+ n+ J( @
3 V# O. a$ O$ }7 c1 y
+ i3 p  v8 y  t2 t) y" W  l
第21题,Themayorisawomanwithgreatandthereforedeservesourpoliticalandfinancialsupport3 Z7 B" n1 n, v  M; i# U: j3 ]
A、intention. K2 O$ C/ u0 u# K
B、instinct, F. \7 Y$ M+ @' ?. q6 u* t9 }
& }, Y  F& U! B" M4 V8 r/ H7 OD、intensity) F4 q0 x. w# R5 Z. m3 Y* H/ ^
" L- T+ ^9 q( ?( a* y. {" D
. ]; l2 W+ `# |- P
# }  z3 o0 M- E第22题,Martinlayonthebedallnightturningoverandoverinhismindthegreatdecisionhemighthavetomake
! }2 A7 N# Q) ^! WA、wake) W. W& ]$ O% I! [7 l! Q7 v# U: \
" F4 K$ p6 t. j  R4 r" lC、waken% h0 C0 J0 |/ h% I1 `
D、woke# o8 [& p; G% {- {
* t$ b% t* s% l$ B
( z) ~" U9 H# C: F% L$ Q4 s7 e4 c( O* X, k# V# I: X
第23题,Thestudentsshowedwhensolvingthedifficultmathsproblems2 ^+ l/ V7 ?+ |8 _0 o( Q
A、validity2 q$ g8 U" n- x
B、purity5 G" H3 p) w" A( X
C、ingenuity2 s9 a# m1 u% S& w/ K+ u1 X
& {5 m0 i7 N" m9 Z1 [+ @' F正确资料:
% i$ J8 K$ A+ e( m7 S
) E* `8 _4 o! U6 P. j4 G$ l
' q! z6 C4 Y! w$ F8 K第24题,Thewheelsstuckinthe
; \, I6 a  E$ p; k1 W: g! oA、mud) L2 h  J7 x. O, \. W% P
( }0 k0 s3 H1 n% y; IC、soil$ ]& z* D) K. ~; }
  Y/ D/ T4 R# j) S5 Z3 r, Q9 B2 I正确资料:/ V) i* b' `6 C+ f6 L2 y
4 m+ u: Z1 @5 q, ^

& A) ]1 ?8 s( I资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Forthenewcountrytosurviveforitspeopletoenjoyprosperityneweconomicpolicieswillberequired
6 e1 z+ I) H% D, R  ^; nA、to name a few
. u3 c  |0 |% r4 D% F) OB、let alone
$ d# Y" g( X8 ~5 z2 N* tC、not to speak- i2 B3 p+ M: A) s$ P) Y
D、let's say
. i, O9 q! D% ^( m7 i( |: m正确资料:
: B3 b# q) |/ Q! T% n- w- c9 D, a1 w3 X) ]2 d- i) T; Z. T+ q

5 b  s8 ?0 U) z- t( s第26题,Thepurposeoftheofficialinquiryistothetruefactsleadingtothelossoftheshipatsea
9 J. v5 a; {% W! nA、come for
. d: h0 b! H# hB、come at
3 g8 z1 |. V. KC、come into
" B- h4 s( M! Z4 G( p& v& Q4 fD、come over# V7 {$ x. c) r$ _
正确资料:/ x9 E# N; Y* G: [7 K5 |- p. n- I0 h2 N

' {9 W# l: ?) `+ N# A9 q& l6 _* K/ a* z# s
( o/ f" M4 r/ J8 g% l( S( ]" }A、consequently
, v* X& m! Q& U8 i" AB、roughly
& p7 N9 j* |9 u# Y3 a" f( ]! cC、comparatively
: O! L1 ?) D$ O" ?D、incidentally3 ~5 p6 g$ P+ R. c* }8 ?! y+ a3 z
7 o8 }2 o8 L( ^' l  B1 p' _- `5 |$ c

- B$ B) C, i) {- N. h( F! [第28题,ThatwasnotthefirsttimeheusIthinkit'shightimewe2 ]) Q/ {8 G( Q8 H
strongactionsagainsthim  }1 W3 Z0 p  ?
A、betrayed...take* g" `* H6 D( c+ P+ O! B, V7 \% Y
B、had betrayed...took
9 |7 a; T/ h# RC、has betrayed...took9 Z6 R! X4 e3 V% J, _" f$ p$ R
D、has betrayed...take
9 p6 L& r( i0 B  K4 D# ^正确资料:& B) g/ Q7 r: M

. k' G  v* _1 ~  o8 j$ k
: e. r( g& ?0 H  j6 g3 `第29题,Fuelscarcitiesandpriceincreasesautomobiledesignerstoscaledownthelargestmodelsandtodevelopcompletelynewlinesofsmallcarsandtrucks
4 x! u: [, x& @' p% x3 bA、persuaded
- S4 u, B2 j' T8 ~B、prompted5 K% f1 h! j, A( }  w. O  R
C、imposed1 t9 J/ }0 i0 s+ S- e1 Z6 U* j1 R4 G
) d3 C; X- x6 M& w正确资料:9 V3 D% j1 ?# X9 I! S2 \$ E: U6 H

" U: z% U* }- n7 i3 o* `
, B: M  H4 {2 k! l资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Hisideasareinvariablycondemnedasbyhiscolleagues
  Z1 N2 `/ u: w8 j' CA、imaginative
$ g9 T4 `7 x) \2 R2 R# NB、ingenious
( ]9 M% d3 w; K. i: Q" X7 o7 {5 nC、impractical" H9 n. x4 o  M9 P% M9 C
% T% p2 H& |7 W正确资料:( h' x" `$ r6 R/ _: T, U

  [  k( }  C4 ]& M- I# ~4 G3 ?/ x8 Q2 M" ]3 g
第31题,Theofthesunalmostblindedthem3 ?0 A6 m$ S3 N1 P* ]
A、glitter; ~9 v" d3 p$ N/ ]
B、flare; x; a6 I) l0 E% G$ A0 M
3 y0 K) {7 r& @* u/ QD、glare9 E1 B; G# @4 }- L. A5 u$ b
5 e# \) d( c( e
, t3 y( m% W. G
+ y6 i$ [& M! `) P3 F  r' z- y' n第32题,Becausefuelsuppliesarefiniteandmanypeoplearewastefulwewillhave6 ~( B, U' P2 ?" d' `
toinstallsolarheatingdeviceinourhome1 W9 X' w0 Y, ~2 U; U  _
A、some type of8 o5 `  ~; e! a4 \/ H% X) V: i+ \
B、some types of a. U2 m. k* E$ s6 ~. b) F
C、some type of a
9 P4 Z( A# |) v1 sD、some types of/ u) x* R. }+ S- _7 @) u# V
正确资料:5 p5 Q% F& f+ D% J

4 B# x0 c0 b2 f3 i) D
1 J, V) ]. N! h( c* o7 I第33题,Americancompaniesareevolvingfrommassproductionmanufacturingtoenterprises
, G3 V5 s8 N- j" E. ^A、moveable
5 v; h' y+ T+ I, u0 Y$ S9 z/ NB、changing% X3 u, [' u1 K! y7 I
C、flexible6 O$ l1 o8 B5 h+ W( B8 Z% q1 ^
D、varying8 H$ p: X7 z9 d" C/ m/ z$ B
正确资料:/ R! ^% T& W, D- E2 Z' k
9 b2 V, c+ Q7 |$ j

2 s5 i4 u/ }/ [& Q第34题,Thewealthofacountryshouldbemeasuredthehealthandhappinessofitspeopleaswellasthematerialgoodsitcanproduce6 l/ n" E6 S( O  P3 A. Z4 s
A、in line with* W# r( z# ^% n1 Y* ~$ y1 I
B、in terms of
+ \6 v( Y# E  i  c, a: QC、in regard with/ w8 X- T; T- v9 i' g" f
D、by means of% O& Z7 R/ M; D
! q  z5 B2 S$ i# q' j7 z2 w+ o- n* U- P- [
( P" x! G2 G0 `% O' @
第35题,ThemeetingwasputoffbecauseweameetingwithoutJohn1 x' E5 J4 Z5 y& m: _
A、objected having& |+ u, y! H0 Q2 l2 X
B、were objected to having& D! f1 b  g0 z
C、objected to have
% _0 P, E8 I$ F7 u9 X7 HD、objected to having  t- g8 L- T: M" o8 z) E
9 ?7 D- M% E; W0 {- R8 r& p7 T0 Z! `: D3 f% m
7 F  m' P: N* r$ v  f
第36题,Childrenwhostayawayfromschooldofordifferentreasons& g# }$ Y( ?1 G$ t) ~$ {# _
A、them) d; _6 i$ R8 k8 Y4 G' L
B、/5 E; O6 j: U9 E* h$ G; b7 s
. c7 I! g" A. h# }D、theirs
. G- a4 J" r6 R1 Z0 G. N, Q$ D8 _正确资料:
, l! S- z4 Y; k7 N- Y
) M$ Y. b  F9 B1 q' o3 N4 x7 Q. H9 o% r9 u9 \9 O: J0 d
% s! N! J7 S4 k. q0 MA、take away0 T4 g$ b6 c$ Z3 L5 y
B、take out
% b& m! y* v5 G9 O  uC、take to
: {1 q: n9 n' M$ z& u# s8 N$ YD、take on. p! ~+ ~1 `/ p
正确资料:) r4 S0 y$ _% _3 |: `' h' h# r0 ]$ p& y

2 x+ l& f' {5 M; Y8 j& e, G) S& u- z( w5 w
- A  O# F( b1 v& `+ zA、spoiled# o% y, q" v) L/ E! Q0 m! n
8 A( @3 W: s$ |  e$ q; \& X8 `C、spilled
: P6 a) V0 k' f0 jD、splashed
( m* S5 m0 P" f: b+ Y正确资料:% V8 V& h: |5 y9 e6 w: E$ C

  M( S% ]( n% H& I2 {$ S2 e- \, i( |; }
9 @6 R8 W: [- R1 o/ R( H2 t: bA、Orientation
- @- K0 f" e( f' iB、Access5 ?, o, c8 M, ^4 t: g: o4 P) Y
C、Procession0 `: I' n0 q" g) v9 e4 g7 R/ a
D、Voyage$ a# J( v/ Q0 C9 Z
正确资料:9 `; |7 Q( E( w- i+ y- K

8 T, P2 e# i4 `
8 r9 G; }. ?7 g3 X# ~第40题,"ThislightistooformetoreadbyDon'twehaveabrighterbulbsomewhere"saidtheelderlyman6 ?- Z$ i" s& @9 o, n( L9 {& C
, \7 Y- j: ^* K9 H; nB、slight9 F/ t! D1 h6 D) o$ s7 h
2 z7 C. W1 m1 D! I9 ^$ T  JD、minute
' C; A. e+ Z2 T$ }: J+ C- s4 r6 N正确资料:
5 w+ b- y& j4 c$ Z5 m* B8 A/ `. q, t$ B6 ^; |  Q

% V7 ?4 n* W. E. o8 b" {% ]第41题,DoyouknowTim'sbrotherHeisthanTim
7 q1 m) x- _: Z+ bA、much more sportsman) M9 A1 n1 K! j2 e
B、more of a sportsman
- j/ t, W" ~8 `; j" uC、more of sportsman" E$ r* L, c- Q
D、more a sportsman
  l5 g" a8 _% r) Z: Y正确资料:9 R% z6 G9 m  H, V- K
1 R3 H5 E8 Q+ Y% o

' Q( r8 n% G/ C9 Y5 x8 `/ r4 Y第42题,thesuccessoftheproductdependsonitsgoodquality9 O( [2 a5 y6 ]( u/ @
A、Objectively* H0 j% G% j, j3 F1 J- `
B、Ultimately' a! t& d2 _2 i, K2 F
C、Absolutely& J- ~) w) t: Q2 ~
D、Relatively0 p/ d7 S# x$ O1 g7 h/ `
+ x6 o! Z) |6 a: Y
. H& \' |8 t! P; n( b% p7 N: O8 L0 j6 j
第43题,Althoughtheargumentswerehewasnotconvinced6 I6 y) _- j" Z/ I( R' [7 p
A、rational2 }) ]; x' {3 t- K
B、universal3 u+ G# p9 I; s* z* `4 o+ e
C、apparent  J: C9 [+ Q5 `. @1 v) D. B
D、exceptional# T" a9 z7 s; J
正确资料:  y; @% |4 V+ c/ j5 P" |
1 |* @+ D) z7 L6 W9 g8 B- N

3 ?  W$ s1 w6 c( M第44题,Herdesiretootherpeoplehascausedgreattroubleinherfamily
$ h9 ~2 M: o6 i$ hA、prevail1 M" H( u0 S1 M
B、promote. D2 @5 c+ P4 ]; g. T4 f
C、dominate& s2 n0 J4 [( B1 M" y
D、exemplify4 B2 B; c0 q8 x
正确资料:! @( m- O8 z2 t, v6 e
  D$ @% [* s; W. x, S

0 U$ d8 A$ T! b$ I第45题,Ican'twhathashappenedtothevegetablesfortheywerefreshlypickedthismorning% T, x# Q" u# }( p0 x  m  _- A
A、figure out0 K" l5 d5 i0 x5 k6 P2 J2 c
B、draw out
% r# t5 Z) z+ y; i9 C, kC、look out( M  v! }. Z! U; D, N
D、work out& v: F' I0 m6 g
7 @: R3 b* T/ z, L. c5 `* a' L5 ?7 d

7 Q$ h1 F/ G3 L+ d, E第46题,MrJacksonfeelsveryhappythathehasderivedagooddealofbenefittheinvestmentinthecity
$ {, x, R1 T9 Z/ h. RA、with; B8 {- G' H' `0 a- t
) ]  w; j! g8 [- L5 n: y2 r- fC、from: @& h$ A- x  `! c8 N7 K( n# e1 a, J
D、upon& @% a% h! }5 t
' H( B4 ]  [  ?3 r  Q$ M' A
* R, i* j( {. V# {" _/ x" ~; f: H; C
第47题,IhavelookedallovertheofficeformyjarofglueItseemedtohave- c/ }. P$ u' P5 V# r8 i  \) {
7 o  ~- @6 R7 Y+ A+ I- {# z. Y4 p
A、vapoured! a! J: m7 Z7 v& m3 \' m5 {
/ g  O( E. e" FC、vibrated
; ~) h( C3 L3 M$ A& N- m4 {D、reduced
" A' `9 D3 o+ N  M' S3 r8 G- y! x正确资料:0 I* O* W; g2 Y7 [9 M, \
( M. l' W" I, o, R

) P( t$ P# J9 O1 ~; Y第48题,consciousofmymoralobligationsasacitizen! C6 w/ x  c7 o8 r! ~
A、I was and always will be8 N4 u$ T; L, I7 J4 K
B、I have to be and always will be
3 q: ?) a- w. f' cC、I had been and always will be
9 a1 a) q# ]0 [0 b) |) J- tD、I have been and always will be
( O) w+ A) `& S& t) R正确资料:
: d! w4 g% n/ L) s  \! o) |6 ^
3 p' g0 z4 w: d. q9 U  `; g$ O- v( g
) |) D. I- q: Q第49题,MissJanealwaysbuyspricedclothes5 `* @' u; z" k) Y3 {
/ g9 B3 @# {6 q! QB、highest$ F! C1 a; R: t! ?5 r
C、high. n( ?3 R/ w# N, f( S& r* S
9 O+ n* {9 T7 i, w, l' t! F正确资料:/ Y( r4 B) D3 I9 X
8 h( r7 U, y6 E7 s" o7 K3 c

" V7 w0 R, \) e' t3 Z% P# i资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),TospeeduptheoflettersthePostOfficeintroducedautomaticsorting3 k  T# x6 h5 Y5 R/ \% l7 Q
$ o' b' i( [7 S$ p8 Y, ZB、transmission
% c' Q: Z/ |) [C、departure1 G2 r9 I3 y5 B5 I( c
) _- g) C0 A0 R正确资料:% J) y/ j3 K. I. c& y

  p- |# p, p4 j- j/ e$ i0 B
% A) m' q' c. a$ ^1 C& X5 ^" N( D
- q& L) V, J+ E2 J* {: x+ _. X$ i" v% A; c

+ t' V2 Z8 I0 T% U! G2 T
7 s! H: h$ V5 h. G1 X7 s1 s
$ e  ?) u3 q/ Y: X0 H' z
( H6 ~$ A7 @) W& I2 l7 x- [
0 i& Q, p* F% E0 I
4 Z, j7 y# G& m" y/ z2 o  t# v$ D, }) k: @+ W4 \
, n0 o1 P  m* ]) P/ {

& p: \. ^: q% F7 n  `+ |, W3 O$ K1 S  j


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