资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(一)-[吉林大学]吉大《大学英语(一)》在线作业一 k2 _4 R: j: c/ ?5 f
试卷总分:100 得分:1002 t2 w3 D; C1 R2 M1 f
1 ?1 S7 y* |" j7 F% Q; oA、consistent- n. a- A1 z' \
B、continuous3 J9 T! X9 m& M- c
C、considerate- o$ {6 V( w4 _4 Z, C
4 R# Y+ l+ K. ]; H. B, Z! h# \+ ]正确资料:谋学网6 u) [7 k: l3 U- K% r b& X
5 w$ |6 @0 h& S! D; P) m3 H# e4 @" {
; G2 P w8 k! p. ^* \第2题,Thesesurveysindicatethatmanycrimesgobythepolicemainlybecausenotallvictimsreportthem
- l6 u: F1 S2 @- f8 \8 P1 IA、unrecorded
6 S( }% e" @' S3 Y& B1 EB、to be unrecorded/ g, U7 |8 e$ U
- a3 O' v1 c6 ^# {! r( w" C$ LD、to have been unrecorded+ ~2 P9 A8 R$ C
正确资料:谋学网! J' P. D! C- `8 t* ^
! m+ w3 \/ k( S7 B0 N- E# Z0 N1 E4 _. y; \; ]
第3题,Shecookedthemeatforalongtimesoastomakeitenoughtoeat- L: J( q9 b; Q3 n
4 g% d b) P) m; r. j" c' XB、slight( o5 n. v# L6 I R1 o0 k3 }
, B& c, v3 A: ?D、tender* f4 s! \' E, Y5 M# R% u0 p
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!* A; V7 R2 W, n! o) N
) L, m0 E8 ]( [( i+ [7 h- q- F p5 }" m, q
第4题,Inasuddenofangerthemantoreupeverythingwithinreach( X U- U. P& A4 {: e
- {& m! C4 f* x3 t* W& VB、burst
9 w; @/ i. o V vC、split9 {3 \4 w$ o6 e- K8 r7 a$ m% S, y
D、blast! i' h) B F% ]$ e6 i# t: S
8 g {# h, K6 o: v' T' Q @# K) H8 V* p# W) G
, z: O/ g6 g) p4 y, L0 f J. K; W
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),IthinkIwasatschoolIwasstayingwithafriendsduringthevacationwhenIheardthenews5 ~% n: m) F& h8 k* P( B) a
A、or else
2 y) a; T# X0 ?9 s6 }; SB、and then2 a$ |' @3 h; u! ~5 R3 i
C、or so; s, i3 I) p. e
D、even so
' h4 A" n! f# n1 N7 n& @. c正确资料:谋学网. B7 ^- W1 a4 R0 N+ G) ?
1 o4 y/ P( K( i4 U. G7 m2 b
# {5 ]2 q# ?7 b2 ~5 }- `: A e第6题,Thegrowthofparttimeandflexibleworkingpatternsandoftrainingandretrainingschemesmorewomentotakeadvantageofemploymentopportunities7 ?6 N9 p2 e4 x8 n1 [* e) s- w- i5 d
A、have allowed
+ m* ~8 M. }/ R2 n( H* B! FB、allow
0 B2 G& n$ B( Y+ e4 fC、allowing- H1 Q6 Z/ ~# U" R" U) b S- p
D、allows% Y$ P! a( M6 V V$ i
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!/ v# ]. u; O! I* r0 T' h6 c6 I( _
$ \. Q9 ]4 I3 I J1 H ^
" ]; C4 Q7 V( a0 {3 `1 C+ z6 H! |第7题,Itissaidthatthemathteacherseemstowardsbrightstudents0 x8 x& L& e/ x" E1 M1 e6 z
^+ R, ~% X7 t8 v, [: ?9 h" HB、beneficial
- S2 c5 M1 i3 M4 hC、preferable
, ?* d( z7 s( s9 Y; o" p8 QD、liable
/ G) d$ W6 V9 L- |' m/ ^; m3 }正确资料:谋学网
+ `7 E+ `+ w# \2 U! `3 h+ ]* @. H/ N8 [0 U) y4 z" R4 _4 X4 I
# ^# f3 ]+ G% q, f: {# G9 s+ u第8题,Youhimsocloselyyoushouldhavekeptyourdistance: @: u! |7 }( \/ i: h
A、shouldn't follow3 y; l: M7 d5 x# x+ \4 p6 t8 B$ }: Y; }
B、mustn't follow( @. w# ?! C3 m. x* n) f0 v
C、couldn't' have been following
5 g1 q7 S1 k& K" k; e) `9 m/ jD、shouldn't have been following
) q% b+ b; Y/ ]8 X5 A/ E" @( g正确资料:请在附件下载资料!, S. A6 n* T3 B9 G* w, O- n
6 C$ p. i( k8 Y: N( |) |% T1 w; w$ ]. A+ M! n
第9题,Therearesignsrestaurantsarebecomingmorepopularwithfamilies3 z. U& K$ c, S1 E, H3 [; [
A、that7 S; S$ I! C7 P" W6 L* W
B、which7 {7 A* H% y7 ?: _" k
C、in which
5 B7 N+ T, b* ]! v2 k3 \D、whose
2 X8 \5 ]+ t" |! j- F/ n% \5 U正确资料:谋学网
3 V/ ?1 \+ K4 n2 v9 Q" f) k; I4 B; f% Z: z) `9 h- A' J
6 b, ~, D% ^" f% w( l) c资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Idon'tmindthedecisionaslongasitisnottoolate* _8 I2 [# q2 B( b
A、you to delay making8 }2 K3 s0 f' ^0 S* q: E7 f
B、your delaying making
# f, L; h9 M8 ~# Z1 v. b% W+ `5 n! GC、your delaying to make
7 h* n% F: Q1 z8 v7 D' ID、you delay to make
' q6 q% z1 W5 A( o6 X0 S正确资料:
" ?/ }+ Z: Q# Q1 a- f
6 W) c/ V: e& d) \8 y* B6 l1 Z) \5 A! o6 w2 A
5 A" t$ X; C' vA、include. m7 J6 g( A" g
B、involve0 W' ~& R9 c0 ]5 n
X$ s5 X+ [5 f! S/ N( T: cD、comprise
/ F: p3 |0 x' X, v正确资料:& G; k7 G( m* [4 p1 ^
; l. F" {- S, b* G' i
5 D; @* s& k! L4 O2 B' ~
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Youngpeoplearenottostandandlookatworksofarttheywantarttheycanparticipatein1 h9 `# w( k1 r) J6 S
" u# u" W7 f; x, y- h1 S5 M4 bB、content; v4 R E# Y! Y. c @' |4 R. r
C、confident) W6 e5 d0 ]( T1 [( x. S7 s# x# H
3 U. A4 Z$ Q! _: j" Y) e5 L* l; p- z正确资料:
$ h0 _) ]% K$ v1 B) h2 T/ J5 v' i. o0 V7 M9 K: h
& r. P( h9 h- o1 c/ {7 L
第13题,NiagaraFallsisagreattouristdrawingmillionsofvisitorseveryyear% ]' i( I( m9 a0 B7 O' e! E
( l& v$ `7 A0 J- m ?% rB、attraction: k5 X7 O" T/ y- F) q
9 J1 V7 [* ~* r! \8 |- T+ c9 f) l' ZD、arrangement
# `& C% `) V7 ?' S$ y& r/ h正确资料:5 I+ q1 F; V5 U) c. D2 c G# X9 z
+ m$ ?) d! E2 x$ n
1 [) c+ {2 y6 {, l( H第14题,Thesaleusuallytakesplaceoutsidethehousewiththeaudienceonbencheschairsorboxes5 {/ y. a; V1 ^6 x- Y/ _
A、having seated
r7 W7 p+ B2 ^; J# p5 U+ QB、seating
) \: e) f+ V9 j$ B5 h* gC、seated
- F9 U7 s7 b# P3 \D、having been seated& }* i2 M& k/ h" [
) [$ m6 f- h- [- D# i/ ~1 h+ O) e
1 ^) f5 i" }/ U* O2 P
6 W) q$ O0 l' f& t4 j+ M+ D资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),AlthoughAnneishappywithhersuccessshewonderswillhappentoherprivatelife
# G0 V3 y$ Q' t3 d2 u" P( }A、that
o( n1 |7 Q* pB、what) \$ l4 G% ^0 n; c u* c
C、it5 S' f! k, U. ?7 B: p* V3 y' [
( k0 }& I% I* I* ]0 U正确资料:7 n3 D5 m9 N+ Z" M6 v; T! M% g# @
* Q: D0 }; u7 E- t) d$ K( z
$ [& V; Z' S; Q' G0 k/ u
第16题,InBritainpeoplefourmilliontonsofpotatoeseveryyear: }! N( @8 s9 g, h0 G% L1 g1 ?! n
' S6 @% n) m9 c/ L) d0 oB、dispose! e0 j: U7 K! [$ x1 F! l6 r. i
C、consume8 M9 S/ Z' M* T3 C( |& f" s7 u, M
D、exhaust, a3 R8 q) L- ]5 E
正确资料:' B- v; T- t9 V- N2 j4 w* C( g
( R) x! Z" q# }) e
7 ^, ^" F8 V' s( ]第17题,You will see this product wherever you go$ B' B A/ v+ B: x$ |3 {% p
A、to be advertised
3 w, ?2 U/ P) i- o, F" ?B、advertised
7 H. a0 g/ p; y% h1 |2 u# @: EC、advertise* c, K: E8 j# f% D
D、advertising& ]4 d' D6 J+ M# a
y! F' A* f% M6 D: ?
8 K* Y4 z0 |( D" Y8 R
# o$ l- ~7 s8 ^% R' U$ ?第18题,I'dhisreputationwithotherfarmersandbusinesspeopleinthecommunityandthenmakeadecisionaboutwhetherornottoapprovealoan
7 }6 \% u& ^4 A7 mA、take into account
& b# ?7 z/ `! GB、account for
8 o9 g( c" \) d, G- m2 pC、make up for
4 x2 x/ P$ e0 ~" H- Z+ b1 {D、make out" i9 x, Y- W7 W! H' W
正确资料:谋学网) ~- _! _1 F3 N8 E* B( H" j& `
5 R }, i; a1 v" Q0 K, Z
8 R$ D) h! {1 ]+ _) X) Y* v( @第19题,Sheoughttostopworkshehasaheadachebecauseshetoolong
! i7 l9 h" `, x' X/ `4 a8 z9 S$ L" }# w$ WA、has been reading" i8 ?" U; F! [( J7 O/ z
B、had read
# V/ J5 n9 v$ S6 F; \' d& h( O* O) a# L# \C、is reading8 I, r0 _' k* G% M" c
D、read) K S! k; g2 h- K$ i
正确资料:谋学网6 d" N$ _! p9 x
! ?& H ~0 w+ d# G
( J* a( d- E6 ]# x9 G1 J" `0 @
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Between1974and1997thenumberofoverseasvisitorsexpanded27%# x4 z% f, ~, n- W
A、by( g" @- S3 a5 |: W
: o( S1 R4 C1 V4 [( NC、to9 f8 p3 r; b' q2 L- C2 u3 m
- j2 H) i) r% N" l4 @1 n2 W/ X正确资料:谋学网
9 [3 H1 }$ C6 ?
0 @" t# G; `5 T6 [6 |7 J4 Z! ~8 h' F N# s. W& Z
+ Q" `( \# A! _# ~* iA、granted
% k8 K* V: l6 q: @& o3 ~/ KB、implied
, }( x' b8 i5 ~0 e9 ]) C1 EC、exaggerated) \6 j) u8 _+ A
1 f z0 F D7 L, L. W正确资料:: O1 ^( L) K1 M0 G
( ` P* K, `: t, F* O& u
% h0 {9 Q6 I' m+ T- m6 A' e6 n) D第22题,Wouldn'tyouratheryourchildtobedearly6 l6 f$ I, ?7 R+ a4 W& c
A、go9 t; t4 D! [- K* Y3 g9 J5 m
4 L% ? Z9 G0 VC、would go
' O) ~3 h# c' R( c: z6 bD、goes
5 b3 T; `2 \7 |. M% d, f正确资料:
0 t- B5 W/ z" y/ J% g6 L- Q7 @. K. \& m. T4 `
: M* C2 a- F* H' j+ i第23题,Theprofessorcouldhardlyfindsufficientgroundshisargumentsinfavourofthenewtheory! P9 Q- z+ j) @
A、to be based on+ j& F3 ~" r( [
B、to base on
7 F' ^/ }. n+ Q" }C、which to base on. Z. {( [. e1 h; [- [7 C+ s
D、on which to base( J* W# h+ ]- E0 |, s" v
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!( \) O3 P7 ^( K& d
& e8 M* b m, j& A, }
! O; ~( ]" H2 c
8 @) L& l3 ^ H+ O" J: d" r' x' r& hA、alter% i- z- X% r( y8 Q0 [2 l
B、shift% K7 m8 f* D, q
( ?7 p2 ~* v' p. i* T0 t* G/ t% dD、vary
) a% s3 {5 }8 s8 `8 K0 B正确资料:请在附件下载资料!& K+ \& g0 ~* w4 P( N& r
: J L" m( {, S4 }4 t; [: d( v9 R# `. e% L9 }
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Theearlypioneershadtomanyhardshipstosettleonthenewland* K( N" t" t" Q# C% f
A、go along with1 }- a1 B: e4 M. _' `/ I, P
B、go back on
% ?$ Q; Q5 `8 m9 ]) M; RC、go through. j8 O- Z U+ U) {- O) ?
D、go into
0 M$ r$ h8 d% U正确资料:* I7 C, _7 q1 H/ X& I6 |
' [( M4 p6 l4 x3 S p/ _0 A0 p$ m; J- B' V8 t( N
$ J, t, T2 r9 ~, x$ {3 B* m7 d# r
1 l( |" `; q k) r$ K: b, A( \' g& g
) v. a2 y1 R9 y+ r$ g
_, L2 A" D- z( t- I: H$ G+ _( L a$ i; b1 I8 b# {' `' P( H
& T& u r$ l* D5 s" W
) M% a* v0 ~. C% t% x1 x( i
5 n4 r+ t" O5 H5 W0 F& a) W. n: B4 c
0 a; s$ E! N8 ?5 p" k# h
. ]8 K/ E$ W- ~' Y& F, \* n$ A" F. n c0 H0 H" N