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发表于 2022-4-23 01:12:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ Z' T4 v/ g8 e试卷总分:100    得分:100! Y/ y$ U. V/ k1 {) v5 N" `
第1,Itissaidthatthemathteacherseemstowardsbrightstudents! n" j9 P/ W0 w* k5 _
A、partial7 p' R; w& Q# {! Y8 V
! G- |. t* W$ m  k3 BC、preferable) c  x$ j' G: O" W  m7 b
: p6 Z- v1 X) h1 Y" L# s' Z正确资料:谋学网. v$ E: R! }+ F% S2 Y& R7 o

, t" Q; R# @2 l' s' D4 \7 q  n
第2题,Thegrowthofparttimeandflexibleworkingpatternsandoftrainingandretrainingschemesmorewomentotakeadvantageofemploymentopportunities' }! }& O; |/ E. r' D) }' k- U7 c9 `
A、have allowed
5 E+ r0 c9 m: O, e% L2 v8 hB、allow8 F) L: _9 Y! M! R" I2 U
C、allowing' }; T) g" ?, C
/ H  L$ B: t  p! I  ^正确资料:请在附件下载资料!8 Z6 ?# T( z0 m- T( a; J% P. \

  `3 z; F3 L& H) r6 L) Q
2 B8 _; ?1 o5 l) T5 t& w第3题,ThewordsofhisoldteacherleftaimpressiononhismindHeisstillinfluencedbythem* D  c( q9 Q8 s8 U5 b% |, n
A、long+ ~% |3 G; B% t( i; t' B
B、lively# L5 P! P* x7 m2 _" ?7 q
C、lasting6 X, s5 U1 _* F# l+ q  p1 d' Q
& Q4 R* W* b, _' r/ `正确资料:/ I4 U+ Y# B9 n5 L; J
. g& |& G, P) x& I  U& \% q

  M* |! _! h3 j第4题,Aswecannolongerwaitforthedeliveryofourorderwehavetoit
* b; K, t, Q! w$ vA、postpone
' n4 q6 W9 h) ?! N7 V' q; r2 [B、refuse
3 ^: \' u/ I& \, y& ZC、delay
9 U1 V# f/ Z- B$ U) OD、cancel+ C$ ?$ t+ }9 y# A
6 l* b4 p& r* L: V# P/ x- g8 g' d8 o( y6 N" f3 E# E
) W. I7 Q! q5 m8 B0 ~5 T: B
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Peterwhohadbeendrivingalldaysuggestedatthenexttown$ J+ L% {( R+ w& B3 ?  J0 G1 V6 E- i
A、to stop
& F7 @, i9 k" L, B: [0 b  oB、stopping
- b/ N9 ~* m8 S- g- @0 c& m& ]C、stop7 A9 K1 Z, x3 f# `8 |) z
D、having stopped
4 G* l3 h& Q& w, a- q, @正确资料:
* B# x" B. v8 I; J9 ^1 J4 {. ]& F& K3 q- F1 _$ I) K, _

& A4 L  |2 Q+ W: L3 U第6题,Mike'suncleinsistsinthishotel
4 C3 F5 c9 A! V# ~& T1 {4 k4 h; qA、whatever! A- a7 C7 \* H( C) P, w% T3 k" f
2 K  A7 I4 \3 l" h3 P; P7 o- r& }C、whichever5 p) Q+ r! E0 s) U: E7 [( V, [
D、whoever% N8 Y. P+ Y! h9 k0 s1 e/ N4 M; ?* ~
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!: g+ Q: o0 i% Q# J8 d, b
- L6 o* u2 g6 }) `8 h
- K$ j4 c0 B; N; g! ]6 p5 u5 {
第7题,HeisabouthischancesofwinningagoldmedalintheOlympicsnextyear1 `3 ^5 u9 S' s0 c: d
1 D; b4 X, {! p' v3 ]% bB、optional
8 W) ?! n7 }0 F  ?( `C、outstanding
" L9 R. _1 T! CD、obvious
% D* g4 k1 `3 w! F2 w" J正确资料:谋学网
4 ~8 _; B' |  p- f; W9 C8 X* l$ z* @) q* c' H( c0 ]
1 V. n' M* c- p6 t- W
1 e2 @1 @9 N+ c$ r0 \- j* gA、is worn
# D* h7 g4 i" Y: H3 `2 M2 LB、wears8 L# j' C4 p4 w
: A4 n0 `; b8 ~8 E1 mD、are worn2 |) E7 _7 t) l# e' F% E
1 {% k0 L: x- j+ h& C6 Z! H% N8 a3 ^1 ^" B3 Z3 j( B
+ ]% S! P  ?" k; |, C
第9题,Everybodyinthehallwheretheywerewelcomedbythesecretary, @- ~& r, ~9 j' H/ |- e5 B9 `
A、assembled0 F- g4 \# C7 O$ I& V4 K5 H! n& N
: \& o% V; Z% b* T- p8 R' M9 L5 ~C、piled
& _) a* c& o6 p5 n8 V( A5 D" dD、joined8 H1 R" u) U4 i) n( Z
/ B0 ]! G" c/ v" C: i0 L# O" G9 H

" [( }# H! ]7 l' g& B+ i) e1 W4 H& A1 V资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),InBritainpeoplefourmilliontonsofpotatoeseveryyear
5 ^: h( }+ @) h6 m/ j& J7 B! eA、swallow. w9 B6 u2 ^5 C! ]. i, f' Z
+ a- w' E! x0 B( {9 }C、consume
4 t( a; [) d! o9 I5 w; V0 XD、exhaust
# q- o8 O2 y5 T' r6 z7 ~' z; o6 f0 w; B正确资料:
+ c4 I1 _7 Q4 n! W) h
, I. m& D7 N4 A% J, U
2 G% x, X3 F( J+ w第11题,NiagaraFallsisagreattouristdrawingmillionsofvisitorseveryyear7 T* y/ P' Y: _) ~
  \8 R' v7 z, D, K3 |B、attraction
8 [+ }4 T# H) c6 j' P+ e( BC、appointment
! H. N( D, Q5 h+ v* h! F; _3 RD、arrangement4 M# z. n/ L. w, ^' Q
正确资料:! F4 d# z* I& K9 V9 o

! l4 d" \% f& p) r5 I+ J+ g
2 E9 J6 ~; Z  G6 N5 W. d! I3 {- A$ U资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thehopesgoalsfearsanddesireswidelybetweenmenandwomenbetweentherichandthepoor3 F- X; x' Y( X1 w- k# i
A、alter9 p& n( D, }" F
B、shift; T' r' ?3 R/ Z, q  @6 O. D! F, K
C、transfer8 |# i/ i6 ~/ |" s* H: l* {
' o# G- W0 Z- R5 X6 P" M正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
2 {3 ]7 k3 r- Q/ l( H. x$ h# ~$ H, u1 _3 K
5 r6 j. I" S% ~7 {& ]$ r8 D1 `& m
第13题,CornoriginatedintheNewWorldandthuswasnotknowninEuropeuntilColumbusfounditinCuba, f7 o2 j% y- u
A、being cultivated
8 P* G" P5 p! kB、been cultivated# g1 c( _2 e( t6 D* f
C、having cultivated, Q: y6 ^! i( i
# x. Y* W5 ]$ y6 k/ V8 Q0 H正确资料:谋学网
, @5 F7 P  U& K; J8 B$ O- @1 y* a% M8 Z  g, R1 W1 u; l( k

8 Z. V% N& o& t* ?$ U第14题,Theprofessorcouldhardlyfindsufficientgroundshisargumentsinfavourofthenewtheory
8 B& `% ^9 J2 O: R) Z5 yA、to be based on
& u2 `  r6 r9 H9 @) [B、to base on2 R- |1 J1 I) X# p7 m
C、which to base on
% C( a2 y/ \9 R" z5 r# VD、on which to base1 e- a; }& _% |( N' K0 Y
* j4 R: A' }, s. P4 D- t9 J3 @/ ~+ {
( N! e) _. H( ~1 H: r% p7 e1 i$ t$ u( z
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),sherealizeditwastoolatetogohome# A0 s& U* S5 P, }( G
A、No sooner it grew dark than- o3 |1 j6 e' i3 @8 P% `
B、Hardly did it grow dark that
1 e6 Y. |( m# n/ y, qC、Scarcely had it grown dark than/ D" z- p' E  S: F' W# L3 N
D、It was not until dark that# x8 I+ |* \) O
7 n* g- ]' h4 G1 l( [& ]* @3 d' r8 Q3 ~+ \1 r( t; z

  p* U8 m2 q) G( q# L第16题,Itisourpolicythatwewillachieveunitythroughpeacefulmeans
; C7 V, b. b& IA、consistent
0 p7 X1 z( k6 x  p0 eB、continuous. j  U! ^0 |6 X- Y
* i. Y  J3 I5 W/ N. ]* rD、continual
0 [! W2 G& S9 c  w5 v" F正确资料:谋学网+ @# D! Q6 D0 I; O  O1 |% B
$ P  W+ g) {  U% S$ q" B& g7 ]

) E( D: O% d! x" I5 C第17题,Somediseasesarebycertainwateranimals
8 R: D6 M- d: |4 t: Y! yA、transplanted
' R7 T! d& F2 E$ l0 R& o+ L" LB、transformed' M$ i% H6 f6 |' }7 o! M' R
2 ]+ i1 g! d3 c' k9 k3 iD、transmitted
  V' y- u9 R+ V5 Z正确资料:请在附件下载资料!4 X: c6 [! |' Y. v# }- L, p5 u! E6 i
/ [3 M; z6 V( M2 U

4 j" o5 E7 s9 g: v/ h$ Q" x2 v9 ~第18题,Thesuggestionthatthemajortheprizeswasacceptedbyeveryone  v* y5 i& h7 u* Y- x
A、would present; q1 N+ N2 o2 A+ K
B、present; Y5 F* \# c* n* A/ N
. X( \# v, q: QD、ought to present6 R  f5 |) u$ X
正确资料:5 Z) I7 N5 c1 E# ]7 _  Y4 P
/ X! K* U* f2 W: W8 m
% a) U1 o* V! e+ _3 i% ?
: q2 z% j7 z' B4 b7 [A、having seated( a1 G, J# d3 y; }$ i7 L8 Q+ C2 A
8 i' H5 D& C% _3 o2 w0 l7 [' K5 nC、seated
6 e! J3 J) x) U; YD、having been seated" Y( U( ?2 B" i+ S* n5 \( h
正确资料:5 Y1 w  `/ s, ]7 ?% \  W( B5 Q

5 Z) a8 H  D$ R2 i) X& h
$ E2 G% w2 \, V" b) v/ D/ c资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Therearesignsrestaurantsarebecomingmorepopularwithfamilies7 B+ s4 D" q" A
8 s* R. b( a9 U  N0 F7 TB、which; ]: z, v1 x! O+ r0 z
C、in which
( \3 l1 l" U2 A7 `& a: w: RD、whose/ x+ s; ^" m) P5 _& @( x1 L8 G
正确资料:谋学网4 k# W1 Q) \5 |1 d" H8 A
! W6 f( J# I1 J' c. r

- U5 R6 O8 D1 \+ `第21题,Althoughmanypeopleviewconflictasbadconflictissometimesusefulitforcespeopletotesttherelativemeritsoftheirattitudesandbehaviors
% d2 R1 f  [' d4 F! r: r7 A1 s# kA、by which
4 E5 W) q1 ~4 vB、to which) I$ r, p* A5 a% h# Y" L
C、in that7 ^- ~  g7 h" @2 `# A- Q! d
D、so that/ F) k( }1 }5 f' `6 i+ f
9 z6 s4 w$ }8 x' W9 y- Z5 Z4 S+ P7 l& [7 j
9 @1 i! \' z* x  P4 c0 ^
第22题,Notuntilthegamehadbegunatthesportsground( {2 J, K; ?0 v
A、had he arrived
: U1 ^  l4 f" r4 N5 H% nB、would he have arrived2 l! \; E: I! W0 q/ v9 N
C、did he arrive3 H  Y/ _( k; x  z
D、should he have arrived( i4 R4 ?8 t/ |. }
正确资料:/ C; L5 [) l1 z) S" q" K8 r

/ ^$ N5 K; Q0 z9 ]5 s7 B
& m& a$ m% @6 Z第23题,Puttinginanewwindowwillcuttingawaypartoftheroof) p/ B0 @, ~3 ~: z. e# S
A、include+ U  `! B" R: ~6 C' ^; f
B、involve4 i6 V6 E0 u* \' @" c4 D5 J/ k
* e0 k( I- J# m* f# @: `$ KD、comprise: _) g% O+ b5 X" H4 E9 }: b! o
正确资料:$ n1 R( U. Q% o
( `, E2 h5 @: c) h
  a  B2 x% h8 f* g% @$ }- c% X
0 f+ ^* e' ^0 J. LA、extensive
" u5 @$ T4 k4 `* n6 R: v" KB、spare
0 `$ ?+ M0 g9 T1 p/ fC、extra5 w9 J" n3 |3 t6 Q! i. {* v
D、supreme8 q; R* Z2 r& l1 J  A
正确资料:4 Z: l$ d- N5 U4 M& _3 v9 K

( G$ d4 ^/ O& o; ?: h9 k
& X. E9 K. l% c3 d4 E& C资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),IthinkIwasatschoolIwasstayingwithafriendsduringthevacationwhenIheardthenews
3 l2 J; E9 u. W+ U" ^8 kA、or else0 N: K/ [0 v* m$ \
B、and then# U! }6 G4 }* m+ z5 x- M4 `
C、or so
! X* i7 O8 d8 h" H0 zD、even so
$ Q; A8 I( q+ |7 Z正确资料:谋学网
9 W; {, i! y2 d! z" @5 d: @' F+ y0 ^

, Z! c; x" ~) a: K7 O; f1 {& `, ^* _: b' D2 w; u. u

- J/ m" K7 s' _" z) u3 |2 J/ K  u5 B0 c
' n0 ~* L1 F- t; M( y- ~* B/ `
" b' o$ M9 `; @
9 p9 l/ e% C% |
. ^( a( C% S+ q* \- t; D

% a5 y7 L( O; {* J. I5 Z4 ]8 b9 |7 y( n. v0 C; |( X
3 c6 c7 z( S  d4 n  a! a' B

; p# }" b" ~# }8 `  T% P
; A2 N$ u& M* y5 }, s' c7 \


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