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发表于 2022-4-23 01:12:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(一)-[吉林大学]吉大《大学英语(一)》在线作业一* ]+ O: R9 }0 c$ ^- W
试卷总分:100    得分:100
8 c1 b+ r$ |& s  c" c, ?第1,Itissaidthatthemathteacherseemstowardsbrightstudents
$ g2 \* G; i, U2 G  ~1 D& FA、partial; R+ B' k7 i# V' B. \
1 u. d3 P7 H" i6 `C、preferable
5 a3 W) y8 A4 d, T* SD、liable4 n/ G" {5 \( E' Z5 x' f2 ~
5 f7 X  `: U0 k2 h. i4 |! A9 t0 a3 A: I2 B3 _

( A) S3 M3 F# w: N第2题,Thegrowthofparttimeandflexibleworkingpatternsandoftrainingandretrainingschemesmorewomentotakeadvantageofemploymentopportunities
8 h: j7 `$ M) w$ f6 w3 mA、have allowed9 Y- P) t! c9 X2 V
! W2 p8 s9 C+ B# L( U" \# S  uC、allowing4 m: s; t" k3 l
D、allows$ X) F* _# ~9 ]) b
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!" k1 m6 a  H) M+ Y7 N6 b

. e+ ~# g8 {7 K$ W( [# I+ Z( Y* v* h! l; q
第3题,ThewordsofhisoldteacherleftaimpressiononhismindHeisstillinfluencedbythem  P2 E. |; Z3 ]  f4 U$ |2 T4 x' }( Y
$ D5 C) E6 }' I7 Q7 U/ KB、lively2 |' Q! d* L, r( e/ m5 @
' F1 d9 m( }/ \D、liberal* B0 r  b& [) L
正确资料:4 E  _; e, y( I: O* D0 ^
' T+ ^  _1 w, B1 W; |

$ y$ U# \0 k8 t; w, P第4题,Aswecannolongerwaitforthedeliveryofourorderwehavetoit4 r' ~! f1 A* ?6 f, w
A、postpone8 h& S; Q1 w2 Q! \5 u
' }. c1 ^2 Y, W& E6 P( FC、delay
$ @  f2 B" H2 pD、cancel6 F9 I# X3 Y7 [+ J
0 L6 v0 [2 d! }! k& W' l7 N4 _& n, v. N
$ X% n7 m& ]3 y$ W* ^% e9 J1 H
4 ^6 q: U; H  x2 f' {7 U4 O" XA、to stop5 i1 W# I/ T+ @+ p
- a7 {$ M+ d' a/ \. f& tC、stop
& q8 ^% r/ v( ~; w/ c; x% X3 SD、having stopped) {( A: y+ D8 e% \7 P
正确资料:- Z& k: U! W, |0 a8 _4 @+ n5 p

; W& ~- ?, a; L3 E2 R/ a6 a# @
- s# r0 F( @+ S6 t' }  S* o第6题,Mike'suncleinsistsinthishotel0 }) g3 E2 r& a
A、whatever' J! M: ^4 a" q: D: B' g
5 t. y" i5 N$ h, L$ T4 {) V2 W0 PC、whichever8 c1 F( [8 R' l% y& q: d
3 h- e  u) M/ K8 ~. l正确资料:请在附件下载资料!/ Q7 {- A" |) I, P/ Q% J# M5 o7 k# j. t

5 B9 w% X. Y5 p4 P8 F9 C: R; ~
/ u) K- X3 X0 B5 ^第7题,HeisabouthischancesofwinningagoldmedalintheOlympicsnextyear
0 w$ l( G7 z- W6 ?3 DA、optimistic
. O/ x8 v( ?& ?5 R  O8 nB、optional/ W- l, r- F) f2 x& P, ^' s
9 G5 H9 r9 e& p* XD、obvious8 W( `6 I1 |8 M1 p
正确资料:谋学网. I. ^5 k- v8 e9 E* h  n4 s4 u
& c7 W4 Y% b0 w5 l4 R1 ~/ P
7 B- V% y% Q. c2 {3 `5 M) d
第8题,Thiskindofglassesmanufacturedbyexperiencedcraftsmencomfortably; i5 v: Q" b/ G4 \2 W! W6 g
A、is worn1 ~; W) O3 n  m
B、wears& F- g; l3 e7 J% U' X& ?- M! u
& M! s) R% \, }  \& z" \2 _* N  DD、are worn4 F' j6 a$ k3 J0 o' F* \2 h
正确资料:) k" K( g. b" Z; l) g# a
5 T, Q' s8 l" \3 g, Y3 m0 E+ I' f

  V8 s0 f5 J+ b9 V  f第9题,Everybodyinthehallwheretheywerewelcomedbythesecretary& `) d- C0 O7 T- F% X* b0 V
) l) k' `3 X( v( OB、accumulated
% `6 A4 n6 B3 W5 R/ C1 xC、piled
7 D" j% B% j! m# Z0 T; hD、joined- O) X- X4 T! x
正确资料:谋学网( n  o3 k" u1 ^
4 @6 |3 y+ c- g0 j7 V% m

& U! S& d6 z% V资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),InBritainpeoplefourmilliontonsofpotatoeseveryyear
- m/ r  z8 X& pA、swallow
& H- `. \' {5 I! m: }B、dispose: O' i; q. r& z
C、consume$ ~6 |0 _" A6 O
  A1 o# l  F& W6 v/ p8 z正确资料:4 a) |+ u& f- z& @" u
! g8 D; T6 k9 y: ?+ D

6 g; x2 [4 f" Q' g第11题,NiagaraFallsisagreattouristdrawingmillionsofvisitorseveryyear
0 q6 p/ j. b; z4 |3 ], j, R4 oA、attention4 F. N- Y, b( u
7 n# K1 A0 ^$ U* n1 O4 RC、appointment2 K/ ~! V# ~4 v# ~0 m6 g
D、arrangement7 u% i& h; u0 ~) Z8 \% G5 c7 E
, M0 y/ J& I4 \5 t4 j8 o% Y$ x& @8 ^! ?7 Z$ [2 o

: ^3 w/ z# z6 e) g0 ?资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thehopesgoalsfearsanddesireswidelybetweenmenandwomenbetweentherichandthepoor
6 [5 G0 @8 `' rA、alter
; W+ B5 {* U3 e) b( J( t! X& RB、shift
5 T( i; e9 |/ D; N+ b6 ?3 VC、transfer
5 E* _9 s- Q; }8 Q2 bD、vary, x! S0 F) W) F4 S
" G* R- z  I& v- a
1 x% }4 ?! Q  T; C9 k
( X; ~, Q/ {8 k" W/ {: Y2 ~; q; }第13题,CornoriginatedintheNewWorldandthuswasnotknowninEuropeuntilColumbusfounditinCuba
7 Q+ ]- h" p7 L( M) T( _  a5 U) [A、being cultivated
3 l5 H7 t; |$ x2 C1 {B、been cultivated; C. D5 w/ T7 B* B' X
C、having cultivated8 v& G+ ~& t0 N  \) c/ I6 z
" [$ ]; I, }- f. T正确资料:谋学网9 v" p6 E( y0 ~8 v% g
4 q2 f, X" ?* I" A6 Z- S6 R: U) {0 _
& X4 n8 [) ~. N, ?
7 `4 b: P/ I' pA、to be based on6 r- h9 j4 M3 P2 E0 n, f
B、to base on
( }# C( d8 V4 A& d1 P; j6 NC、which to base on0 T* k# s4 R5 x' _/ z
D、on which to base5 r7 @) R4 s* c8 J1 u
/ T( P( M# h  K2 |" {6 f* }" Z- B5 `5 c/ j5 F0 \# _7 q

4 p4 a* X) [* y* }8 _  h  U资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),sherealizeditwastoolatetogohome0 z9 j' N5 B; R& ~  O# D
A、No sooner it grew dark than
# G1 ]* _8 e& R6 p$ x, y9 YB、Hardly did it grow dark that
! v0 q! S( w) i2 o. T% N5 kC、Scarcely had it grown dark than* T6 n4 n0 z, r6 q- P
D、It was not until dark that
7 W. f# q" z  W3 o正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
8 p! n1 ~  W/ ~9 H) E# X7 m: h( l( N! ~6 y, [1 L3 |) ~/ K

0 b2 |/ m$ l0 E- {- |第16题,Itisourpolicythatwewillachieveunitythroughpeacefulmeans
  j! E2 H5 A9 o. kA、consistent$ B4 Z1 j0 Y- Y
B、continuous6 v, I0 M6 `; y1 g( D, C' O
C、considerate! s6 F0 o6 v5 {! s/ S3 G+ u% H
4 W2 m0 z# k# u  J正确资料:谋学网5 n& c5 N: j) O: c/ V: s2 z! R

, N7 O4 Y# X* g+ z, h( ?# w& G! E/ Z6 |; O. @6 k, l
第17题,Somediseasesarebycertainwateranimals3 q; k9 m& B0 T  @
2 }0 n6 L4 ]- y# x3 XB、transformed# f% ^, W5 p/ ~5 _& R- \% {
C、transported0 K6 G8 w% Z9 u* h5 ^5 K
& t& F4 r( r8 P8 ~! }# ^正确资料:请在附件下载资料!
( z0 f4 W( k7 U# Q1 i) c) H( a" W2 l5 e! a7 o8 P5 Y

$ e) d% s0 N* O# |- U& L第18题,Thesuggestionthatthemajortheprizeswasacceptedbyeveryone
, [' b/ H7 r+ f  m/ Y3 GA、would present, ~, O6 F$ m2 H0 J% k% [: b
- M- P/ F9 P* F( k. }C、presents
: k0 |$ J: W* z9 u7 Q7 L4 ~D、ought to present
/ k, r; s" f9 h9 c+ q# U% W7 o正确资料:
0 I# N7 u0 `# U1 C/ A8 T
+ t  N) y1 ^  E1 s
; \) A3 V/ G% K. [: q" c第19题,Thesaleusuallytakesplaceoutsidethehousewiththeaudienceonbencheschairsorboxes9 C4 j* e- z. Q  W. T! C' U
A、having seated
; D7 c5 o6 b# K) JB、seating+ {, H% O( |$ H9 c- G& W5 U2 F4 i. P
% E: v- T$ {( i% ^. A! A2 @D、having been seated
( X" q* u- ~9 i正确资料:
5 V! U: A0 l# j$ I6 k
) W- i9 \/ m! D& y
  C7 }' E# X: N2 J$ e7 G& V资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Therearesignsrestaurantsarebecomingmorepopularwithfamilies
+ Q, s& B4 f* I; I/ j/ G0 \A、that4 p* H/ D, O6 W% f5 B& p. j% v
' o" {2 L) V7 O! uC、in which) N  ]( `( m/ }- d  n$ l/ _" ~1 t
% A* H8 P# l, \5 ^1 C正确资料:谋学网: R7 [; ?; E4 J/ i7 R

& m( `" B- m: d9 [* I0 O/ ^1 F: g+ n8 g+ F$ B, O: V4 M3 I- l
& c0 j7 K/ x/ ]% e5 ~A、by which. o1 B: ~& J. q" u0 T+ k5 W! ]8 r/ w
B、to which9 k5 b, @) d3 V* O- t
C、in that
; D# q- n, n1 a0 n5 S' ^D、so that* T0 y, p4 e! c5 t  M+ t" @
正确资料:' h1 J1 [, w$ l2 G5 N
  G3 T/ S" O4 h, v$ ]0 b0 q
  O2 p# N; G7 D2 N! t
$ I8 {5 d$ D7 @( v! XA、had he arrived8 K" x. u  W# E# E8 y( [$ Y
B、would he have arrived
* a$ x, p; n* ~. m* U4 i. @# CC、did he arrive0 v3 Z2 Q4 h- M% ]3 {7 w7 M# S4 a4 q
D、should he have arrived
2 h( [2 c5 X+ V正确资料:
2 g, V( w) ?, L% w  v3 t- Z) C' z+ u3 {# M8 J- K- Y

; L7 F: |5 l" V% n- A第23题,Puttinginanewwindowwillcuttingawaypartoftheroof. y  w6 }/ R1 U5 ]; Y: z
A、include+ L) ^, {( Y/ e' }
! S/ a5 g7 |1 Q1 x% S% sC、contain
! K9 G! I& Z2 H- k3 eD、comprise4 G/ k" t1 B# o0 y, Q9 D; X6 e
正确资料:  Q( Y, H3 \1 K
+ \$ r! Z" Q. ]0 B- J8 h

) Y8 s; f- f% y1 c7 b第24题,Inordertoshowhisbosswhatacarefulworkerhewashetooktroubleoverthefigures" K: S5 x- y; w2 R% L
A、extensive' L! m1 f$ l, i$ x
B、spare8 S( c$ ^/ a9 Z2 {* |" U
C、extra4 ?2 h: e0 f; ~" Q0 a' R3 K' i
  j; J$ P2 t3 M1 E正确资料:, J- }3 @; V! b0 n! Q( {
% o- x4 \  A! g! H/ d
. D2 G' E% A" B6 k: }
# E6 Q5 W+ B& U# IA、or else  a; p5 ?0 S, c8 D
B、and then' ~! }" _# {/ O  Z; _# \5 R
C、or so
7 e" c( n5 m; V; ND、even so
7 s( X% X& z+ p' r$ ^4 g/ \正确资料:谋学网  Z. b/ U- L" ~4 T9 P7 J, b
5 l; f6 V: f4 O7 P+ j

3 B$ p8 J* X# N8 z8 j, X, G
% o, W/ d- x; S, c$ l- c3 o. D0 b* R! n' G) N. @9 L; B3 N
0 a" N1 H# K& b: p

$ C# e" H- ^; W. ~8 u( ]% R5 B+ [* K1 t! y: z7 H% i1 p, Y# D* O% G0 T5 j

" H& i4 o2 W. _, G- t# f% o! \+ C& H% q* @2 l' b  [

6 S. N/ M( j1 \; l9 `4 F
, R' l# A0 c3 O" @  r. }6 i# a8 }
4 _4 \" ~7 S8 p) d0 a) r9 b2 p1 h) d- Y/ e5 v% G

( ?' ?6 X: H1 l! n8 b8 r


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