& ?% a: T% x' T5 X& O( h; `5 r试卷总分:100 得分:100
9 P; n: S: G0 v3 s第1题,Youngpeoplearenottostandandlookatworksofarttheywantarttheycanparticipatein
& i, g) \- F, M* HA、conservative, B. d- D( T) G6 c* l
B、content' ]- G# n' M. o9 e2 l; R
C、confident9 y t& {6 ~; k; U
: ]0 n9 ?+ @# _3 u$ [5 p: D4 _; z正确资料:
! U/ M7 ?- l! l6 u! Q( ]# l9 n& r
c* m0 c! y. r9 S1 F
+ D- A) y! @7 f% G" K第2题,Theearlypioneershadtomanyhardshipstosettleonthenewland
3 u& T" j$ C! o i; H. |A、go along with O' Z# F9 [9 S+ b8 ]! G& N2 Z
B、go back on6 h0 p% E' M. R# g6 F/ J4 N& n- ?
C、go through8 ^1 H3 t( E6 h5 _) u+ t1 [% i
D、go into F3 |' N1 }! Y/ Z" [* ^) t
, V4 Q: \* x* W/ M
! d" z$ i5 I" L8 f' z- h1 P* D
4 O6 u8 S' B+ \第3题,Bylawwhenonemakesalargepurchaseheshouldhaveopportunitytochangehismind
0 B4 k6 n% r D+ Y3 n0 l3 ^! vA、accurate
/ f3 L% `5 ]+ m; F/ o. {B、urgent4 j& i; x) h3 e: ?! r6 V
6 l% B( J$ o2 u. C1 u( c. b% A7 qD、adequate: ~1 Q, @3 Z' y/ j5 m/ o+ n$ f
% } o9 D, `/ J; B. z! _9 L/ ]0 B, k3 s9 ~ I% B( M' O' k
: q" s7 U8 Y9 k( B; f0 U
第4题,Inordertoshowhisbosswhatacarefulworkerhewashetooktroubleoverthefigures; n) O1 A. R% X* q0 H$ J
$ Y9 w; U: O8 gB、spare7 K7 l: N( Q1 k6 e0 T
& H; p( P+ E9 V2 O7 W( ]D、supreme1 h3 y( i# [4 C) a1 U1 R8 E
) Q1 v$ z% `/ x O1 d, S6 j4 b+ A9 r: R( H9 o- j
3 G" a l* v9 g! m3 R* R! u资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Itisessentialthattheseapplicationformsbackasearlyaspossible! M+ v- u+ W7 c0 V9 o6 H
A、must be sent
: i1 X* ?0 | i$ J: Q$ S, eB、will be sent
' w4 j2 { n4 U7 ?C、are sent
8 G$ t! y$ w" W7 cD、be sent. G y- x+ g; A) ^6 n& [4 z
' c; q. \& k( W! @; J; u3 {0 o
4 g+ _- O2 D5 G4 m- M& t" y+ p+ T& u+ |7 y# _. A
第6题,Ididn'tknowthewordIhadtoadictionary! [' ^: @9 c/ h9 C7 T8 ~1 h
A、look out
9 R* B% X- C9 l" h7 tB、make out; J8 ?6 Y- V+ J( n' y- t0 g: s8 n) q- m! F
C、refer to; Q9 _ m T5 H
D、go over
+ F" G3 l3 G6 _1 P1 N# p9 s- {正确资料:. }( H8 x T% |- T8 W
/ T' u3 W1 E3 Z5 I% D, p3 A+ i5 v& m4 X. B' v, d. J; ]; y
4 N* p' a2 e+ j6 e& ~A、have allowed
, l5 z3 f8 s0 a( |/ ]B、allow2 }3 P$ `6 D$ n2 j5 e
8 u! U0 z! S9 pD、allows# P0 _8 y% ^% T, \
2 N: Z, H& r- r% {4 M3 O4 z3 ~0 @0 `- B; s. H. L# y$ ?
M( \2 {: J% ^, z! c6 F+ U) M第8题,Everybodyinthehallwheretheywerewelcomedbythesecretary* L; Z, v" k6 N1 _
" O r) I/ d& E1 P4 g# cB、accumulated, a4 t& v! B9 g9 j! o
C、piled! [& I- Q$ o" l; O: V
' u5 D, ~' h$ X( R% U8 Z5 p1 }正确资料:谋学网
( s; A" T; T# m
9 E; o/ x1 O/ k0 V; Z4 s! F6 \' Y. f0 L- ~- ]
" R4 ?! E' Z4 h* SA、long
6 x: j- S1 s( h' r9 R! ~( mB、lively
9 y! H. ^. C0 UC、lasting
8 Q( A- g. ~! ^6 m" q' K/ kD、liberal5 p8 n9 o7 i% o& k0 n5 T
0 V* H* C. f0 L& a# G, D4 V% f$ j6 x2 i! \9 B( w
3 v7 W$ }4 b P* V$ A# I资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),sherealizeditwastoolatetogohome/ z- j& X [* \3 c$ |! w8 t8 Q
A、No sooner it grew dark than' l$ m9 q- x' ]
B、Hardly did it grow dark that
) s' { I- z F4 X, aC、Scarcely had it grown dark than
/ H0 r1 S, W6 T$ Q* gD、It was not until dark that) l5 Q- Q r3 ?# n! F
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!5 \ K" K3 W* H5 w9 v
" {) u6 x' l, M: A- s0 ]* x
# C3 w& l, a3 m# ^/ M第11题,You will see this product wherever you go4 ^) _# `# d0 A( o
A、to be advertised
% j0 ?) @5 H* x7 |- Q1 fB、advertised
; C. X& p) K( x7 S. ]5 G* HC、advertise
# s2 W: f+ H$ a+ FD、advertising& {) h& O8 a- V* a
正确资料:0 J A3 G2 k& T- g; ~. ?# n
! l) E+ Q8 d1 }( Y! K, m- I* @
# q+ t4 L& D/ I T: j资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Somediseasesarebycertainwateranimals0 u& T( m* z2 j z$ I5 a( h/ p' [
* z# B/ G5 `7 v+ R4 I% [2 D! S+ U5 |2 {B、transformed
' F9 K' U: [+ F( ?) m( W; h* R" ]C、transported$ s, y3 O6 b c/ b
D、transmitted# F- w3 d" T6 n9 z* ?, n
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!* F2 Q2 {5 ^0 ^& L: ^& [ G
6 O7 X& q2 F- |( j1 V- N9 ]
+ o3 y3 ~2 h( m2 b第13题,Idon'tmindthedecisionaslongasitisnottoolate
& k+ ?$ {" [, d" [& p6 p% q2 HA、you to delay making
1 V9 u4 D/ ~6 ?* v0 [ kB、your delaying making
; h: t( j2 l4 i& J# N5 b6 jC、your delaying to make
/ B$ _& R% y& Q4 ^2 o& JD、you delay to make6 e. ^2 c% g& h! \1 a U
q: o7 Y% f$ i4 q" U$ a2 N- c9 d. l P2 |$ ~9 c% X: Z- e2 ^
2 z) n+ X4 l; K% a2 B第14题,Beeristhemostpopulardrinkamongmaledrinkersoverallconsumptionissignificantlyhigherthanthatofwomen7 v* q+ j+ s" B; b6 V7 h
: N& B1 t: @6 M$ t" nB、which& |. u( q: T4 y o2 z7 @: r, D
" o& c! @( a, [# i+ _0 b0 ~D、what1 _% x( q* C1 x7 b# x
& l1 o; |, I. s- S: ^% m
( ]( c; Z( c( b5 [2 n+ }/ |$ H# H; a: v9 n8 U
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Aswecannolongerwaitforthedeliveryofourorderwehavetoit$ ^1 C g5 k& w+ h" b
' P+ X# ^$ ^' ~$ ^& X! GB、refuse
0 n v! o3 m2 ~2 `C、delay
& p; l! t( m. Q0 j$ I2 J s% LD、cancel+ P5 `0 B0 j& E5 `4 t3 [" U
0 T% Y7 H/ X4 s# \- k
# h/ J/ Z. u6 r" G. _! \+ P( k# P; k3 J7 C& e: X4 Y
, T5 t% |: q: z+ \# {) K4 Z( B4 r1 H9 TA、include
7 z1 x; E# k. J! a$ O- q& }B、involve- V6 u' G' o8 F: N% z0 G8 P
" H+ V, v7 k2 hD、comprise
" x1 U0 F1 O1 B0 j$ ^正确资料:
+ }2 n0 X& e0 ]
3 \8 n% {2 r: Y4 h' Q0 ?% m' ?% N0 C# p
第17题,Althoughmanypeopleviewconflictasbadconflictissometimesusefulitforcespeopletotesttherelativemeritsoftheirattitudesandbehaviors- s/ s1 [. o- e% F
A、by which ^7 x8 _9 N! ^ n3 D4 t
B、to which
- `) g4 |& {6 WC、in that: Y6 O+ T7 l* R, P7 y) T
D、so that
6 ~( A$ U! \% [, k1 U6 g正确资料:! d4 f W+ a6 u
1 A8 p; n; M1 `. j/ O
- a Q) B2 j& D+ n0 e# }* Y4 ^ F第18题,Thesesurveysindicatethatmanycrimesgobythepolicemainlybecausenotallvictimsreportthem$ e) l" q! ~% Y
Q' w$ V: ?( @( YB、to be unrecorded
' ^* H8 q, f7 ~C、unrecording$ |9 \% t& m( {% X, `1 B
D、to have been unrecorded
g( b- T4 p. K; K3 @* x/ ~正确资料:谋学网7 q, B) ]3 q5 z
0 J% n5 I& F+ N- X' B
: a) ]+ K! o- T) Z5 _: q! ]第19题,"MayIspeaktoyourmanagerMrWilliamsatfiveo'clocktonight""I'msorryMrWilliamstoaconferencelongbeforethen"
* T4 b+ U' i- W- _A、will have gone
0 E" L/ x, N4 f ~B、had gone7 p" B, L! H# V& ~
C、would have gone
. q) z' {3 a F7 e) pD、has gone
, q( W# \" G' c+ r: g& y正确资料:谋学网
' a, g; h$ j' G1 m. H& y* J2 O7 C0 V1 O D/ L X
) h h# J, D2 a5 U$ w0 B资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Wouldn'tyouratheryourchildtobedearly
( T0 q4 V5 f0 U1 E! FA、go0 U7 s( m2 ~8 t. G( o: c4 {5 c) f
B、went% P5 Q% H1 D1 A% s
C、would go- k. ~- r! f' e* P
( D/ p/ Q! B- j- t& O正确资料:/ ~9 u) a# _# p# W/ E' b3 [
% C D& I9 q: m% J- t9 Y. N
( {1 O" H$ K3 \; `1 d8 L* ^
第21题,NiagaraFallsisagreattouristdrawingmillionsofvisitorseveryyear9 x+ A$ h9 I6 F# W
A、attention+ }* H( z0 Z) r
B、attraction4 x! W; r }* e+ S; K
% d$ h' k' w8 a' b$ qD、arrangement$ n3 {/ K( u% K* d
正确资料:5 s; s8 P: ]) [- F
9 q. e `* s& K4 |; d5 o) k- E: J3 M- C, ?
! c+ F# U6 J4 s* V: I2 \A、to hear
+ }/ b, I2 \4 ]; M7 hB、to hearing( r" M/ u' a: h9 w. B
C、to having heard
% U. W. g. j* I& p, C* _+ I( kD、to have heard
& j4 a- c; s- i* H正确资料:
$ a- W5 T V @, D: `7 f
& m* O" u F# t: v
# L A3 ]+ W" n E1 ?* q3 Y. o( E第23题,Thedirectorwascriticalthewayweweredoingthework6 W5 |) A7 t/ K4 A9 a/ J3 [
' N' h0 L' Y$ ]5 DB、in
% y# y* f! V. f7 q- R. [C、of
0 _1 K6 s$ ^" R3 c& G1 v3 L; T. t, dD、with
5 f1 Z& z% E' Y6 s6 L- @3 T正确资料:" M& @8 ~: o0 g& n: Y
) y" I4 }, [4 c, Z; X* G9 E
2 J3 q0 K7 s7 M& A" E
第24题,Thehopesgoalsfearsanddesireswidelybetweenmenandwomenbetweentherichandthepoor# [+ z- \, |, u$ t( C) Y9 g
5 c. L; o3 r% b G; C1 b: f8 vB、shift
; b( c7 K+ r* V/ \- p; |, T: R9 _; LC、transfer' j/ o- q1 Q; g; x. @" l
D、vary& u7 k2 v4 i# m [
正确资料:请在附件下载资料!2 r9 O7 U& f, X2 j6 a5 C. ?
" y: x$ o" V( s' C: _
& T5 i& ~0 O: t/ m- A- ^0 v资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Thesuggestionthatthemajortheprizeswasacceptedbyeveryone8 t, T6 F" D2 O# k( s4 t
A、would present" A( `3 I; \! V6 i. o
# A* v. I( ]5 e$ T3 EC、presents, T8 a; P2 V+ D% K9 N/ A
D、ought to present" V; P# { h& u. e( g
正确资料:& i/ O- ] _6 @* |$ m5 J& {
& m% Y7 p8 d4 ^4 l0 ~
$ p" V5 U0 s4 h: b/ c" y
: N% C* Y' ~2 ~( N& K# r5 p' Y, O& ]
0 ?1 A7 \ s& N7 i) |" w. N* a' }4 U, L, p
2 K$ u0 \, i' L! q5 I! j
- @3 U4 D: V) W1 m; y9 l4 i: H$ b
$ X+ \, \2 l. `: `
. y2 e6 x L0 N6 o9 u' M5 M. G8 z% O3 f
" f7 }0 [2 R) R/ n* H% r: C. t9 J! i
9 [2 ?9 p" k: z# _7 `* ~ |