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发表于 2023-5-12 09:51:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ T7 B: {, o6 u8 h: U  N) Q# r  R试卷总分:100    得分:100
4 Q  p% x. a4 M' b0 j第1,Pleasehelpyourselftotheseafood
+ V3 A9 M! x# k1 q) Q& b* ~A、No, I can’t.4 Z; ?3 y1 R! t
B、Sorry, I can’t help.
5 o& s: W; Z. N  ~- EC、Well, seafood don’t suit for.
6 ]5 h8 }- J; D% |" G, I: L% \- SD、Thanks, but I don’t like the seafoo+ Q$ H& @. U0 a" \
正确资料:& e) ?( b( ?2 g

6 K: F, Y( U2 L. I& s- A3 z& P
0 u6 X! p9 B9 X, u1 S+ a第2题,Canyougototheconcertwithusthisevening
. p) v! e: i) x- gA、No, I already have plans.
# {/ s+ Q7 a( t! R0 I0 k7 b& h! j& eB、I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.
0 N% }: T1 v$ h+ _C、No, I really don’t like being with you.2 n5 Y. ?. A, V+ S7 ~; F
D、I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.
" A% k- E' e7 Y* }正确资料:4 _( M) h, ?* j

$ y& N1 }9 z0 b7 x
" `5 s9 X8 w1 S7 y9 n+ m第3题,CongratulationsYouwonthefirstprizeintoday’sspeechcontest
" d; D- ]0 k2 R5 UA、Yes, I beat the others.
* E& O/ H# L0 dB、No, no I didn’t do it well.8 N' z: |8 t$ D! o# R/ E
C、Thank you.  F4 H: k8 \2 H7 L% K
D、It’s a pleasure., y/ S& j6 K7 H  z- j) h
$ i$ G% o' @8 i5 S# B
: g) ^9 ~" J$ S+ B. E  E; m# b8 `; _  e, K+ c6 z& n
: ^: e% O! {: x9 c- T2 v" Z0 IA、had better to& t  O. k8 y/ P2 z5 G1 g# X
B、don’t3 ?" d2 h' ^. S+ j# P
C、must not9 _$ B: ?2 r5 e7 x% y
D、don’t have to
9 T/ a" i; Y$ N9 V正确资料
$ _" h9 p$ E+ o+ R6 u# n+ P* B: G: O0 r+ j7 p

) Q5 W2 N" B$ D* f" C资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),WearegoingtohaveasingingpartytonightWouldyouliketojoinus
+ m1 ~5 D, M; |3 UA、I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
1 b( e3 {& v3 N& YB、Of course not. I have no ide" d# I# {0 j4 k$ J8 z3 }
C、No, I can’t." W' u1 L3 @0 ?
D、That’s all set.4 |7 H3 T. V: H" [; [
$ @* q# P: l, q  |0 z; |
& }6 G1 l/ p9 @4 v9 J; o0 [7 G. D% F7 B1 W7 B2 b
; K0 Y5 w* V7 r! lA、that6 ]3 A' t' Y6 E( _* J9 I( S. |% M$ m
B、of whom$ w7 L& u. B& L* N/ |6 ~' g
C、whose# U1 i: Q5 D7 L, w6 w$ {7 l
& e4 q6 a6 C3 `3 f' j正确资料:! F7 W1 _9 E6 C0 O+ a* H

, q+ ]  _- h: a
- Y1 g3 a+ g4 q3 B' \第7题,HetoldmehowhehadgivenmeshelterandprotectionwithoutwhichIofhunger
: M. p) z/ w; u2 J. d9 _A、would be died
. L) o$ z! W. |# S; l( p2 v# FB、would die& Z. }+ ]9 l5 s
C、would have died5 y6 D1 J7 ~! [: f: x+ I
D、will die) ~$ `; X; a5 u+ h
' H. l+ q# o" y( k3 t! T! M: _
; T5 n. h8 a6 z1 T+ Y& t# a4 L. l) r0 f# F) i" A, n8 ^/ R& y
' R3 D( s  K: `6 \8 l4 Z! y* {A、are
8 X* p6 P; v9 n; a9 ?* }+ MB、is
- L# S' n1 Y. r" A8 |C、they are3 H* I/ }: m  h) d8 z
D、it is
6 M' @' A9 i* A4 f正确资料:
% `2 a7 Y! i9 x: m
4 b9 Y1 ]1 a! g9 W8 B# M2 F" j- a. |! {8 l1 G0 d" q/ N) t
第9题,Hestudiedhardinhisyouthcontributedtohisgreatsuccessinlaterlife% O1 C6 [! ~5 Y4 Q9 @  I
2 ^2 y; z& U* Q$ U$ \B、it7 y$ }; Q0 f7 x
C、what3 K9 @' e- t+ S4 P* M* s8 H' z
D、which8 I0 H8 [' Q9 K& P. _
正确资料:$ j* f! ~( h$ j5 @# r* L. T4 V

1 l3 G( \  M7 F
% J* d3 h7 M) ~( B4 r, N& _资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),ThepopulationofmanyAlaskancitieshasdoubledinthepastthreeyears
3 R3 t4 ~: h" L: n1 MA、larger than+ J# X% A8 ?( |* z$ y$ l: h
B、as great as1 j: I5 r$ {) E( w% U
C、more than
% E7 Y# O4 h, Q: ]D、as many as
( a2 w- E0 W; i0 t0 t正确资料:
8 i3 |( E  o- M
* {- X1 n3 [" [9 j0 D7 Q8 U/ U# k' K" W
/ I% _" N! b* x! KWhenyoutakeawalkinmanyofthecitiesintheWestyouoftenseealotofpeoplewalkingdogsItisstilltruethatadogisthemostusefulandfaithfulanimalintheworldButthereasonswhypeoplekeepadoghavechanged
2 s" ~3 [) s: s' v4 }" zIntheolddayspeopleusedtotraindogstoprotectthemselvesagainstattacksbyotherbeastsAndlatertheycametorealizethatthedogwasnotonlyusefulforprotectionbutwillingtoobeyhismasterForexamplewhenpeopleuseddogsforhuntingthedogswouldnoteatwhatwascaughtwithoutpermissionButnowpeopleinthecityneednotprotectthemselvesagainstattacksofananimal
' L, u0 B) K8 _9 `6 f2 NWhydotheykeepdogsthenSomepeoplekeepdogstoprotectthemselvesfromrobberybutthemostimportantreasonisforcompanionshipForachildadogishisbestfriendwhenhehasnofriendstoplaywithForyoungcouplesadogistheirchildwhentheyhavenochildrenForoldcouplesadogisalsotheirchildwhentheirrealchildrenhavegrownupSothemainreasonwhypeoplekeepdogshaschangedfromprotectiontofriendship. `- P; i) P% H& \& Q$ V+ B1 q. \1 v
正确资料:3 i7 Z) }' e, }
4 I5 x; {- f3 _7 Y' x

2 X% t6 n1 d/ X0 P$ \4 P资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),此部分共有一篇短文每篇短文后有5个问题请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项9 R/ |* B% K1 ]! X9 f% b1 H
WeatherhasagreatinfluenceonpeopleItinfluencespeople'shealthintelligenceandfeelingsInAugustitisveryhotandinthesouthernpartoftheUnitedStatesPeopletherehaveheartdiseaseandotherkindofhealthproblemsduringthemonthIntheNortheastandMiddleWestitisveryhotatsometimesandverycoldatothertimesPeopleintheseplacesmayhaveheartdiseaseaftertheweatherchangesinFebruaryorMarch) B( |; s' |9 |7 @: |
7 F& e$ I4 ^  b, n( o: vWeatheralsohasastronginfluenceonpeople'sfeelingsWintermaybeabadtimeforthinpeopleTheyusuallyfeelcoldduringthesemonthsandtheymayfeelunhappyduringcoldweatherInhotsummerweatherontheotherhandfatpeoplemayfeelunhappyThesummerheatmaymakethemtiredandtheyareeasytogetangryAreyoufeelingsicksadtiredorveryintelligenttodayTheweathermaybethecause
" s; v7 ~2 ~* q正确资料:& s* [& M( d7 b5 b3 p

8 j( V" e1 j% h3 E+ k% L- r. Z
9 L$ h* }/ e& d' G% B9 a* U第13题,以下短文中共包含5个未完成的句子针对每个句子中空缺部分请从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出正确选项每个选项只能选一次
5 Q% j+ \( F& G9 BOnenightathiefbrokeintoanoldman'shouseHeanoiseandwokeuptheoldmanandhiswifeThehusbandtoldhiswifetobesilentwhilehesaidloudly"MydearthesedaysthievesareclevererIftheytaketheirclothesandputthemonthetablethepeopleintheroomwillfallasleepandcan'twakeup"
' q! v$ z9 z: rWhenthethiefthishetookoffhisclothesatonceandwasreadytosetouttoworkAtthisthehusbandsuddenlyshoutedinaloudvoice"StopthiefStopthief"ThethiefwasveryfrightenedHeranawayasfastasbecouldandhisclothesonthetable2 @* `; L: h! m/ B' w. o7 I
7 w9 ]8 B. X4 k* I" s
6 f: o% o3 Q7 L
' K7 D* _( v% h# ^9 h6 ?第14题,Willyoudonatemoremoneyforthepoor
' ^) s" j6 ?; t3 H/ P( P正确资料:
6 p% z% _8 g/ v5 V- Z- `2 M; V! ?' ]
) p+ r, |- @. p* I5 X: I) S" V" ]! o3 _4 C/ F
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Hedidn’tneedtoattendthemeeting. i' ]' G  ]: M& {  a( z
2 u+ [8 K) ]4 w/ ?8 `: M- ?! ]  u$ S! }6 M4 o* n, `3 i0 r

. c( ~9 n# A/ V! F/ d) b( r7 H第16题,3Treesneedwatertogrow
$ s; o3 X* i8 `7 N: [+ Q+ d正确资料:
  {1 x6 U5 V/ [( ?/ N$ I' C3 T. w# w
- v  t/ N# x  G  K( P, j+ O
第17题,Youneedn’tgothereanymoreHealreadyknowsaboutit4 }8 y* e% ^' O. X: v9 ~
正确资料:. E4 z2 o: F# F) Z  M" b

6 `9 p) S3 [+ l: [7 I6 x6 e, f0 K' ~. [2 B
2 q+ V5 x- ]1 I+ r! I% o7 F3 z正确资料:
5 d8 p8 g: W2 G; @" v& T+ V# ^/ C; i( L
& Y" F  U0 D, c7 M
7 k6 X7 n' O8 G3 Z& I! ^# F正确资料:3 O$ u2 t* O% Y

; F! B- {7 A) r# P1 A: U
2 v( u- j% d4 P  \- z& n资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),要求你在30分钟内根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文  x. u( Z2 @. ^. k2 Y
4 x1 h  G7 K+ O3 LAsisknowntoallteachersplayanimportantroleinourlifeWecanlearnalotfromourteachersMyfavoriteteacherismyEnglishteacherMissZhangTherearemanyreasonswhyIlikemyEnglishteacherFirstSheisgoodlookingandherEnglishisverygoodSecondsheisverypatientandeasygoingAndshecanalwaysanswerourquestionsaboutEnglishThirdshemakesEnglisheasytolearnandwecanlearnalotinclassAllinallsheisveryhelpfulinourEnglishstudyIhopeIcanbeateacherlikeheroneday
" E/ ~( D# v8 M3 k# }$ G4 e正确资料:/ A8 Q8 N) f; {* o; S- j$ F
% i/ n' P1 _8 V& a* t, R
4 Z2 G6 J/ |8 i3 z# ?6 R# D: y
发表于 2023-5-12 09:52:12 | 显示全部楼层

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