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发表于 2023-5-12 09:58:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com)大学英语(统考)-[福建师范大学]2023年5月统考模拟练习-大学英语B-6* p+ i" X7 P$ U) E
试卷总分:100    得分:100% q" G1 @& G8 P5 p' N) a
+ X* \+ ?8 ^) T7 P/ Q$ LA、It's a pity.& `2 f/ E; S- \/ B1 f- W
B、Thanks a lot.
0 j! e& m" I! YC、Have a nice trip!6 |3 I/ l0 i1 M7 V
D、I don’t think so.
  S. B/ u( ?8 B) U, U- \8 _正确资料:# L  L1 U% u- @6 J. K/ }- Y

3 I% n" Q! F& B
# [$ c3 O3 W1 _# M2 N3 D! @第2题,Wouldyoupleaselendmeyourbike
& z2 N* ~/ E0 T- T. m6 U9 MA、Certainly.$ O: R- r) Z9 F# i# G; a% A
B、No, thanks.7 n! a: p/ {6 z
C、Never mind.; g/ _! s% v! K5 n6 o! M- U
D、I don’t think so.& L# z" n+ b6 j0 x, v/ ~9 n( s
* b' N7 t! k! L1 G
+ |4 B2 d  l* \% r/ J. ?% w" N2 F" |6 P$ e5 D
第3题,Happybirthdaytoyou8 b: M( F9 z( p' f- C
A、The same to you.! `% J; o4 T5 O$ f7 m* s
B、Happy birthday!" U4 P/ Y( Z! S$ a
C、Thank you.
  G5 A. n* L/ D: j: AD、Good luck.
+ T  b8 R8 Y$ K& t) J  p! T- R正确资料:
6 C5 u$ x+ C" X& B  z* C
3 [# d/ d% ~; U# j; W$ @* s: y- F! d3 E9 O
第4题,It'sreallyawonderfulChinesedinnerMrsWang  y% k: G8 A" f/ D& c* q$ u3 n) h
A、I didn't cook very well.
/ \7 U6 k, C* Y  ^. fB、You're welcome.. Z. q$ U2 g4 ~' o) h2 d' ]' \. g
C、Come again, please.
/ v* \9 z$ Y' d. U: wD、I'm glad you enjoyed it.
* `2 k) z2 r8 V  Y- U; U正确资料:
* Y2 ], V) Y9 f: T; D4 p3 T  X% Y! W) W- I1 w

2 C0 w1 M" l- a8 q, p资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),I'mtakingmydrivingtesttomorrow
5 t: z, @' J, z6 z9 jA、Cheers.! D/ h% G* J0 f% Y
B、Good luck.
! H% Y) F- b* I" w: g% AC、Come on.
, i. E( Y" N1 u/ qD、Have a nice day.
" n0 g/ {7 p9 M: B. J# S* [正确资料:( z2 L( i. v! \6 `1 K
" ?; u0 i) d, |/ I# u( D

/ L; D# a% |9 j, E+ {& \第6题,Thecrimewasdiscoveredtill48hourslatergavethecriminalplentyoftimetogetaway3 c  s& g8 c) J: K' {' b0 o! F3 o
, d& m8 I! Q( U9 A  VB、so2 E3 b3 \4 u) ]+ w0 I1 r
% U+ K6 n4 W6 L+ K& X; LD、which4 Z7 k4 X8 `' \* N  n7 g. z3 o
# f  N9 A1 i. G' H% Y, `  }% T% I/ A% Y; S1 B+ s, l$ W
+ h3 m+ O5 \6 t% o" z
; s6 D1 L1 K* K* p9 U  RA、slept, _2 n$ D  s# a& d% m, `/ b
B、have slept
" G- y9 L$ M- p5 ~! C9 `' qC、could have slept
& ]" I4 U' L8 w% aD、might have slept  c* h/ ]5 Q+ i3 L7 q' Q7 `" s
/ S& h% f& r) a& T6 {
; \$ l- n& M/ R* ?7 t) {% ?. w) h, v
- R% B/ b4 |" y7 \. c第8题,Themorehetriedtohelphersheseemedtoappreciateit
$ B6 H5 E( x; W  U% ?7 D+ `3 RA、less
, ^+ p0 r; n5 e& I& Z1 |3 N8 O+ CB、the less( g+ s- J5 F! n6 j8 M* ?
C、the lesser! V! D/ j% B9 z6 S  c# L
D、the least/ P6 A. d) s: T# X% C1 [
( G! s4 y: O& t
/ q6 q0 ~( `+ L, s
  J, T3 [7 v  |. V1 d2 E  [0 L  T第9题,IfhisgrandparentswereJosephwouldhaveahappierchildhood9 U! T7 H5 d5 a" L
A、alive. I& _* R+ i/ u% ]8 U4 d' W
* Y8 I3 r" Q! j; [C、living. t$ d, Y" E. ~. e
D、lived: h$ X4 N9 Z& H' `& z
: R! B% o% ~" e9 |" n/ Z
# n- ~1 z# M# S+ }* R# g" v" u4 o2 W# M$ V! A
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Don'traiseyourhopestoohighyoumaybedisappointed: k/ O2 l3 U. f1 i0 z
% n! N0 A) r6 f  ?, GB、but* h  n' L0 O/ V/ z
C、or6 R; r- `/ C# R. r1 [3 p
D、while4 {. w( `* n/ R5 c, Z, l
正确资料:( j/ L8 ?3 V. N. i

: P; d* r! p' P/ G
8 z" a+ k: N7 @4 N0 d8 G3 j第11题,WeddingsceremoniesintheUnitedStatesvaryasmuchasthepeopledoButmanyweddingsnomatterwhereorhowtheyareperformedincludecertaintraditionalcustomsForinstancethebrideandgroomoftenexchangeringsattheceremonyTheringsareusuallywornonthefourthfingerofthelefthandandareexchangedinthemiddleoftheceremonyTodaytheringshowsthecouple'sloveforoneanotherAftertheceremonythecoupleisoftenshoweredwithhandfulsofuncookedricebyfriendsandfamilyRiceasweknowshowsproductivityandharvestAndthenthereisoftenapartywherethefoodissoplentifulthatitalmosttakestheattentionawayfromthepeopleSoonthebridestandsinthecenteroftheroomoftenonachairandthrowsherflowerstotheunmarriedwomenatthepartyTraditionsaysthatwhoevercatchestheflowerswillbethenextbrideSomewomeneagerlytrytocatchtheflowerothersshyaway
8 H/ L1 J% j& I& O# BAndthenitistimeforthebrideandgroomtosetoffthetraditionofahoneymoonatripaftertheweddingThetripnowadaysvariesgreatlybywealthtimeandpreferenceSometimesthecouplewillspendasinglenightatanearbyhotelortheymayspendtwoweeksatafarawayforeigncityaswell5 u4 p# R: J! v) r1 P
: u6 W7 G) @& v8 a: e" D6 J
) S, ^, }- ?: U
5 b8 ]8 F. u8 N. b/ ^资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),MissGreylivedinasmallhouseShewasoldanddidnotlikenoiseatallsoshewasverypleasedwhenhernoisyneighbormovedoutAyoungmanmovedinandMissGreythoughtthemanseemedtobequiet, C- u5 _* s  k2 b4 H  w/ Q% ?
- s' W% s. ], J& n正确资料:
4 X! x% ^2 p& ^" X( g: T' h9 n1 R5 r6 c

) [: G* c0 n5 q+ M: h第13题,Onceuponatimetherewasalazypoormanlivinginasmallhousewithspiderwebs蜘蛛网onthewallsandmicerunningaroundPeoplecomingintosuchadirtyplaceandthepoormanwaslonelyandsadeverydayHethoughtitwaspoverty贫困thatledtohisunhappylife
' |  ?  k! E9 A5 O& t, m- LOnedaythepoormandroppedinonawiseoldmanandaskedhimforaboutchanginghislifeTheoldmangavehimabeautifulvase花瓶andsaid“ThisisamagicvasethatwillbringyouhappinessThepoormanlookedatthevasesurprisedlyWhywouldheneedavaseinhispoorhouseHoweverhedidn’twanttosuchabeautifulvasesohebroughtithomeandputitonthetable“It’snotrightforsomethingsobeautifultobe”thepoormanlookedatthevaseandthoughtThenhepickedsomewildflowersandputthemintoitmakingitevenmorebeautifulButhewasstillnotsatisfied“Itisnotgoodforsuchabeautifulthingtostandnexttoaspiderweb”AtthishestartedtodosomecleaninginthehouseandpaintthewallsHishouseturnedintoaplaceimmediatelyThepoormancheeredupHesuddenlyrealizedthatinthepastitwashislazinessthatmadehimpoorandunhappyFromthenonheworkedhardandhislifegotbetterandbetter/ W$ @; ]! k% u9 Q9 Q1 d
1 a1 H. K1 Q/ i: n  i9 m5 a2AserviceBknowledgeCadviceDcareEmoney
. x1 E' e/ V8 S) b9 v" H3 W3AthrowawayBgiveoutCpayforDkeepoffElookafter
& f3 q( R" O. I5 T! o( z) r9 S4AuglyBfullClonelyDdirtyEempty
, a3 x2 b' m* ]( Q4 `/ M' |5AlargeBdarkCstrangeDcomfortableEwild2 L: q' o, w  I: o/ z. D2 `& y
正确资料:0 b  J  M4 k5 C* z2 _

4 o7 f- C* Z, J4 ?+ m! \. ?5 b/ g0 T" A4 s* c4 j
8 ?" N7 E9 e! |% Z$ G) [正确资料:! U5 L" p' z$ \# @

/ V" Z0 t! d$ m& t  K2 L. p5 L  @0 s! Y0 d9 x3 Q' v, h" W6 P
资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),Ifyouhadcomeafewminutesearlieryouwouldhavemethim0 W" W3 b2 Z" K  R) n% v
& Z" m, |/ T/ k) X( Z( A# b8 B3 L4 i  C% W9 P' U$ J, u: o

" \  o( Z4 E  F3 R2 `% z* w3 c  a第16题,Sincesheisnotinterestedinclassicalmusicshedecidednottogototheconcert6 `7 S7 M9 n) Y; v3 @
正确资料:( [4 S: |$ z3 T: G+ \

( b! F5 J7 K/ I" f  I% A  e
' I' q% @* d: l0 ?5 V第17题,Whereverhegoestherearecrowdsofpeoplewaitingtoseehim! R( y! r) r2 s2 O5 X# O
正确资料:+ ~" I% q( L; ?9 k7 a) d5 y/ `# c

; `! K, \' i6 _9 Q% z' U
7 F4 o1 l( Z2 d$ N! q9 c9 X' Y第18题,Althoughwetriedourbesttocalmhershegrewmoreandmoreangry+ n( u: s- m1 u& u& }/ o
: I+ |* r4 L8 l6 }& c6 b3 L% C* _
7 t; V0 S; P# r( s
3 s# F$ U0 r4 n6 Y4 O9 M第19题,Whethertheheadmasterwillcometothemeetingornotisstillnotclear
# _& [& S( n0 V8 e: o. R0 q& G" F正确资料:4 o4 k& j4 ]8 P9 t( {% R) C

3 t$ {8 @; z2 O/ v6 Z& y
9 p  `/ x: Y# k9 I8 @资料来源:谋学网(www.mouxue.com),要求在30分钟内根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文2 `* y$ q, k6 c1 r* k, u2 ~
GettingtoKnowtheWorldOutsidetheCampus; p. d2 X$ C) O, h* C; T# z
+ z/ m% k  k) l2 E2了解社会的途径1 H" h) n" i9 ?  E/ F* _2 d
3我打算怎么做: a$ G6 E8 j& n
正确资料:1 U! v) |6 s+ T1 y) @4 _
, a9 [" c' f2 _) s6 ]9 j! n& H

9 n& J& {  D- q5 c- [0 w
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