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天津大学11春学期《开放英语-1》在线作业一资料 满分

发表于 2011-6-16 15:18:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:90

、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)    得分:90
1.  My cousin doesn't ( ) serious (严肃的) TV programmes on the weekends.A. like watch
B. enjoy watching
C. love watch
正确资料:B      满分:5  分  得分:5
2.  A ). B:Hi. My name's Rose. Are you from London?A. Hello, I'm Paul. What's your name?
B. Hello, who are you? What's your name?
C. Where are you from?
正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
3.  My mother is a doctor. She is ( ) medicine.A. from
B. at
C. in
正确资料:C      满分:5  分  得分:5
4.  ( ) name is Jane. ( ) is from the USA.A. Her, She
B. She's, She
C. Her, Her
正确资料:A      满分:5  分  得分:5
5.  A:What does your father do? B ).A. He is responsible for the central computer system
B. He works with another man
C. He is in the office
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
6.  My husband doesn't ( ), but I like it very much.A. like shopping
B. like shop
C. likes shopping
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
7.  Why is she ( )lunch so early? It's only 10 now.A. having
B. have
C. has    久爱奥鹏网:www.92open.com
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
8.  A ), David? B:An orange juice.A. What do you like
B. What would you like
C. Would you like an orange juice
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
9.  A: ( )? B:Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.A. Do you have any family
B. Where are your father and mother
C. Have you any family
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
10.  Mr Manning ( ) in Paris today and tomorrow.A. work
B. working
C. is working
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
11.  A:Hello. I'm David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: ( ).A. I'm nice, too
B. Fine, thank you
C. Nice to meet you too. I'm Xiaoyan
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
12.  ( )would you like, tea or coffee?A. How
B. Why
C. What  久爱奥鹏网:www.92open.com
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
13.  A:How about seeing a film this evening? B:Yes, ( ).A. that's a good idea
B. please
C. that's right
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
14.  A: ( )? B:She is talking to Mary.A. What is she doing right now
B. What does she do
C. What is she talking about
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
15.  A:How about seeing a film this evening? B:Yes, ( ).A. that's a good idea
B. please   久爱奥鹏网:www.92open.com
C. that's right
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
16.  A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B ).A. Are you? I am fine.
B. Yes, why don't you call them?
C. Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
17.  A )? B:My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse.A. Where are your parents
B. What do your parents do
C. What are your parents doing right now
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
18.  A: ( )? B:She is talking to Mary.A. What is she doing right now
B. What does she do
C. What is she talking about
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
19.  A ), David? B:An orange juice.A. What do you like
B. What would you like
C. Would you like an orange juice
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5
20.  A:What do you do? B: ( ).A. I am washing the dishes now
B. I am a policeman
C. I do my homework
正确资料:      满分:5  分  得分:5



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